
2016 ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference

Be a Part of Tapia 2016, apply for scholarship to attend the conference!

“The Call for Participation for the 2016 ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference is now open. Over 1,000 attendees are expected to attend the conference on September 14-17, 2016 in Austin, TX.

The Tapia conference has always been a premier venue to acknowledge, to promote and to celebrate diversity. Given the current global academic, professional and societal climates, the Tapia 2016 conference theme, “Diversity Matters!”, recognizes the Tapia Conference’s commitment to diversity in all its wonderful forms.

We target a program comprised of an array of technical, professional and personal enrichment and development opportunities. And, of course, the Tapia conference offers the unique opportunity to engage in large and small group discussions about diversity and broadening participation. Anticipating a well-balanced program for academic, research and industrial interests, we invite you to submit your content to the appropriate sub-program: Birds of a Feather, Doctoral Consortium, Posters, Panels and Workshops. All submissions for the Tapia 2016 Conference are due by Monday, November 23, 2016.”

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Having access to a lot of social networks, makes it easy to target someone or to be targeted and bullied. Sternheimer talks about different situations where social network users have committed suicide due to being cyber-bullied. Nevertheless, towards the end of the chapter she mentions that the violent crimes rate in the US has lowered. There’s a chance that this decline is due to social media.

“Spoken words may fade into the past eventually, but electronic messages never really die.”

The quote above has some truth to it, not only with electronic messages but also with images. An image that someone may not want people to see may be posted online without that person’s consent. Anyone can end up having that image, and sometimes in situations like this cyber-bullying may occur.

There are many different situations that may lead to cyber-bullying,  but I think that there are ways to avoid being targeted. Such as setting the profile to private and only allowing people that you know have access to view your profile, or you can stay off social media; but that may not be as easy because it’s everywhere.

Blog on Chapter 3

I think online bullying and sexual predators are very big problems that the internet has created. With Facebook and instagram it makes it so easy for sexual predators to stalk and find out information on people. Instagram and Facebook both have newer additions called “tagging”. This allows for people to tag their exact location of where they are. Some people will even tag their house. I think it is extremely important for parents to explain how dangerous this can be. I think it is the parents job to also make sure their child know to have private accounts, on do not befriend strangers. The more open you are, the more random friends you have, and the more places you tag yourself at can be very dangerous, and i think that kids and teens just don’t realize this. I feel like kids not being private enough an cyber bullying is the lack of parent supervision. I think more parents need more rules. We can not shield children from using twitter, Facebook or Instagram but i think that parents should follow their children on all the sites they use so they can monitor them. That way teens can’t easily get away with cyber bullying, or other inappropriate comments. Although cyber bullying, and sexual predators will never disappear completely, i do think there are ways to better prevent, and making parents be more present and active on their children’s online activities is a good start.

First Year Composition @ CI 2015-09-24 14:28:48

After this week, we will be 1/3 of the way through the semester! Remember that to succeed in our program, you need to be an active participant in your classroom community and complete all required assignments throughout the term.

If you’re having a hard time juggling your workload, talk to your instructor. Open communication is the fist step in overcoming the hurdles that can interfere with your success in first year composition.

Read this piece, “10 Things Smart Students Do When Writing,” to learn some effective strategies for navigating these next several weeks.

The CI Composition Team

Liver Transplant

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Technology, Data and trending

Smart Blood Pressure (SmartBP) BP Tracker

iPhone Screenshot 1iPhone Screenshot 4

This is a free App and what is does is, it keeps track of your blood pressure and allows for convenient storage and trending. The app is straightforward and easy use .This is very helpful if you have hypertension. Especially if you take your blood pressure a couple of times a day. You can keep a log of diet, exercise and medication. You can then plot on your trend graph when you did what. The great thing about this is you can send all the information to your Physician or Clinician. A couple of days before yours scheduled appointment and they can then go over the data and can make decision based on the recorded actual data. Scientist look for trends over time before making a decision as to the effectiveness of an intervention or deciding a different approach. Data is king when making any decision and this app allows you to store and share this data in a professional organized way.


Class board work



What is it? inflammations of the pancreas

Who gets it? all ages, mortality rate increases with age, hx of alcohol abuse , hx gallstones, contraction of bacterial or viral disease

When should seek care? when mid epigastric abdominal pain arrises

Where is the location? pancreas, left upper abdomen, behind the stomach

Why does it happen? gallstones in ampulla of Vater obstruct the flow of pancreatic juice, backup of pancreatic juice or bile, alcohol increases pancreatic secretions leading to calculi which causes further obstructions

Treatments? NPO, pain management, managing exocrine and endocrine insufficiency, antbiotics, IV fluids


Liver Cancer

Group Members: Rozelle Nebran, Bernadette Entezami, Duan Nguyen, Kara Mead, Jamie Allison

What is it?

  • Liver Cancer

Who gets it?

  • Chronic alcoholics, Hepatitis B and C, exposure to chemical toxins, cigarette smokers, toxic molds

When should you seek care?

  • When you experience continuous dull ache in right upper quadrant, epigastrium, or your back
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Anorexia
  • Loss of strength
  • Anemia

Where (specific organ)?

  • Liver

Why does it happen?

  • combination of lifestyle, genetic factors, and environmental exposures


  • Surgical resection
  • Radiation therapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Percutaneous biliary drainage
  • Liver transplant
  • Lobectomy
  • Local Ablation