
10/12/16 CAPSTONE 499

Today I started working on the new libraries for the other bubble head already in existence. We as a team decided and assigned the next elements to be done for Gorge active planet kids book. I am going to work next in Abraham Lincoln elements. I am going to start doing the backgrounds for him. I decided to made more complex background and satay a little bit out of the generic ones like the ones I have done so far. By doing this will extend the time i work on each one but I believe is better to spend more time in something more unique an impressive than do something generic and boring really fast. My backgrounds for this specific person will be more detailed and will have more close related elements to the individual. I did not do this for the other backgrounds because I though the backgrounds needed to be generic so they can be applies to any of the other bubble head people. I will re design my other backgrounds for Rodney Mullen to be more related to him.

Below is a sample of my new background style for Abraham Lincoln:


Richard's Capstone Blog // Fall 2016 2016-10-11 06:36:27

fullsizerenderToday I have been working on sketching out new ideas for Driffill Elementary’s spirit and graduation shirt designs. For the spirit shirts I wanted to incorporate one of their well known chants “we are loud, we are proud, we are rams”. I tried to incorporate that into the spirit shirt designs, because it reflects the schools pride. I’m leaning more towards the look of the 4th design sketch. I also created sketches for graduation t-shirt designs, that will be used next year. We will be posting up all of our sketches on trello for a group critique.

We got some great feedback from Graft Group owner Today, for our three website logo designs. We will be working on the logos some more, taking his suggestions into consideration. We plan keep refining the logos and have them ready for critique on Wednesday.

10/09/16 CAPSTONE 499

Today I work on modifying some elements for Gorge’s active planet children book, I made a night time generic background. I also made the right measurements for the decorative borders as 8.5 x 11. Today we also texted and gave feedback on Trello for website logos, the feedback was short because we believe the logos are ready to me sent to the client and start with the next step on design, the development of the brand from the logo.  I believe the logos we are creating are perfect for the market the client wants to attract, women and baby boomers in special.

Below is a sample of the designs I finished modifying today:

screen-shot-2016-10-09-at-10-13-56-pmscreen-shot-2016-10-09-at-10-12-42-pm screen-shot-2016-10-09-at-10-13-00-pm screen-shot-2016-10-09-at-10-13-12-pm screen-shot-2016-10-09-at-10-13-24-pm screen-shot-2016-10-09-at-10-13-32-pm

Richard's Capstone Blog // Fall 2016 2016-10-09 07:00:28

Today I have been working on a poster for Professor Perchuk, for the guest speaker series. Bess and I have both been working on this poster together, she design the base layout for the poster. I then added the ribbon elements and edited some of the text. We still don’t know what is going to be on top, either an illustration or a photo that will help tie in all of the events.

We have also started brainstorming ideas for Driffill Elementary spirit shirts. We’ve been provided with graphics that will be incorporated into the shirt. We need to figure out ideas to incorporate everything into a brand new design.

10/08/16 CAPSTONE 499

The first round of libraries for George has being completed, 3-5 generic backgrounds, 3-5 poses of our famous bubble head, 3-5 expressions of our famous bubble heads, 3-5 illustration borders, the creation of several animals related to one of the bubble head. I have completed all of what I was assigned as of today. Next we are going to start a new round of libraries. Also I has completed a new set of logos for Sam’s website after some feedback from my teammates. We like everyday text each other to keep in touch of our progress and to set our deadlines and follow them as well on time. I received some complements from my team mates for my animals and biking illustrations. We also finished the sport shirts for Driffill school, we just need it to set the background transparent and outline the text so the print place can have everything ready with out any problems for lack of font comparatively. We are going to keep working with Sam, gorge Driffil School and Ci clubs constantly and at the same time. Also another poster for Professor Perchuck that will highlight all the series in one  is being made as of today.

Below are sample of my illustration of this week as of today:


Richard's Capstone Blog // Fall 2016 2016-10-08 20:46:48

Since submitting our poses and expressions for approval, we have gotten approval from George and moved forward. We have completed the rest of the libraries for Kartick Satyanarayan, Rodney Mullen, and Nelson Mandela. I worked on the backgrounds and boarders for the Kartick Illustrations.




We are currently waiting for approval of logo sketches for both the pre-optometry club and the line lackeys club. The president of the pre-optometry club has liked what we’ve shown her so far, but she is waiting to show other club officers .

We have also been busy working on the logos for the three online companies we’ve been working with. We sent some initial drafts, but were advised to go back and refine them to fit the art direction. we have refined some of the logos and are going to be sending them out again for feedback. I’ve been working on the logos for the electric bike website. I have narrowed the logos down to just one, and I feel that the style and color palettes reflect the demographic they’re going for. The owner of the company wanted that website to have a mid-century modern feel and I’m confident that I was able to capture that. bikinglogos_rc



10/06/16 CAPSTONE 499

I have started working on the library illustration for George, I have so far 4 borders designs with different elements that are related to the other bubble heads illustrations. The first one is a nature team border with leaves, the second one is a #1 medals illustrations that goes with Rodney Mullen and how he has wins tournaments, the third one is a conjunctions of skate boars over a green rectangle related to Rodney Mullen as well, the last one so far is a bubble / water team border for the other bubble heads showcase in the book.

A also have 2 of 5 backgrounds that I’m planning to illustrate for any of the bubble heads illustration used in the book. The first illustration is a generic landscape in the countryside with green grass and a relaxing view, the second one is more city oriented but keeping friendly  for the kids.

Yesterday we had a team meeting on the student union to talk about the feedback we received from Sam and we also gave feedback to each other to fix minor details on our logos.

Below are samples if the work I’m illustration this week:


02/02/16 CAPSTONE 499

A total of 6 logos were created today, I had some drawing before hand but the finalize design was done today. I’ve created three logos for “” the first one a simple vector base bike with with a composition of two colors mainly. The second one from the same was a more abstract design, taking inspiration from the 50’s modern design. The last one from this category was a combination of design from the 50’s and a modem take with the inclusion of a feminine line drawing. The target audience for this design is women and modern women baby boomers.

The second three design are for “” a similar website to Amazon. The first design was dynamic and eye catching with with some play with simple shapes and text. The second one is a very simple text based design with a simple texture line to make it more interesting but at the same time simple and easy to remember. The last design is more funny base, but im not too sure about this one yet. After the feedback from my teammates ill make some changes to improve mi design and have a better outcome at the end.

Bellow are the mage of the design I was talking about:



Richard's Capstone Blog // Fall 2016 2016-10-01 09:23:49

kartick_posesandexpressionsWe have made progress some more progress on all of our projects. For our Active Planet kids project, we have sent our Illustrations for three poses and three expressions for the bobble head characters. We also sent them illustrations that would go along with the bobbleheads. We got emailed back by George and he was very happy with the work we sent him, and also got a chance to get feedback from someone who works with Kartick and the SOS Wildlife Organization. She gave us some suggestions for possible element illustrations that would go along with the Kartick section of the workbook. We plan to move forward with completing the rest of the libraries for the three bobble head characters.

I was also working on the Tour de Franck Illustration this past week. I provided my team with the instruments that would go inside the cart. I am really happy with what we have created.

Another project that we’ve made progress in is our project with The Graft Group. After our meeting I sent him a new inspiration board for the biking website and he approved of direction we are planning to take with the overall design of the brand identity. He also approved the other two inspiration boards. Our next step is to get him sketches of logos and have them rendered out on illustrator for approval.

This past tuesday we had a meeting with another club “The CSU Channel Eye-Lands Pre-optometry Club”. We talked about some projects they would like us to create for them, Which include a logo, sticker design(Logo), table banner design, and T-shirt design. We are starting out with the logo design first since it is the most important. I have already started sketching out some ideas that we plan to send them soon for approval.

I have also sent new logo sketches for the Line Lackeys club this past Wednesday, but have yet to hear from the president.

For the Driffill School we created new sketches for the ram logo, and have began finalizing a design in illustrator. I feel like we were able to create a new ram that has a similar feel as the old logo.

09/28/16 CAPSTONE 499

The three poses and face expressions close up for Rodney Mullen are completed today, I just need to post them on Trello to my teammates can give me feedback on my designs. By having them write comments on my illustration I’ll know what I can do to improve the design. Apparently, today the class was cancel, but we still are going to meet like always to set the new goals and assign the next design and the deadlines. We should be heading to the development of the libraries for Gorge. Also by this time more CI clubs should have emailed us for more designs to do for them. This week as well we should be starting the logos for Sam’s websites and start developing around the brand. So far I believe we are working well in team and as individual. We have our work done by the deadline and if someone is falling behind we all help to keep the work on time. At the same time we all are learning for each other simple techniques, new tools or actions by looking the work being develop.

Bellow is an image of all my progress until today of Rodney Mullen’s Illustration for Gorge:
