
Week 4 Updates

Hello All,

Hope you had a great weekend. We are excited to see which social issues you select and write about this week. Please remember all assignments are due Tuesday by 4:15.

Week 4 To Do List:  

Warmly, Jill & Michelle

Social Issues That Apply To Students

There are many social issues that students such as myself are faced with on a daily basis. Some of them cause more harm and are more problematic than others, and I believe there are some that directly affect me. The distressing loss of full-time, well-paying jobs is a concern of mine because I am going to school trying to get that dream job and it is discouraging seeing adults with bachelor and master degrees struggling to obtain a full time job. Now a days adults are going after the part time jobs because employers don’t want to support the full time employee with benefits, health care, annual leave, and so on. The ones that should be going after the part time jobs are the teenagers and its scary to see when us students are spending all of our money to get this degree and it doesn’t even guarantee a job.

This leads me into my next social issue that I find important to young adults in college. Tuition and student loans can be expensive and when we borrow tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars from our government it is a very scary feeling knowing that we have to pay that back. I am one that has always either had the money to buy something or I didn’t. And if I didn’t have the money then I didn’t get it. School was no different for me. I have worked incredibly hard for my money and I was able to pay for school out of my own pocket which makes it very rewarding but I also puts a lot of pressure on myself to do well. Other students may not have the same opportunity as me to work full time to pay for something such as college, which is why they turn to student loans. On December 31, 2012 collective student loans amount to 966 billon. Students will spend sometimes the next thirty years paying back student loans before they are debt free from school.

The third social issue I would like to discuss is drinking and driving. Being in college there are some great times to be had. There are also those horror stories of students drinking too much on a Friday night and then getting behind the wheel. It may seem like the most convenient way to get home at the time but they are putting everyone’s lives at risk. I think the teachings of what can happen that are taught in high schools really stick with you through your younger adult days and into your adulthood. Parents of the child have a lot of influence as well by either enforcing this law in a good manner or not. If the parents scare their child with the fact of how much trouble they are going to be getting in if they drink then the student is going to be more inclined to drive home so they don’t have to explain anything to their parents. My parents always told me that if you drink and call me for a ride I would not be in trouble because they would be very happy that I am safe with them in their car. I knew not to ever abuse this and I carried it on into my early adulthood of being able to legally drink but still don’t drive if I do drink a little bit.

Children’s Media Consumption

As a new generation of children begins to flow in so does the new technology. Never would I have have thought to see children playing with iPads and asking for their parents phone for entertainment but it is here. they have even made iPad cases specifically for children. Before reading this article I felt it is extremely important for parents to educate their children on media literacy if they ask questions or not. Most often when children want to listen or watch something inappropriate parents often revert back to the old saying, “because I said so.” Hopefully this can change as parents it is an important duty to thoroughly inform children on right and wrong as things on television and radio can often be misinterpreted. If parents are not educating their children these children are going to learn it somewhere else and it may not be the most accurate information. Unfortunately media habits have become an issue where less and less children are playing outside in the street or down at a friends house rather they are communicating via online games and not getting much exercise besides their thumbs.

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Project #1

Reading and writing has become an important aspect in our lives. Writing helps us express ourselves, and reading is like an adventure when read. My first memories of reading and writing was when I was about five years old. I was in kindergarten and my mom would sit with me in the living room, she would help me with my ABC’s. She did not know any English at the time. She always tells us that she practically learned English with us. She would sit with us and learn the alphabet letters. I remember we would go over them every night before bed. My father would be watching the Television and my sister, mom and I would be in the table going over the alphabet letters. Just like Sherman I have very vivid memories when I was young, learning to read and write. He remembers his father loving books and that’s why he loved books as well.

In the letter Malcolm wrote he expresses the way he felt when trying to write a letter and not being able to express himself in paper. I feel that this is similar to what my mother felt in a different way. She came to this country no knowing the language. She relied on translators wherever she went out to places such as stores. She became frustrated for not understanding the language. This is one of the reasons she motivated herself to learn English and what better way to do then with her own children when we were starting kindergarten.  I believe that there where many factors that have helped me become the reader and writer I am today.  When I was in elementary my teachers motivated me. At the time I thought teaching was fun, handing out stickers, stamping papers and correcting papers was my favorite. I liked helping my teacher. I remember seeing the class mini library and then wanting one for myself in my house. That is when I started collecting my own books at home.

Malcom mentions how he was not able to express himself in paper. The way you speak is not the same way you right a paper or letter. This is something that I remember learning my freshman year of high school. Before High School I was not aware of that and I remember  that it’s something that I never  forgot. Before that I would just right papers the same way I would talk, and now I understand the difference. Sometimes I still forget so I have to look over my paper and reads as if someone else was to read it.

Draft Portfolio 1

Sponsorship Portofolio 1

Children, Televisions and Ads

Juan, I agree reading the article from University of Michigan Health System was great. I found a lot of what they were talking about to be interesting and things I’ve questioned myself. One thing I found interesting was the fact they said “We don’t know yet what effect TV-viewing by babies may have on their development” on the first page. The reason I personally find that interesting was because while I was at Orange Coast College I took a Childhood Development class and we learned that any television before the age of four effects the children’s development. Even though it does discuss it a little more in detail later on in the article I still have a hard time understanding how it affects the young children and babies. I took that class a few years ago so it is possible the information is out dated but I hope to find out more about it through this class.

Although some of the activities the article states kids are missing seem obvious, it did surprise me when I read all the different statistics on kids and television. This article makes me feel and realize that we need to help children realize television should not be a priority and they should go outside and play. When the article stated what happens to some children it really scared me.


Jenna, that’s interesting that you read an article about that in high school, that’s also something similar to what I learned in my Childhood Development class. Was anyone else ever asked to go to those groups where a company has a product and ask your option on it? When I was a kid I would go sometimes and I always remember them asking, “As a kid do you find this interesting… would you ask your parents or guardian for this?” or “Does this ad make you want to buy this or not?” It‘s interesting how those focus group questions relate to the article and how to get and convince parents to buy more. I also find it interesting how much our past presidents and government have had such an impact on how kids are and how they get parents to teach kids to buy things/ have their own things. The quote you used from the article was part of what I wanted to talk about. “Through such experiences personality develops” It’s interesting to see how ads, television, and products can affect a Childs personality, belief and more and how the government supports that, even though at times it can be harmful.

Blog 1- Alexa Ellen

After reading the University of Michigan’s article something that stuck out to me what how parents put their babies in from of the television to distract them. The article stated that most pediatricians say that parents should not do that, and i complexity agree. It is a fact that if a baby is not held after birth it can die. I think the first years of your life are crucial for the rest of you life. I think by talking, cuddling, singing, or reading to your baby will help them be loving and social adults. I can understand how television for a baby could have negative effects later on. In addition, this article mentions how television is now not only in your home, but available on phones, tablets and other devices, and i feel this is a problem. I am a server and many nights i take care of tables where all the children are watching shows on their iPads, and fully distracted. I think this is horrible for children’s social habits, and will grow up to be anti-social, or simply have a more difficult time caring on conversations with me. I do think that television shows for children can always be helpful and knowledgeable but for parents they should be aware to keep it in moderation.

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The Effect TV has on Children

When I began reading the article, “University of Michigan Health System,” I immediately knew where this was going. I also began to question myself on the topics that were being mentioned in this article. Moreover, I am able to understand why a lot of parents or people may think that certain TV programs may impact children.

The topic, “Can TV Scare or Traumatize Kids,” is the most common thing to think about when children are watching TV. When a child is watching TV, you don’t want them watching scary movies because you know they’ll have nightmares and be scared for the rest of the day. Like the article states, “Symptoms of being frightened or upset by TV stories can include bad dreams, anxious feelings, being afraid of being alone, withdrawing from friends, and missing school.” This can be somewhat true when it comes to a child being impacted by something they watch.

The most common thing I can think about when it comes to children missing school that can be caused by watching TV is that they become afraid of possibly being bullied. Some TV shows may portray going to school as something scary by the way they make it appear. It reminds me of myself when I was younger and thinking that what if I ever needed braces and I went to school with them, will I get called “brace face,” or “metal mouth.” Little things like that may make a child afraid of school because of what they watch on TV and how certain things are portrayed on TV.