
We are learning so many things!

    Fungia is a free moving coral, known commonly as the ‘Mushroom coral’ due to its shape. Sometimes they are found to be purplish but mostly brown. This is just one of the many species we were able to see first hand and learn about on Thursdays snorkel survey. Amazing!    

Rest of the Trip

Now that we are home let me give you a full account of what happened for the last few days. The day after (08/07/15)  we had our little adventure we (the lagoon team) we lost another team member Julie because when she  woke up the next day one of her eyes was super puffy and […]

Motu, Bommi, Patch Reefs and Sandy Beach surveys.

    On Thursday we left with the start of the sun peaking across the water to do a full day of surveying in the lagoon surrounding the main part of Aitutaki. We left the dock and zipped across the clear turquoise water to see the amazing coral reefs in the lagoon.  As the boat stopped we […]

Amazing night snorkel to see the nocturnal creatures in the lagoon!

After dinner we headed to a spot near the airport with great visibility for a night time snorkel. I have never done that before and it was amazing!       

Sandy Beach surveys this morning on Bishop Lagoon.


Course structure

We’ll spend time this semester on three different aspects of transitioning to university life and critical thinking. In our first unit we’ll discuss useful available tools at Channel Islands, to help make your studying and learning more efficient. Then we’ll delve into the nature of science, experimentation, and analytical thought. Finally we’ll raise some ethical and philosophical issues seen in society today. Click on the the links below for more information about these individual units.

Navigating college

Scientific methodology

Ethics and society

Moving forward with our RPS

After having a successful trial of the bio-fluorescence sensor package for the ROV, we made some adjustments to the payload. We improved the balance and the lights and did three 50 meter zig-zag night transects into the patch reefs, and found a lot of fluorescence! The system and collaboration with Guy Trimy/PML has worked out […]

Welcome to University 150

These pages provide a streamlined overview of the course Critical Thinking in STEM Fields. More detailed  materials, including specific assignments and deadlines, are available on CI-learn.

UNIV150 is part of  Channel Island’s STEM Collaboratives. Students enrolled in UNIV150.01 are also enrolled in ENGL 105.01, and CHEM 121.03.  Students enrolled in UNIV150.03 are also enrolled in 

Reflection after Coming Home 

           After this trip I will always remember how important the ocean is, and how important taking care of it is. On Aitutaki we learned different types of research protocol, but we also learned what community and kindness means. 

Symbolic of…something

I just got home and started bringing bags/equipment crates inside.  A turned to put my new CSUCI (aka CIinCI) hat on our hat rack and what did I see?  This:   To the left is either my son’s or wife’s Koru Cafe hat we got last year and to the right is my “old school” CSUCI […]