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My poster is finished!

This week I put the final touches on my poster for the Sage conference, now its time to finish my paper.  I have been working on my paper in sections throughout the year and have my introduction and methods finished.  Now it’s  time for the meat of the paper, the results and discussion.   It … Continue reading My poster is finished!


For the past couple weeks I have been working on my poster for the Sage Conference.  This is the culmination of all my research over the year and has been a lot of work as I analyze my data.  At the conference I will be presenting along side many of my colleagues who are also … Continue reading POSTER TIME!!!!


Today was a good day!  i went to the greenhouse to water and found five seeds that had germinated.  I was getting a little worried because it had been about three weeks with no change

Field Methods

Today, I am going to take some time to describe what it is I do when I’m out on the island counting trees.  Most days, I have to hike up the mountain to my site where I peel off the road and clime down a cliff to my trees.  Once, I find a tree I … Continue reading Field Methods


I made my last trip up to Lompoc on Friday and finished collecting pine cones!  The groves of Bishop pines I found in Lompoc were much larger than the population on Santa Rosa.  The mainland population also had noticeably larger pine cones and seemed much healthier than the Island population which could signify that mainland conditions … Continue reading CELLECTIONS ARE DONE!!!

Mainland Collections

Although I already finished my collection of pine cones on the island I still have to finish collecting seeds from the mainland population.  This morning I located a pine grove near Lompoc California and started my collection but i have to make one more trip back to get a few more pine cones.  It was … Continue reading Mainland Collections

Census Finished!

Over winter break i mad a seven day trip out to the island and made some huge progress on my research.  Brice and I finished our census of the BIshop pine trees, there were about 2200 trees, and now its time to analyze data.    While I was on the island i also collected seeds from … Continue reading Census Finished!


My next trip out the island isn’t until January and I think I should be able to finish marking the rest of the trees in the first couple days!  Until then the outline for my paper is due so the next week is going to be a grind.  I can’t wait to be done with … Continue reading PAPER TIME!

Break Between Island Trips

I took my last trip out to the island for the year and counted about 200 trees! Now it’s time to research papers and analyze data, so my view went from this   to this

Back on the Island

Well I am back on the island to continue my research and something amazing happened, I found the GPS unit i lost on my last trip with all my data!  This eliminated the hours of recounting the same trees over again and helped get me back on track to have all my data collected by … Continue reading Back on the Island