
11/23/16 capstone 499

I’m documenting the creation of the new list of elements for Kartick. I chose to create the items used to restrain elephants. My last assignment was to redesign a Pele bubble head, the creation of a bubble head figure. The past week I was working in the borders of the book. So this week I wanted to work on something different, I decided to work on the elements this time. I was provided an image attachment on Gorge email. From that image I had to choose 3 elements that I wanted to illustrate. I chose two spear like items, and a bear trap like object.
Below is a sample image of the elements I’ve created for this week:


11/17/16 CAPSTONE 499

The illustration of Pele need it some small changes according to Gorge. He suggested to showcase more Pele smile because is one of his most iconic attributes, he said. Also to increase the size of the world cup trophy. The element that Pele is holding should be more prominent because a t the end is just a cartoon like illustration. I incensed the element size much more that it was originally. For the increment of size a adjustment to the posture and gesture of the hand movement need it to be adjusted. I modify the hand position to seem more realistic as holding the trophy.

Below is a sample of the illustration’s modification:


11/14/16 CAPSTONE 499

Today I made some adjustment to the border illustration for Terry Fox. The illustration consisted in a consecutive repetition of Canadian flags to create a page border. The problems or inconsistency was in the corners of the border. The spacing was a little bit off, also there was a little more of negative space. My solution was to add a extra flag in every single corner and make spacing the same between each flag. The illustration was posted on trello already.

Below is a sample of the fix illustration:


Richard's Capstone Blog // Fall 2016 2016-11-13 06:43:24

We have made a lot of progress with our Active Planet Kids project. I have created backgrounds for the Terry Fox and Pelé sections of their summer fit workbook. For terry fox I created a background that was inspired by a photograph from when Terry was running the marathon of hope. Another background was of a building from the university that he attended. A background of a basketball was also included because he was part of a wheelchair basketball team, where he won three national titles. For Pelé I created a background of two different soccer fields, and of the Buckingham Palace where he received honorary knighthood. pele_background1






For the graft group we have created an identity package, which includes business card, envelope, and letter head designs. We are going to be sending our the final files to Sam. biking_businesscard3




The Channel Eye-lands club really liked our logo design and we have created a banner design that they can use for club events. I have also sent them files of the logo prepared to be printed for t-shirts.

The line lackeys club logo design project is coming to a close, we will be making one more final revision based off of the feedback we received.

For Driffill we have been working on designing the spirit/graduation shirts, banner design, and brochure. We have sent her our drafts and are still waiting on feedback for some of the work. I worked on the graduation shirts and I wanted to take existing typography and make it something special. The font was edited to make the letters look fluid and three dimensional.


11/11/16 CAPSTONE 499

The adjustments to Pele’s illustration were made today. I try to make the illustration more Pele like, because I got some feedback saying that was a little too much Obama. I try to make the illustration more youthful. I create two more illustrations. The first one is Pele holding the world cup. The second one is him playing on the soccer field with the old soccer ball. I poster my draft on Trello where my teammates are going to provide me with some feedback. I also updated the border displaying the Canadian flag for Terry Fox bubble head. I play with the spacing on the corners so is not all blank and with negative space.

Bellow is a sample of the illustration of Pele:



11/08/16 CAPSTONE 499

As everyday we texted between each other to make sure we are all up to date with the emails from our clients. One of our clients gave us really good feedback from out work, (George). He also asked us to redesign a Pele illustration for him because the one he had was only half of the body. He also wanted to showcase a old version of the soccer ball use in the world cup. I decided to jump into designing this because this time I was only doing the borders for the pages. Today I finished and posted my Pele illustration in Trello. The initial feedback from my teammates was really good, I hope it does not look too similar to Obama. I’ll made some adjustments if necessary. Also George was only asking to recreate the body of Pele, that is why I only design one pose for this bubble head persona. I think I’ll be asked to developed more poses after.

Below is a sample of my illustration of Pele:


11/04/16 CAPSTONE 499

Today I finished the borders for Terry Fox, I decided to made the first one out of the Canadian flag because he was from that country. The second one is of course, the shoes he worn for his marathons. The shoes were a good part of running addias. The third one and last one was the iconic finish line banner. A repetitions of the elements was what formed the border of the page. Also I revised The poster for Professor Perchuck. I ended up adding the speker work images in color and the picture of the speaker in black and white, that way the work itself has more presence on the sign. After my submission to Trello, my teammates made some suggestions for my border displaying the Canadian flag. The original border has the flag turn in an angle , they told me to made the border more simple and with a same separation between each flag.

Bellow is a sample of the borders and the revision to professor Perchuck’s poster:

terry-fox-01-01 terry-fox-01-02 terry-fox-01-03screen-shot-2016-11-09-at-8-58-00-pm


11/01/16 CAPSTONE 499

In this post I have the illustration of the poster #3 for professor Perchuck. After posting my first draft of Trello, my team mates gave some feedback saying that I should made some minor changes. One of the most relevant changes was too create two version of the poster on color and one black and white. The preseason for this is because the images provided are too colorful and is difficult to made it serious and old with those cartoony colorful images. I made the required changes to my poster and i ended up having the 2 versions completed today. The idea is to let Perchuck decided which version should go the best with the lecture series. After her decision I’ll cover the image to a .JPG 300 dpi quality to get it ready for print and distribution. Also I modify one of my backgrounds for Dalai Lama. I added the lotus temple to make it more realistic India feel.
Below is a sample of the 2 version posters for the Professor and the new backgound modification with the Lotus Temple:


10/31/16 CAPSTONE 499

Today finished my elements for the bubble head Pele for active planet kids. I made a total of 5 illustrations, showcasing 5 different objects that Pele has use / won in his life as a professional soccer player. The first one is the soccer world cup of course, I try to me it realistic but at the not too photography, a right combination of vector art and texture. The second one was a soccer ball, a decided to add some dirt to show that he plays a lot and practice a lot to get to the place he is. The third element was a flag of Brazil where he lives and play most of the time, I added some movement to the flag to make it a little more dynamic, I also added some texture and a wooden pole. The forth element is a sign by him t-shirt “Pele 10” is an iconic item, it was the one he use to win the world cup. The last five elements was a pair of soccer shoes that he also use and sign, I added some dirt to them as well to imply that are use too much to practice an play games with them.
Below is a sample image of the 5 elements:


10/28/16 CAPSTONE 499

After finally receiving a repose for Professor Perchuck, we have the necessary information to start the other poster, I was assigned to do the poster because I have been doing the other past two so far. The images for this poster are too colorful and it has been very difficult to make it look serious and medieval. I decided to do a photomontage with the 4 images, and a black background and granite texture to make it more serious looking. I posted my first draft on Trello to get some feedback from my classmates, I personally thing i need to find another way to show these colorful and funny images in a more serious and scholarly look.
Bellow is a sample the fist draft i have done so far:
