Apps I appreciate – Part I: Wunderlist

I just distributed iPads to the participants of the Blended Learning Preparation Program at CSU Channel Islands and offered to share the apps that I appreciate most for use in my day-to-day activities, work and teaching.  It just seems to make sense that I share some of these apps on my blog.  So here goes… apps I appreciate part I…. Wunderlist.


The first app I would like to feature is Wunderlist.  If you like making to-do lists, you’ll love this app.  I used to feel like I could not possibly transfer from a hard copy to-do list to a digital one but, Wunderlist just made sense.

Here’s what I love about Wunderlist:

  • It’s cloud based which means I have the Wunderlist app on my phone, iPad and MacBook and it syncs my tasks immediately… it has the same to-dos on all devices.  I always have one of the three with me so I don’t have to worry about whether or not I have that one page to-do list.
  • I organize my to-dos by multiple lists.  As you can see on my sample (pictured below), I have lists for various things and it’s nice to keep the tasks separate. I used to have a list for each class… now I just teach one class I have a list for some of the projects I work with in my job and in my personal life.  Wunderlist recently introduce folders which I have not yet explored but I think I will likely use to separate all of my personal and professional lists.
  • I set tasks to be completed by specific dates and those aggregate to lists under “today” and “week.”
  • I can invite other people to join my task-list and we can write notes to each other about the completion of each task.
  • Within each task, there’s a lot that can be personalized — a due date and reminder can be added (I’ve used both of these), a subtask can be created, notes can be made about the task and comments or attachments can be included.
  • When I complete a task, Wunderlist has a glorious ding that feels so good to hear.  It’s even better than crossing off the item on a hard copy to-do list. 😉

I haven’t even used all of Wunderlist’s functionality since I don’t do a whole lot of collaborating but the communication pieces (e.g. commenting on tasks) seem really cool.

Let me know if you have any questions or anything to share about this app that you like/dislike. 🙂
