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Taylor Ebbert Intro

My name is Taylor Ebbert and I graduated from Mount St. Mary’s College in May 2014.  I am currently working at an Adult School.  I would eventually like to work in the ED at a hospital.  In my spare time I like to spend time with my friends and family, sail, and hike.

Betzabeth Ahumada about myself


My name is Betzabeth Ahumada, and I am excited to take critical nursing skills. I graduated from Moorpark College in 2012, and I am currently doing the two year program RN to BSN. I have a bachelor’s from CLU in biology. I was unable to take this course with my cohorts this past term due to a family emergency. I have been working as an RN for two years and I think it is an amazing profession where I can grow. My ultimate goal is to be solely a chemo RN.

Besides nursing, I love to hike, play the piano, and dance. I have been playing the piano for over 20 years. I am currently 29.

I look forward to meeting most of you in class tomorrow.

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Hello world!

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ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!!

Hello folks,

My name is Brian, and this is how I keep track of the adventures of my life. If you’ve been here before, then welcome back, if your new, welcome to my journey. Today marks the launch of my Road Trip from LA to SF with a whole bunch of pitstops along the way. ? Let’s see what friends we can catch up with and make along the way.

Wth… Life?

Its been an odd couple of days here in beautiful San Diego. I have been working and schooling like any other kid, and then I just couldn’t talk anymore, the words could not flow, the mouth could not move. I sat there amazed that in all my lifetime I could I was failing myself and everything I believed in. It made me scared and psychotic.

That’s what happened, it pushed me to the point of just falling to my knees, and suddenly, I woke up. I sat there breathing hard keeping track of every movement and sound. What was happening with me, why did I just do that. And then the day starts and I drop it.

Think I’m going crazy or some things wrong? Maybe or I’m creating a story your so actively pulled in to. Who knows? What I do know is I went to palm springs pride this past weekend and it was a good vacation. But I miss it already, lol.

Checking in

Hey folks,

Don’t know who is reading or do I really care? No. But if you are then wow and thank you for keeping up with my life. So its been  5 months since my return to the american life. I’m back to working and what not. I recently took a small weekend vacation and it was good to relax. Do I miss my life in China? Yes, of course I do. I am still at that point where I want to see everything and go everywhere. Of course coming back to this life means taking all the old responsibilities. Dealing with love life drama and near death experiences (not me). But its just been one hell of a roller coaster ride, and let’s just say I had to tell someone. So what is it I have to tell you? Honestly, just every random thought running through my brain right now.  What accomplishments have I made, what progress is stuck. How am I holding up? Who do I really care to talk to, and who should I just delete from my life. Why am I so brave against life, but so afraid of it as well. What can I do to make people smile again. Every moment I wonder am I truly helping others or am I just trying to help myself. I honestly hate the lime light of punishment but I crave approval, does that mean I’m shallow? Is it wrong for me to be shallow?

Hopefully I’ll get over this Monday moody funk. Thanks for reading.

“Pampering yourself has no limits” – Brian Thai

Final Chapter

I Sit here staring at my now near empty room, while listening to Blair Late sing Love is calling (No comments from Peanut Gallery). And It just makes me sad to say goodbye finally. It is truly a time in my life that will never be forgotten and will always be remembered fondly. I hope its not my last though, I built a family here, I know I did and I know they will support my endeavors as long as I follow who I am. Its been a wrecking week, with the breaking of my Nexus Tablet and the lost of a precious Pin (Given to me by some really strong people That I actually Cherish xP), Ive just finally needed a time to stop and think about everything thats happened that I never posted. Since Aprl 7th of my last Post I have gone to Vietnam with friends, seen the growth in my students that I will truly miss and done much more than I am allowed to say =). I think though, it is definitely my time to leave and return to reality that is America. Until I find a permanent life out there, ill continue my search for the never ending adventure. Its just a truly sad but expected time, itll be good to see my Niece and my Puppies. Thank you for everything Chengdu, and I wish everyone whose continued to read on, the best of luck in your own adventures, and to make sure to record as much of it as possible. This blog will definitely be updated from time to time with new adventures. But as for now, this will surely close the Chengdu Adventure Chapter.

From One Adventurer to another: Cogito Ergo Sum
Love is Calling

Is it a Dream? Maybe Not…

Im writing because I just cant sleep. People are making me think and its at the worst time to be thinking, but its also when I do my best thinking. I’ve realized a lot in the past couple of hours reading up on what everyones doing back home and what I’m doing here. Each day, I’m in class learning, but I always felt like I’m not truly absorbing it, because my heart does not feel like it wants to learn, but to help. I see people I’ve known since middle school making big names for themselves back home and I’m proud because not only are they making big names for themselves, they are also supporting others, ways I think that came with us that were born around our age. Many of us were taught morales and values in different ways but most of us took it to heart. So I’m out here learning and teaching, and yet the only thing keeping me going is the teaching. Today, a couple of friends came over and we discussed Personalites and of course in terms of MyerBriggs format, I end up as an INFP. I want to help the world, but something in me has made me hate half of it. I don’t when or why, I just know I’m alot more pessimistic then the damn description says. Yes each person is unique and cant really be categorized, but in my eye you can be generally stereotyped on certain points. I want to help others achieve their goals and achieve my own, but what haunts me to this day to hold so much despair against the world. Im proud to say, I lived in a world where I know friends are making their names out there in the world. Its time for me to step up to the plate though. So, What to do to see to better side of the world, theres nothing but to made a change in it, to put myself out there and push like everyone else. I gotta stop hating the world, and change it if i dont like it now. it’s been awhile since i’ve written a whole post just on my thoughts since being here.
