Rare Bipartisanship on Oil Regulation

Wow!  I guess dreams really do come true.  At least when it comes to critiquing federal agencies in the wake of an oil spill.  And when the agency that has been understaff and under-resourced bears some of the blame for an oil spill, you bet that we can all get on board the you are to blame train.  As in it was you and not it was us (aka the folks who give you mandates without the funding to carry them through).

PHMSA Web Page 07-14-15

You can read about the all-too-rare-these-days bipartisan critique of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration here.

The Ventura County Star‘s Kevin Freking and Michael Blood have a good piece on this unified front this afternoon:

An agency that oversees the safety of the nation’s pipelines has failed to follow through on congressional reforms that could have made a difference in a May break that created the largest coastal oil spill in California in 25 years, a House committee chairman said Tuesday.

In a rare display of agreement on Capitol Hill, Republicans and Democrats on the Energy and Power Subcommittee expressed frustration with inaction by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, which has yet to complete more than a dozen requirements outlined in a 2011 federal law.

Among the unfinished work was revising regulations to establish specific time periods for notification of authorities after an accident.

The owner of the California line, Plains All American Pipeline, has been criticized for taking about 90 minutes to alert federal responders after confirming the spill near Santa Barbara.

“Some of these provisions I am convinced would have made a difference in the recent oil spill in Santa Barbara had they been implemented in a timely manner,” said Rep. Fred Upton, a Michigan Republican who chairs the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.

Other incomplete requirements include issuing regulations on shut-off valves for new lines that can quickly stop the flow of gas or oil in an accident and regulations that would require leak detection systems on hazardous liquid pipelines and establish leak-detection standards, according to the committee.

The agency has completed 26 of 42 reforms from the 2011 law, but the California spill has given new urgency to questions about the agency’s effectiveness and its progress on the remaining 16 requirements…

…Records filed by Santa Barbara County indicate that firefighters who arrived at the scene just before noon on May 19 quickly recognized that some sort of leak or spill had occurred. Crude was gushing from a bluff like a fire hose “without a nozzle,” the records said.However, company employees at the scene did not confirm a leak until about 1:30 p.m., and it would be nearly 3 p.m. before the company would contact the response center. By then, the federal response led by the Coast Guard was underway.

At the hearing, Democratic Rep. Frank Pallone of New Jersey told the agency’s interim executive director, Stacy Cummings, that he was “deeply concerned about PMHSA’s ability to carry out its mission.”

Cummings said the agency was making progress on the remaining regulations, but she did not give lawmakers a detailed timeline for completion.

“We share your concern and sense of urgency,” she told lawmakers.

Cummings said the pipeline near Santa Barbara will remain shut until the cause of the break is determined and any other risks are fixed, and that any lessons from the spill will be incorporated into policies to prevent future accidents.

New federal funding should allow the agency to boost staffing for safety inspections and accident investigations, she said.

“We are committed to quadrupling our efforts so that Americans can be confident that PHMSA is protecting people and the environment,” Cummings said.

If you are curious as to the PHMSA’s arguments to congress, those are not yet posted on their website (only testimony up through 2014 is posted…I guess we call that budget cuts again?) so good luck on that front.  Same goes for the Congressional Subcommittee doing all this critiquing: no recent records on the testimony or situation in Santa Barbara County.  But I suspect those comments will be up shortly here.

KVTA July 7 Interview

KVTA Morning Show pic

This past Monday, I returned to the KVTA Morning show with Tom Spence and Rich Gualano to discuss the past month in our Refugio Oil Spill saga.  We discuss the evidence that pipeline oil spanned at least three counties, the problem with a lack of access in the early part of the spill timeline, and the impacts to ecosystem elements.


Exxon: Drive rather than Pipe

McCormix Oil Tanker TruckOne of the many policy consequences of the 1969 Santa Barbara Oil was a strong regulator of oil drilling and transportation at the county level in Santa Barbara County.  Santa Barbara County’s Planning and Development Department’s powerful Energy Division is an amazingly strong office with a suite of powerful permitting and oversight tools across oil and gas production in the county.  This office directly emerged from the fallout of the 1969 spill.  Moreover, the heightened concern that the 1969 spill brought to us all merged with numerous other concerns in the 1970s:

  • growing awareness of the importance of the Santa Barbara Channel as an amazingly diverse migratory corridor for virtually all of the large whales that live in the eastern Pacific
  • very high numbers/rate of tanker traffic in and around the Santa Barbara Channel
  • the acknowledgement that pipelines (despite their known risks and the fact no transportation mode is perfect) are the safest method to move gases and liquids in the U.S.

These swirling forces resulted in terrestrial pipelines being the mode of choice for the crude produced in the Santa Barbara Channel and various pipelines being created or adding on additional spurs throughout the 1980s, creating the pipeline network that we have now.  This brings crude from coastal collection/distribution facilities to refineries in Santa Barbara and Kern Counties.  See the map and detail below:

Oil and gas facilities across Santa Barbara (and extreme western Ventura and southern San Luis Obispo Counties).

Oil and gas facilities across Santa Barbara (and extreme western Ventura and southern San Luis Obispo Counties). Source: Santa Barbara County Planning Division.

Detail of above map.

Detail of above map.

So our moving of crude via pipelines has reduced the risk of a maritime spill, but made us dependent on (effectively) a “single lane” highway for crude: the All American Coastal Pipeline.  Obviously that is now down thanks to the May 19th break of trunk 901.  In the week following the spill, an essentially identical trunk line (903) that brings crude to Kern County was deactivated over concerns that a similar break was possible given identical maintenance records, similar pipeline thinning, etc.  This seems prudent given all the concerns about insufficient maintenance/oversight and all the hallmarks of what will be a huge political theater of a legal investigation.  This has driven local production wells to be greatly staunched.  Wellheads feeding into the Plains pipeline have been slowed to about a quarter of their normal flow rates.  Currently that oil is being stored in the onshore facility (Las Flores Canyon, just to the right of the Refugio pipeline break in the above figures) very close to the break at Refugio.  But even at this reduced production level, we will run out of onsite storage within 10-14 days.

This all brings us to yesterday when Exxon petitioned that ol’ Energy division at County Planning for permission to start trucking oil.  And we are talking a lot of trucks.  As in 192 more truck trips per day on the Gaviota stretch of the 101.  As the LA Times is reporting this morning:

The company told Santa Barbara County officials Thursday that it wants to send a fleet of 5,000-gallon tanker trucks along U.S. 101 at a frequency of eight trucks per hour, 24 hours a day, every day, said Kevin Drude, the head of the county’s energy division.

“They are totally pinched off right now,” Drude said. “The only way out of the county is through that pipeline network.”

This will proceed until the pipeline can both be fixed AND certified for routine operation.  The current estimate is months.  Good luck with that, by the way.

Not to digress into other PIRatE Lab research, but we can add to the list of impacts from this spill all the increased road kill that will spin-up out of this increased trucking efforts.  Large trucks such as these crude tankers are the least nimble vehicles out there and are much more likely to kill large wildlife.  So while this may be inevitable given the options on the table, increased road-associated mortality is going to happen.  This should be an additional factor in the mix added to the actual impact of this spill.  My lab can actually estimate the amount of increased animal kill rates from this increased traffic…although we are still on the beach at the moment covered in tar balls.  Stay tuned.

Road kill badger Hueneme Road 10-11-09c

American badger kiled by vehicles on Hueneme Road in Ventura County’s Oxnard Plain. October 11, 2009. More vehicle trips = more animals killed.

It keeps coming…

Now we are seeing additional tar balls in Long Beach (in southern Los Angeles County).

This tarring pattern has become all too familiar.  We think we are done with the oil “rain,” then we get a highly patchy deposition event which tars beaches with moderate to light tar balls (and occasionally an oil sheen).  The event produces a highly variable deposition over several miles of coastline.  In turn, this leads some of the public who happened upon a relatively high concentration of tar balls  to say “oh my God, there is so much tar here compared to what we normally see here…this is horrible” and others who happen upon a low or non-existent level of tar say “oh my God, this is nothing and totally overblown…this is such a manufactured crisis.”  The Joint Incident Command will issue a press release saying it will take a long-time to chemically fingerprint the oil (see my previous post), but they will treat it as related to the Refugio oil spill until they get evidence otherwise.  They will then send in a bunch of contractors to walk the beach/pick-up the tar.

We saw this happen in southern Santa Barbara County.  Then northern Los Angeles County (the mid Santa Monica Bay/South Bay Cities).  Then Ventura County.  Then along the Malibu Coast…and now southern Los Angeles County.  If this petroleum is not pipeline oil, it is an amazing coincidence.

As of four hours ago, the LA Times is reporting:

Four miles of Long Beach coast closed after tar balls wash ashore

A four-mile stretch of the coast in Long Beach was closed Wednesday evening after tar balls washed ashore, threatening the safety of beachgoers, authorities said.

The small pieces of tar began spotting the sand earlier in the day between 1st Place and 72nd Place, said city fire department spokesman Jake Heflin.

Cleanup crews are working to remove the tar, he said.

The U.S. Coast Guard has collected samples of the tar balls for testing, which will help pinpoint the source of the petroleum product. Officials said there was no sign that the tar balls came from operations by the Long Beach Gas and Oil Department.

Laboratory testing will help investigators determine whether the tar traveled from Santa Barbara County, where a May 19 oil spill released as much as 101,000 gallons of crude. An estimated 21,000 gallons of oil spewed into the Pacific.

In recent days, tar balls have washed ashore in Ventura County, Malibu and the South Bay, where a nearly eight-mile section of the beach was closed for three days last week.

Long Beach city officials have advised people to stay away from beaches, cautioning that the tar may irritate skin or cause longterm health effects.

Pathos And The Mounting Pressure To Do Something

Facebook posting of dead dolphin in Ventura in the wake of the Refugio Oil Spill.

Facebook posting of dead dolphin in Ventura in the wake of the Refugio Oil Spill.

The media and public are apparently getting more and more worried about marine mammals and birds fouled or killed by oil spilled from the May 19 pipeline break.  At least part of this current worry can be traced to pictures that began showing up on Facebook late last week of heavily oiled dolphins (or at least one or two) near Ventura State Beach and the constant drip, drip of implied or direct accusations of ineptness, delay, or other failings of the response.  Now the Santa Barbara Independent is reporting that the recorded mammal deaths rose sharply by Monday June 1:

On Monday alone, responders organized by the California Department of Fish & Wildlife and the Oiled Wildlife Care Network recovered the bodies of 30 dead sea birds (mostly brown pelicans) and 13 marine mammals (mostly sea lions).  Five oiled birds and two mammals were found alive.

Since May 19, nine dead dolphins — some with mouths full of tar — have washed onto South Coast beaches.  A total of 45 mammals and 80 birds have been found dead in the last two weeks. Of the 57 live birds and 38 mammals rescued, eight birds and seven mammals died in care.  Body counts for fish, crustaceans, and other types of intertidal animals were not immediately available.

Total Birds 137
Birds recovered: live 57
Birds recovered: dead 80
Total Mammals 82
Mammals affected: live 38
Mammals dead 45

Conspicuous vertebrates impacted by the Refugio Oil Spill. Data from May 19-June 1, 2015. Source: Joint Incident Command.


Dolphin kill that washed up in Ventura in the wake of the May 19, 2015 Refugio Oil Spill.  Image source: Naples News.

Dolphin kill that washed up in Ventura in the wake of the May 19, 2015 Refugio Oil Spill. Image source: Naples News.

To be sure this spill has impacted and undoubtedly will be impacting many more conspicuous marine vertebrates in the days to come.  We should be counting these impacts, working to minimize further impacts, and (post clean-up) restoring these systems.  With every picture and data point, the pressure to do something can seem tremendous.  We all feel this.  But rushing to judgement as to what happened, while understandable, rarely produces the best possible policy response.

A pelican covered in oil sits on a beach about a mile west of Refugio State Beach, Calif., Wednesday, May 20, 2015. A broken onshore pipeline spewed oil down a storm drain and into the ocean for several hours Tuesday before it was shut off. (Kenneth Song/The News-Press via AP) MANDATORY CREDIT; SANTA MARIA TIMES OUT

A pelican covered in oil sits on a beach about a mile west of Refugio State Beach, Calif., Wednesday, May 20, 2015. Image: Kenneth Song/The News-Press via AP.

Clearly those in the media spotlight (e.g. Plains All American, the Joint Incident Command) seek to tamp down speculation and minimize the hit to their public image.  On the other side, advocates for reduced dependence on oil or who dislike their homes and businesses being spoiled by hydrocarbons see this as their opportunity to strike while the iron is hot.  The environmental community is particularly charged up by this event and see this immediate post-spill period as a key time to make progress against increased drilling and a carbon-intensive economy.  It is important to understand that this spill comes in the wake of the defeat of the anti-oil constituency’s anti-fracking ballot Measure P by what was widely viewed as “outside money” from the oil industry in last November’s Santa Barbara County elections.  This spill only added insult to injury in the minds of many environmental activists in Santa Barbara County and has sparked a renewed interest in getting something done.

While the inevitable political jockeying and positioning has begun, of particular note is movement by political leaders to respond to this spill.  As noted by Henry Dubroff in last week’s Pacific Coast Business Times:

Political fortunes will rise or fall based on what happens.  California Attorney General Kamela Harris is running to replace Barbara Boxer in the U.S. Senate and her investigation into the Refugio disaster could boost her cred with green voters.  Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, a most ambitious politician, casts one of the three votes on the state lands commission.  In the race to replace retiring U.S. Rep. Lois Capps, a Santa Barbara Democrat and staunch environmentalist, the impact of the Refugio spill will loom very large.

To this we can add a rush by our local representatives to do something in the legislative arena as quickly as possible.  The Ventura County Star reports as on late Tuesday afternoon:

“If we do nothing, and then something happens again, then shame on us,” said Sen. Hannah-Beth Jackson, D-Santa Barbara.

Jackson said she will submit legislation designed to beef up the state’s pipeline inspections and also to empower local fishermen to quickly respond to marine oil spills.

Assemblyman Das Williams, D-Carpinteria, will propose a bill to require all oil pipelines in offshore or near-shore areas be equipped with automatic shut-off valves, which the Plains All American Pipeline’s facility did not have.

“From what I know of the gap in time from when they knew something about the spill and when the cleanup began, I think it’s safe to say an automatic shut-off valve would have reduced the scale of the spill,” he said.

Because it is well past the deadline for introducing new bills in the Legislature this year, Jackson and Williams intend to strip the language from existing bills and amend them to include their oil spill-related proposals.

Jackson noted that it took six hours for boats from Los Angeles dispatched by the state Office of Oil Spill Prevention and Response to arrive in Santa Barbara. Had the crews of local fishing boats been trained and equipped, she said, they could have responded much more quickly to begin the cleanup.

The proposal is modeled after a program already in place in Alaska.

“Nobody knows the oceans, the currents or the winds better than fishermen. They’re anxious to help,” she said. “The earlier you can respond to a problem, the less likely it is to spread.”

Although the details have not been developed, Jackson said she envisions having state hazardous materials experts train willing fishermen to become volunteer responders.

I’m all for change and doing things better.  God knows we can improve on many, many fronts.  But I would hope we do this armed with facts and not an overly worried sense of urgency stemming from appeals to pathos.  There is much more to the story than those charismatic critters.  Amongst other things, I would hope for an improved monitoring network of ecological and social systems, cheaper and more portable/rapidly deployable response systems such as the ROV technology we are developing in my lab, etc.  Only time will tell how this all turns out.  But one things is for sure; the more oiled dolphins we see, the less of a reasoned approach we all will take.

KVTA Oil Spill Interview

Grunion & Sand Crabs in harms way

There are many critters particularly at risk with this oil spill.  While our historic worry/focus has been on our rocky intertidal communities and on warm fuzzies (such as these cute marine mammals and endangered sand-nesting birds), other critters are at risk too.  In particular the animals dwelling in the swash zone of our sandy beaches.  What I am most worried about here are the sand crabs (Emerita analoga) that are the food for a huge number of beach-dwelling birds and animals and our California grunion (Leuresthes tenuis).

Large sand crab carapace in the fresh tar line at Oxnard Shores, Ventura County on May 30, 2015.

Large sand crab carapace in the fresh tar line at Oxnard Shores, Ventura County on May 30, 2015.

Sand crabs make their living migrating up and down the beach with the tides (they live in the sand, sticking up their food-collectors to harvest their planktonic food and the waves wash over their sand-home), keeping themselves right at the swash zone where the waves hit.  That’s right where all these tarballs are washing up.  As of yesterday, we have been finding dead sand crabs in amongst the freshest wave of tarballs arriving on our beaches in Ventura County.

It is too early to say if we are seeing a significant mortality event within our sand crab population, but it is concerning that we are seeing so many dead guys (not mere cast-off exoskeletons or dead juveniles).


Given the fact that sand crab numbers have been low this year prior to the onset of the pipeline break/oil spill, any tar-induced mortality might prove harmful to the population and sandy beach community overall.  The bright side of this is that these are resilient and highly variable populations and we may see no effect.

A grunion run near Cabrillo Aquarium in Los Angeles, CA.  Image: CBS News

A grunion run near Cabrillo Aquarium in Los Angeles, CA. Image: CBS News


When it comes to California grunion, the worry is that we are in peak spawning time.  These amazing fish swim up to the beach at night to lay their eggs before rolling and flopping back into the water.  Their eggs chill out in the sand until they are ready to hatch with the next series of high tides.


Both sand crabs and grunion are vulnerable to both the toxic oil and the clean-up process alike.  Simply skimming the oil off the very uppermost surface of the sand is not an issue, but digging into the sand translates into possibly digging into these guys and killing them.  Clean-up crews need to be as careful as is reasonable.

See this e-mail from our queen grunion champion Dr. Karen Martin:

Whatever their source may be, these tar balls have the potential to impact beach and nearshore animals and plants, including the California Grunion…

[the impacted areas] are known spawning locations for the California Grunion, an endemic, iconic marine species. Any eggs still on shore this weekend are ready to hatch and likely to emerge during the high tides at night over the past and next few days. However, the tar balls in the intertidal zone are very nearly in the location of the band of buried grunion eggs.

With all appropriate  human safety precautions, when cleaning the beaches, it is important to leave the sand as undisturbed as possible if the contamination is only at the surface. The best practice seems to be gentle manual removal of the surface petroleum, with flat shovels or hand rakes. Some people are using cat-litter scoops.

We are still in the midst of the peak spawning season for the California Grunion. The full moon Tuesday June 2 will be followed by nights with potential runs on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Grunion usually spawn multiple times over their lifespans. It is rare that they die during spawning runs. If you do see an unusual mortality event, please let me know as soon as possible…

…Please recall that after this week the nests of eggs will be present on shore for the following two weeks. Keeping vehicles and other forms of disturbance above the high tide line of Tuesday’s highest tide is the best way to protect them.

Thanks for your care of our beaches and natural resources during this difficult time.


More Beaches Closed!

Oil clean-up crews at Haskells Beach mid-morning May 29. 2015

Oil clean-up crews at Haskells Beach mid-morning May 29. 2015

Holy cow!  It has been a crazy day.  One of our teams sampling Haskell’s Beach (near the Bacara Resort) north Coal Oil Point was basically given the boot.  Various clean-up teams are now sweeping the beaches from El Capitan to Goleta and the Incident Command has now shut down public access to all of those beaches. This is a huge expansion of the closure area and seems to confirm our concerns beginning mid last week that much of the oil arriving to beaches down to Coal Oil Point was indeed pipeline crude and not merely regular, background tar seep deposition.

While one of our teams checking Carpinteria found nothing particularly abnormal about the tar balls there at 4pm today, we now have reports of dime-to-baseball sized tar balls washing up on several of our monitoring beaches here in our own backyards in Ventura County.  It is unclear if this is related to the spill, but we RARELY IF EVER get this kind of tarring on these beaches.  This is certainly an unusual event and seems very suspicious.  We need to have the fingerprinting of the oil to confirm but at a minimum, this is very weird.

Here is a quick video by Paul Spaur summarizing the goings on before the beach was closed:


We will post more when we know more.

Newly boomed off sandy beach edge at Haskell's Beach May 29, 2015

More boom, less people. Newly boomed off sandy beach edge at Haskell’s Beach May 29, 2015

From the LA Times about 15 minutes ago:

The cleanup response to the oil spill that fouled miles of beaches along the Santa Barbara County coast will now extend to Ventura County, where tar balls have been spotted on beaches, officials said Friday.

The pipeline’s owners said it will dispatch cleanup contractors to Hollywood, McGrath and San Buenaventura beaches in Ventura County, though federal authorities have not confirmed whether the oil there is from the spill.

“Until we know more, we will act as if it is related to our incident,” said Rick McMichael, senior director of operations at Plains All American Pipeline, which operates the pipeline.

read the full story on the LA Times website.

Workers continue to clean the shoreline at Refugio State Beach in Santa Barbara County after a crude oil pipeline ruptured on May 19, spilling thousands of gallons into the ocean. Photo: Genaro Molina / Los Angeles Times

Workers continue to clean the shoreline at Refugio State Beach in Santa Barbara County after a crude oil pipeline ruptured on May 19, spilling thousands of gallons into the ocean. Photo: Genaro Molina / Los Angeles Times














From the Ventura County Star Website:

By Friday afternoon, crews were cleaning up tar balls at San Buenaventura and McGrath.

Two beaches north of Santa Barbara, also in the Channel Coast district, were closed last week after an estimated 21,000 gallons of oil spilled into the ocean off Refugio State Beach. There’s no indication the tar balls on the Ventura beaches were related to that spill nearly 50 miles away. But officials don’t know where they came from at this point.

“An initial analysis came back inconclusive as to what the source is,” said Kevin McGowan, manager of the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Services. The Emergency Operations Center has been activated to support the investigation and cleanup efforts.

McGowan was with a team early Friday checking out the sites where the oil was reported.

“They range from the size of a dime or a quarter to a dinner plate,” he said. “Stretches (of the tar balls) span anywhere from 10 to 50 feet long.”

No closures were reported Friday afternoon.

“There doesn’t appear to be a significant threat to public health or wildlife in Ventura County at this point,” said Chris Stephens, the county’s resource management director. “Our goal at this point is to find the oil, remove it and mitigate any environmental impact it may have caused.”

Those responding to Ventura-area beaches Friday would assess whether the tar balls need to be cleaned up. County officials said cleanup teams had been deployed to the area.

A fly-over of the ocean done as part of the cleanup efforts of the Santa Barbara County oil spill was expected to include the Ventura County area Friday. McGowan said he had not yet heard the results from Unified Command, but so far, there were no reports of oil in the water off the Ventura coast.

Earlier this week, a 7-mile stretch of coastline along Santa Monica Bay was closed after globs of oily goo washed ashore. Officials said the area might reopen Friday after a two-day cleanup effort.


Update: 6:30pm

My students are reporting lots and lots of small to medium-sized tar balls washing up on western Ventura County Beaches.  These tar balls are dense enough to begin forming a line of tar at the strand / high tide line.  We are also seeing dead sand crabs (one of the foci of our sandy beach work and a keystone species for sandy beach ecology) intermixed at this tar sand line at McGrath State Beach and Emma Wood State Beach.

McGrath tar ball stand line on May 29, 2015.

McGrath tar ball stand line on May 29, 2015.














Dead sand crabs (Emerita analoga) at McGrath State Beach tar ball stand line which formed on May 29, 2015.

Dead sand crabs (Emerita analoga) at McGrath State Beach tar ball stand line which formed on May 29, 2015.
























McGrath tar ball stand line on May 29, 2015.

McGrath tar ball stand line on May 29, 2015.

McGrath tar ball stand line 05-29-15b

>10cm wide tar ball at McGrath State Beach tar ball stand line on May 29, 2015.

EmmaWood tar ball stand line 05-29-15c

Tar ball strand line at McGrath State Beach in Ventura, CA on May 29, 2015.

Feds order pipeline company to clean up SB coastline & Investors React

Federal authorities on Wednesday issued a cleanup order to the company whose underground pipeline last week spilled thousands of gallons of crude oil into the Pacific Ocean and marred several miles of Santa Barbara County coastline.

“Our action today is to make sure the oil response work continues until the Santa Barbara County coastline is restored,” Jared Blumenfeld, administrator for the U.S. EPA’s Pacific Southwest region, said in a news release.

The order from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Coast Guard requires Plains All American Pipeline, which owns and operates the pipeline, to continue its cleanup work on land, on the beach and in the ocean. It further orders the company to clean up all remaining contamination and to contain the oil to ensure no more crude is released into the environment.

The order also establishes time lines and cleanup requirements under the federal Clean Water Act. Federal officials say the move will ensure a prompt and thorough restoration of ocean waters and shoreline fouled by the May 19 spill near Refugio State Beach.

By June 6, the company must submit a work plan and detail how it will sample the air, water, rocks and soil, the order says.

The action comes as an ongoing cleanup operation has swelled to nearly 1,000 people, including federal and state employees, environmental contractors hired by Plains and trained volunteers.

Plains on Wednesday also continued a slow-moving excavation of the soil around the section of pipe that broke, action required under a separate order issued Friday by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration. That order forces the company to remove the portion of pipeline for testing to determine what caused the spill and the condition of the pipe when it failed.

The latest order comes two days after Plains said it will also investigate the integrity of pipeline at four other locations along Line 901. The pipe transports crude oil 11 miles from Floras to Gaviota and then to refineries throughout Southern California.

The spill released as much as 101,000 gallons of crude from the pipeline, according to the company. An estimated 21,000 gallons of oil flowed downhill from the spill site through a culvert and into the Pacific.

Source: Feds order pipeline company to clean up Santa Barbara coastline – LA Times



Investors are starting to take note as well and the industry is starting a strong pushback against the LA Times story.  See this story from the Houston Business Journal:

Plains All American Pipeline LP’s safety record factors into investor reaction to oil spill

Plains All American Pipeline LP has had to defend its safety record to a public concerned with the environmental impacts of its oil spill resulting from a pipeline rupture off the coast of California, but investors are watching too.

The price per share of Plains All American LP (NYSE: PAA) stock has slipped ever since the fiasco began, but up until now, much of that trading can be attributed to retail investors who tend to be more reactionary and a bit less sophisticated, said Sunil Sibal, director and master limited partnership analyst at New Orleans-based Global Hunter Securities LLC.

Safety records matter in that they can indicate more intrinsic problems than any isolated incident, but Sibal is fairly confident of Plains’ capabilities.

There was much media fanfare over the fact that Plains’ ranked fifth in the number of incidents or infractions reported to thePipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration, which has a database of roughly 1,700 pipeline operators, the LA Times reported.

Plains spokesman Patrick Hodgins has since come out and defended its record to media by reiterating that Plains is one of the largest midstream operators in the nation, and operates substantially more pipeline than many other companies in the PHMSA database.


Oil Spill Devastates CA Coast: HuffPost Live

Sean on Huffpost Live 05-22-15I was on Huffington Post Live this afternoon.  I wasn’t able to finish my thought (Real Housewives were apparently on deck), but if I had, I would have noted that our clean-up technology hasn’t kept pace with our drilling/extraction technology.  And that you can have all the regulations you like, but it is the government that needs to be there in person for the inspections and enforcement side of the equation.  When you chronically underfund agencies, there simply isn’t the person power for inspections.

Yeah, should have said that more succinctly.

This segment covers pipeline regulations, tourism perspectives, and has brief update from US Coast Guard (the indecent command lead)…in addition to my ramblings about use of the coast and ecological impacts.

HuffPost Live is a live-streaming network that attempts to create the most social video experience possible. Viewers are invited to join discussions live as on-air guests. Topics range from politics to pop culture.

Source: Oil Spill Devastates California Coast