Technology in my classroom

My classroom isn’t the most technologically advanced, but we do what we can.  We share a Chromebook cart with another classroom and try to get the students on it as often as possible.  We use Google Classroom and Google Drive for assignments whenever possible and play on a wide variety of other websites to enhance learning.  This week, we even participated in the “Hour of Code” event, which my kids loved.

In this day and age, the push for technology in the classroom is constantly in the news.  But I’ve also learned that there are times that it cannot replace traditional methods of learning, such as reading a good book.  We recently finished reading Where the Red Fern Grows.  We did complete at number of technology projects during the book, but nothing can replace turning the pages of the book and face-to-face discussions over the sensitive material in the book.

As I transition from student teacher to having my own classroom, I hope to be able to balance using technology with traditional learning methods so that students are fully exposed to a variety of ways to learn.

Learning #EdTech

Before last month, I was adamant against Twitter and hashtags.  I didn’t understand why I might need Twitter when I already use Facebook and Instagram religiously.  Another social media app seems redundant.  Having a class require Twitter usage made me briefly consider dropping the class.  What exactly could it provide that FB and IG don’t? Twitter and I began with a Love/Hate relationship.  But over time, I have come to embrace it.  While I use FB and IG for my personal life, I am developing Twitter exclusively for academic reasons. Through Twitter, I am connecting to educators around the world.  Their opinions and the articles they share are providing me with a much more well-rounded view of the many spokes of the academic community.  While I may not always (often) agree with the point of view of the people and organizations that I am following on Twitter, the food-for-thought that they give me allows me further evaluate by beliefs.

For Today,



Hello World!

I think I’m starting to figure out how to make my website work! Yea!