
Hey Hey!

I’m Danielle Anderson but I have always gone by Dani. I am a Communication Major and am finally graduating in the Fall. I am the Executive Director of a local Disability Advocacy Non-Profit and love it. Although in the short term, getting my degree will not change anything professionally, I have been going to school for what seems like forever and am so excited to achieve the goal of graduating. Three things that are fundamental to my identity are my family, my friends, and my career. I am a pretty big Game of Thrones addict which is strange because I’m not usually into that kind of stuff.10472878_10152741298975540_6382194925487131912_n

Band Poster Concept Two

Poster Concept One



My name is Annie Diaz, this is my second semester at CI and I am majoring in Liberal studies for Teaching and Learning. I am excited for the Summer semester to start and see what this class is all about! In the next five years it is my hope to be teaching in an elementary school. I’m looking forward to getting to know you all this semester.




I realized what I did wrong but hello again, everyone!

My name is Nicole Greenberg and I am currently a senior at CI.  I am an English Education major so in five years, after I receive my BA, I hope that I will be teaching in a high school English classroom.

I am looking forward to starting this course!

Kam Mann


My name is Kam Mann

So to start speaking about myself..

I am currently a junior at CSUCI. I am twenty years old and full Indian; Punjabi. I have a twin brother that is two minutes older than me, and two loving parents. I live with my best friend, Rose. My major is health science. With that major I hope to one day help cancer patients. It has always been a passion of mine to lend a hand to one in need. My life is full of positively and love all around. I try to live every day with a smile on my face and count my blessings. I spend my days trying to fit in as much as I can in 24 hours. There is no other place that brings me more peace than the ocean, so you can bet a lot of my hours are spent there. I love trying new things and meeting new people. I believe every one has a role to play in your life, and there are only about 7 billion people that can teach me more about life.  I have so much to offer to the world and taking this class is helping me become one step closer to it!

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.

Hello everyone!


Classmates, professors, and readers alike, allow me to bore you with a little information about myself. I regret to tell you that I have nothing fancy or fantastical to share with you. With that little disclaimer in mind, let us commence.

I am your atypical senior in college: always tired, running on coffee and/or Monster, and burnt out from being in school for so long. I am studying to be a high school English teacher, hence the English major with an Education and Creative Writing emphasis. Why not go on to teach college? Why stop there? It is a tad bit personal to share on a public forum, but if any of you are truly curious, I am more than happy to share my story and reasoning. I am doing a double English major though, with a Creative Writing emphasis. It seems obvious that based on that choice that I love to write. I have written and published a novel, and am working on a multitude of projects at once: short stories, memoirs, plays, poems, etc. Unfortunately, even with the Creative Writing emphasis I am unable to write what I want to write. To accomplish this, I am employed as a ghostwriter. I write stuff, get paid, and all credit is taken away from me.

I work a few jobs. I am an assistant to a construction manager. It’s a boring job but it pays well. I am a tutor and after school counselor for kids at a Tae Kwan Doe studio. I love this job, my kids are absolutely adorable and sweet. Sometimes they are a handful, but what do you expect having 25 kids all in the same room at once? For the final job, as mentioned, I am a ghostwriter. This fulfills my desire to write. The only downside to it is that I do not get any credit for my work. The pay usually makes up for that though; it depends on the client.

Netflix is my best friend. Jessica Jones, Doctor Who, X-Files, Making a Murderer (don’t spoil anything I am nowhere near done with it) are fantastic. When I am not working or doing school, I am at the gym watching Netflix on my phone so I do not feel miserable during my cardio workouts.

My life mainly consists of school, work, and Netflix. Those three things are essential to my college identity.

I am not a huge fan of social media, but I guess my guilty pleasure would be Pinterest. I have over 12 thousand pins and over 15 boards. I pin a lot of things related to food and weddings. I love food, but I’m not getting married, just dreaming about it. Strange, I know.

To be honest, I do not like talking about myself so I am just going to stop there. If you want to get to know me more, please just email me or something. I am a little awkward at first, I won’t lie. I would much rather read your mini biographies. I look forward to working  with you this semester!

Hey Everyone!

My name is Caterina Reynolds, but I go by my nickname- Cat. I am a very positive person and usually happy, unless something very major makes me upset. I am very responsible, punctual, and organized! I am a junior at CSUCI working on my BA in Liberal Studies. I plan on doing the credential program at CSUCI and becoming an elementary school teacher. Ideally though, I plan on going back to school and getting my masters after I have experience so I can either become a counselor or go into administration. One of my guilty pleasures involving the media is to watch reality television. I know most of it is made up garbage, but I always catch myself falling into the drama. During the last month, I have not really had time to browse the internet. I work at an optometrists office 35- 40 hours a week and have really been concentrating on school (finals & final presentations), while using every spare minute I had to study for my CBEST (which I passed! :D). I really look forward to taking this class with you all! I look forward to getting to know you guys! ?

Here is my selfie!
Here is my selfie!

Hello Group

Hi Everyone,

My name is Megan Guthrie. It’s nice to e-meet you! I am a Concentrated Liberal Studies major with an emphasis in Marketing. This is my last class before I graduate this summer (woohoo!)  I am a wife, mother, and a Digital Media Marketing Consultant. I have a vivacious 4 1/2 month old daughter  named Iona who takes up the majority of my time at the moment.

I am somewhat ashamed to admit that my guilty pleasure, as far as media is concerned,  involves spending way too much time browsing random celebrities’ accounts on Instagram.


Sorry for the lack of smile! This is just my most recent photo.

I look forward to working with you all in the coming weeks. Cheers to a wonderful weekend. ?


Hello Group!

Hello! My name is MacKenzie Lubratich. I am fairly new to CI, I transferred here in the Spring, but so far I love it! I currently live in Santa Barbara and commute to school. The three things that are most fundamental to my identity are my smile, my loud laugh and personality. I smile A LOT and have a loud laugh. I have even heard it is contagious ? I also have a bubbly personality. I am usually always happy and enjoying my day, or at least I try to! However, when I want time for myself, one of my guilty pleasures is laying in bed, watching Netflix, and most likely eating mint and chip ice cream. Nice to meet you!
