
Folic Acid

Who? pregnancy, women of child bearing potential, and chronic anemia in renal patients


  • Vitamin Supplement
  • Pharmacokinetics- absorbed in GI tract, metabolized to dihydrofolate reductase by the liver, excreted in the urine, absorption is reduced when combined with antacids, sulfonamides, and cholestyramine
  • It works by promoting protein synthesis and blood cell production and is  involved in producing DNA and regulating other bodily functions

When? Usually given once daily

Where? OTC and clinical setting

Why? Given to women who are pregnant to promote healthy umbilical cord and fetal development.  Also, to prevent megaloblastic and macrocytic anemia when deficiency is present.

How? PO, IM, IV, SC, dosing 0.1-0.4mg/day, liquid form available for infants and neonates

  • side effects: rash, fever, irritability, confusion
  • do not give more than 0.1mg to pt with pernicious anemia


My Online Existence

Hello again,

Have you ever searched for yourself on the internet? I thought it would have been a lot more painful but surprisingly besides my old myspace page from my teens. That’s the only unattractive thing I’ve found online of myself, in my opinion. But I also found other social media cites that I’m a part of,some things ive never heard of, and friends pages I’m linked to.

Finding myspace was a bit surprising because I thought I had deleted it at least Twice! It was filled with great pictures of me and my older sister, of my friend and I, and pictures I had taken for digital photography. It also had posts on music I used to listen to. Those were really good times but lets face facts, times change. As you’ve heard, “out with the old and in with the new”; voila emerges facebook. I had gotten too old for myspace so it became obsolete. It reminds me of the 90s in the sense why would you ware some old out dated thing you wore then? Of course unless it was revamped and modernized to accommodate the new era and it did that but for the teens after me. That was the first social thing I ever did besides creating an email address. But everyone moves on from that.

Other things I found were my facebook page, twitter account, a job site for caregivers I had added myself on, a job site, and a link to my friends page. Those things weren’t too surprising but I did find a mylife page. I have no idea what that was but I’m assuming I made it? I’m not too sure about that page but no matter.  I came to conclude my life online isn’t half as bad as I had expected.





Digital Footprint

An audit of one’s digital footprint can be quite the eye-opening process. One can easily stand out in the digital realm or can be obscured underneath millions of others. I personally found that I can fall into either one of these categories. During an in depth search with just my first and last names, I found that those who share my name have much more of an online presence than I do because I couldn’t find myself in the first several pages of Google results. When my middle initial was included, however I jumped to the top of the results in a Google search. That discovery came as a relief because I decided a couple of years ago to include my middle initial as a part of my professional name. I decided to make sure that I continue to use my name with the initial and to increase my online presence.

One surprising finding was that pictures of me only appeared on Google Images when my full name was used and that the images that came up were only thumbnails of profile pictures from my social media accounts. I have been very strict on privacy settings when controlling my image on social media, so I was gratified to see that diligence has paid off. On the flip side, there should be more positive and carefully crafted pictures of me out there that can lend a face to my name and that is definitely something that I will be incorporating in the near future.

My social media results on Google painted a mixed picture. I realized that some things, such as URLs and biographical sections needed to be changed because they reflected a version of myself that I no longer want to be associated with. Specifically, I found that my Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook handles reflected my high school self and would no longer be conducive to the image that I want for myself. I also found outdated information about myself on accounts that I no longer use. The danger of this is that these reflect little to none of the accomplishments that I am most proud of and put my future at risk. I sought to edit or remove these immediately and hope that they will soon be filtered out of searches so that I can have an online presence that I can be proud of.

That said, not everything that I found made me cringe in embarrassment. I did find that in association with my middle school, a top result that comes up is coverage of an event (shown below) during which I was recognized in my 8th grade year. I had long forgotten this event, and that just goes to show that nothing written about you ever truly goes away even if it has in your mind.

MGH, Professor in Training

LAXceptional Students article

September 6, 2015 Theoharis Chapter 1

There are three thoughts that struck me as I read the this text. First, I was impressed (and also personally challenged) by the boldness of principal Janice as described in the final paragraph of page 21. She definitely was leading by example and commitment. She used her leadership team to develop the plan and then clearly supported their decisions. She was clear that everyone on staff needed to be a part of the team. Second, I agreed with the assertion on page 18 that there is a need to keep in mind the social construction of disabilities so that we can collectively work towards a more “asset-based” way of educating special needs students. Third, based on my personal experience, I initially strongly disagreed with research finding on page 19 which said, “…placing students with disabilities in inclusive classrooms had no impact on amount or disruption of instruction time.” However, the inclusion model I experienced did not follow the models that were presented in the chapter…not even remotely. After reading the quote by Donna Hooper on page 32 I found my mind significantly open to greater possibilities. Wouldn’t it be great to stop worrying if this student or that student should be in our classroom, and instead learn to co-teach and differentiate better?! I think the goal and vision are important.

September 6, 2015 SMITH Chapter 1

There is a powerful paragraph which begins at the bottom of page 32 and continues to page 33. It contains a perspective from Edgar Schein about organizational culture and change within. I believe there is still much work to do in the area of discrimination and institutional change, however, I also strongly believe we need to work from a positive standpoint, recognizing strengths and make decisions, comments and changes from a ‘building’ perspective rather than a ‘tear-down’ and reconstruct position. Sometimes it’s more about developing leadership practices, rather than characteristics.  We can build using the existing cultural strengths within an organization. I believe this principle can work in institutions from the family, to a school, to a large corporation, to a country.

One thing I found interesting was the concept of ‘critical mass’ and it caused me to reflect on the experience of my children being raised in an area where our community, by choice, not mandate, was approximately 30% black, 30% caucasian, 30% latino, and 10% asian. It seemed to work. The reading also caused me to reflect on the pressure and stress that successful members of minority groups might feel in the process of their achievement as they carry the weight of eliminating perceived stereotypes by their performance. There is danger in using a preconceived notion about a group of people to judge an individual and there is also danger in using an a perception about an individual to judge a entire group of people. Unfortunately, some of the policies and practices designed to address diversity have inadvertently added to the negative perception of ‘tokenism’.

My Digital Footprint

When I went to look at my digital foot print I was a bit nervous. The reason being, I was worried about what I might find. Not that there was anything that I would be embarrassed about or incriminating. I was more worried about people finding information about myself that I would consider private. To my relief there was nothing too personal that I could get all worked up about. The only main thing that a person could find on myself on the internet is my instagram account, which I don’t keep private. So to me, that was not a big deal. There was also a record of my income from my previous job. This was also not a big deal because they had all the student workers income posted online as well. There was only one post from Facebook that I was mentioned in, but that was only because I had liked a post. When I looked up images of my name there was a picture of me that I found. It was an old picture from my Confirmation. It had been associated with Myspace. Thinking it was from a friend or relative that had tagged me I went to investigate. In my findings I actually found that it was my old account. I immediately went to delete my account so as to not have anyone see pictures of me on the internet. To my surprise there were not that many pictures left on my account, but anyone could look up my name on images in Google and find me. This I was not comfortable with, so I deleted my old Myspace account. Not to mention I hadn’t used my Myspace account since I was in 8th grade.

Searching for Me on the Internet

I searched or myself on the internet and was both unsurprised and surprised. Upon my search I didn’t think I would find anything of significance. I was not totally wrong. A lot of the things I found of myself I am not ashamed of and happen to be just me, I am acknowledged in the world. What I did find interesting is that I found myself on the internet through my sister. It appears to be that she is more local there than I am. I have no problem with this.

What I found unsurprising is that there were a lot more Marina Flores’ besides myself. Flores is a very common name in hispanic culture. I even found a woman with the same in Portugal. And many of the sites that had my name were in Spanish, not surprising considering my name is a Spanish name. I also could not find myself on Facebook. There’s a million Marinas on there.

What I did find surprising was that I found a picture and an article with my name in it from my previous city college. I had forgotten I had allowed the school newspaper to take a picture of me at my previous job at the school. I also found a back ground check linked to my previous school. That was interesting, but considering I did work at a school, things like that are necessary and important. What I did find to be extremely interesting is that I found my Instagram. I didn’t think I would find it. But I did. It was on a weird website I have never heard before.

It is true, anyone has access to you on the internet.

Ready Set GO!!

Greetings All, What can you say about yourself without sentence fragments, a great deal of commas, and things you would like to be doing but haven’t done? You simply start from the beginning.

My name is Vannesa I am currently 24 years old and am attending Channel Islands for my Bachelors of arts…..But lets start from the beginning so you can see how I got here…I was born in Ventura at 6 months, I weighed 1lb and 10 ounces….ok not that far back.  I would say I had a pretty good childhood despite a few events. When I  was about seven my mother was arrested and then incarcerated when I was 9.  I moved around from family member to family member and then I ended up with my uncle Kevin in Sacramento. I learned a great deal from him, probably most of my views on life and how to live by the concept hard work pays off. Etc. While there I was diagnosed with a learning disability which didn’t change anything we just figured out why I wasn’t absorbing everything as fast. During the summers I would have these work books my uncle would have me do; math, reading, writing etc. That helped so much now that I look back on it. Every Friday he would take my sister and I to rent movies and on weekends we would go to B&N and buy books to read, it was great. He as my father figure was a great experience. Then I moved back with mother when I was about fourteen and back to Ventura I went.

                I found my life a little more challenging after that. We first moved back and we lived in this studio in front of this liquor store in this run down building. My mother had a boyfriend I had never met him and one day he came over and he never left. He was a an awful mooch and didn’t have a job. So one day I said to him “don’t you have some where to be, somewhere to go?”  Surprisingly he was offended, and his response was that of someone of my age then. Well we lived there about a year and a half or so then moved to an apartment that was one bed room in the same building and we then got my younger cousin Anthony.That wasn’t much of a stretch because my mother raised his other brothers.

            School was very simple for me I was on honor roll those two years in middle school. Then I went to high school I hung out with the kids I met in middle school which wasn’t my best idea. I just wanted to hang out with my friends so 10th grade was not my year.But I had an amazing teacher who was  in fact my teacher in middle school she was my RSP, resource specialist program teacher. I made it to graduation with that years GPA. being a 3.8. I then went to college at Ventura College I didn’t really want to but I didn’t have the option at the time. I skipped classes, I was in YOLO mode but for my taste I wasn’t living the way I wanted to and partying hard was not the life goal  (lol) so I did something about it. I buckled down and hit the books and finished at V.C. I’m currently working full time and going to school so that’s tough. But my view on life is its not where you’ve been its where youre going. And If you come out of the predicament fine then that’s all that matters…..

Well if you’ve gotten this far it means I didn’t bore you too much. So thanks for reading

                                                                            –  Vannesa M



Hey guys!

My name is Melissa G. Holt. I grew up in the streets of Los Angeles and graduated from the California Academy of Math & Science. My experiences in high school were wonderful in many ways, but at a high school that emphasizes math & science, you truly discover if those fields are for you. My friends from high school are now in fields such as engineering and computer science, but I found that those traditional STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) career paths left something to be desired in me. I personally have a passion for other people and interpersonal interaction, and that conflicted with the majors that I initially chose to pursue. So after some struggles on the path to discovering myself, I found myself in an Introduction to Psychology course and I have never looked back.

I am now collecting degrees on my path to becoming a professor of psychology. I graduated from Bakersfield College in May of 2015 with my associate degree, so one down and two to go! In addition to living on campus, I work for Housing and Residential Education here at CI as both a desk assistant and a program assistant so you can usually find me in one of our villages! I am also on the general board for the Residence Hall Association, so come check out our events! If I’m not in class, I am finding a way to be involved on campus because to me an education is not truly complete if your studies are the only thing you can take from your college experience.

I am really looking forward to this year at CI and cannot wait to see what life throws at me next!

Until next time,

MGH, Professor in Training




Hello, my name is Marina. I am 21 years old and I am a transfer student here at CI. I came from Santa Barbara City College and graduated with an AA-T in Communications. I am a Communications major and a English minor. I was originally an English major but changed it because I really don’t want to teach. I love cats and I wish I could have my own but the cat wouldn’t be happy because I wouldn’t be around to love it. I play the trumpet and prefer to play swing. I picked up widdling (wood carving) a few years ago, and enjoy making my little sculptures. I have only kept one and have given the rest away. I have a thing for watches and hats. I like the intricacy of a watch, and my life runs on the clock; so it’s well adapted that I should appreciate a good watch. I think I just look really good in hats. They pull an outfit together. I love them and, to prove my point, I have at least 22 hats. I stopped counting after that. I have an appreciation for art even though I don’t know much about it. So if someone would to take me to an art show, I would enjoy myself.