
ESRM 370

ESRM 370 Flyer Sp2016 Ad#2

Take our next class on Remotely Piloted Systems

Last spring we taught our first-ever course on UAVs under a special topics course listing.  Finally, we have our very own stand-alone numbering (ESRM 370: Introduction to Remotely Piloted Systems).  This course is open to any major and has no pre-requisites.  We will meet Friday mornings over the Spring 2016 semester.  Students in this course will learn about the social and legal issues surrounding Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, learn to pilot these robotic tools, and to collect field data with the latest technology.

Contact Dr. Anderson for questions or to ask about any additional details.

Victor Martinez 2015-11-20 17:40:31

Hello, I don’t know how many of you will be reading this post but I just wanted to share some of the 3d models that I have been working on in Cinema 4D. I’m a beginner and have been working alone on just one model. Feedback is greatly appreciated.

v8 engine block 3Heres the engine block that I’ve been working on, I started with a pyramid primitive and added two squares to create the block. Then I arranged the cylinders within the block followed by the Boole green object.

v8 engine block 2

The intake surface was created by using the Boole object to subtract slots from the pyramid primitive.

v8 engine block


If anyone reads this or is interested in what I’m doing, feel free to contact me and let me know how I’m doing.

Sternheimer and Videos

One quote that really struck me from Fox’s, Leonard’s, and Sachs’ (2007) video was that “stuff moves through a system from extraction, to production, to distribution, to consumption, to disposal.” I liked this quote because with many things we do not think about the full picture of where it comes from. Take technology for example. All we worry about is the new and improved product getting in our hands. We never think about the process it goes through to get there. I think it’s interesting that this person dedicated their time to finding the missing variables in materials economy. I did not know there was a term for throwing away things that still work. This term is perceived obsolescence.

The Story of Solutions by Leonard and Sachs (2013) brings up an interesting point about how as an economy we spend money on all of these things to get more money instead of spending money on something better. However, in order to spend money on better things, we have to change the goal of the economy. People are not comfortable with change, so it will make this task very difficult.

In chapter 9, Sternheimer (2013) states that “advertising is an easy target to blame for our culture of consumption” (p. 255). I am a little confused by this. Does she mean that the blame should be directed somewhere else? If so, what or who are we blaming? I feel like the media is completely responsible for shaping society. First of all, the media does not even fully reflect everyone in society; moreover, people do not have the knowledge of how to deconstruct media. The goal should be to educate society on media instead of always throwing the blame at it. In chapter 11, Sternheimer (2013) states “claims maters actively work to raise awareness of what they see as the pop culture problem, which occasionally rises to the level of a moral panic” (p. 273). The real problem is people mindlessly consuming media without a question as to what it really means. We blame the media for all of the problems in society because it’s easy to point the blame at someone and call it a day. No one wants to talk about the underlying causes of these problems, but it’s time that we start talking about them.

November 23ii

Steinheimer talks about children and their influence on consumption with brand names. She goes on to talk about who this could be detrimental and the quote that really caught my eye was, “Could the temptations of an ever-increasing number of gadgets, like smartphones, iPads, and designer brands, be luring young people away from things that really matter and destroying the environment” ( 248)? The answer is yes, children and sometimes as adults are more worried about what else they can consume. They are not worried about the world they live in because they are oblivious to negative thoughts. Children do not want to watch the documentary “BlackFish” they want to go on their computers and play sims. The more distractions we create for man-kind the more we can slide the horrific under the table.

Blaming the advertisers: They definitely influence children to think more about products. I often wonder if a child drove past a McDonalds, had never heard of it or seen any type of advertising, he or she probably would have no desire to go there. The parents would decide when to take their child there and then he or she would be hooked, advertisement played no role here. On the other hand, it is the constant reminder on television that McDonalds is down the street that makes their product have more consumers.

It is crazy how spoiling your child can negatively effect them later in life. Sternheimer also talks about the right of passage that consuming gives to a child, “being a consumer in American society is a step toward maturity” (253). I never thought of it that way, but it is true. People are constantly competing for who has the bigger, better product. After doing the advertising analysis, the original way, as it says on the syllabus, I have realized how bad commercials really are. This goes back to how the chapter talks about children influencing what their parents buy, I see it all the time.

The last chapter starts off with the topic of poverty and how our consumption of materials and media has taken us away from things that matter. Sternheimer also talks about the problem of inequality not being faced because of all the distractions (277). The chapter really just emphasizes how we fill up our day with meaningless tasks and we do not spend enough time doing things that matter. I was talking about this with someone last week. Generations before us were in survival mode. They had to get jobs that paid well, not what they wanted to do.Every task they did during the day was for survival, whether that be cooking or sewing. These days we get to do whatever we want with our free time, and most of the time, it is time wasted.

It boils down to the basics of humans trying to outdo one another. Consumers need to have the best of the best, to show they are living life correctly. How many times in movies have we seen a couples’ success be shown through how big their house is and how nice their cars are?

A new generation of greed

Chapter 10 and 11 from this week’s readings was quite interesting. Right off the bat in chapter 10 my attention was caught when Sternheimer mentioned “Would you become a living advertisement for the right price?” (Sternheimer, 2013). This automatically directed me to the previous conversations we had in class about individuals being walking advertisements. For example, the individual who had a branding of a company’s brand behind her legs was walking around being a mobile advertisement for that brand. Additionally, this might be due the array of advertisements that are played over and over throughout television that may offer an incentive such as cash, in which young individuals are being subliminally sucked in without even knowing. In addition, “according to a 2006 poll, 92 percent of parents agreed that there is too much advertising to children” (Sterheimer, 2013), which may lead to consumer desires.

Moreover, i though it was interesting when Sternheimer mentioned that there are “plenty of examples of media representations that portray less than ideal behaviors” (Sternheimer, 2013). Furthermore, there was a section in chapter 11 where Sternheimer caught my attention. She stated “Pop culture matters; media analysis is a great tool for exposing the complexities of issues like violence, gender, sexuality, racism, and homophobia” (Sternheimer, 2013). I totally agree with Sternheimer. Additionally, exposing the complexities of the issues that are intergraded within is a great tool for young individuals to open their mind and possibly trigger rhetorical thinking. Additionally, they may explore deeper and possibly have a better understanding in what they’re currently experiencing with their media mediums and pop culture.

Lastly, the story of stuff explains where stuff comes from and how it’s a system. Additionally, i found it interesting that we go into third world countries and take over their land and destroy it for US production. In addition, i was blown away when they kept reiterating how chemicals are intergraded in everyday stuff. Moreover, the story of solutions pointed out interesting points. For example, when she mentioned how we’re focusing on the wrong solutions such as phones and how individuals are trying to figure out how to make it faster, cheaper, newer, instead of finding solutions that concern our own planet such as being safer, healthier and fairer.




Sternheimer, K. (2013). Connecting Social Problems and Popular Culture 2nd edition. Boulder, CO.  

Blood Typing Game

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Just going to see if this works :-)

Teaching the Writing Process in Secondary School

In “Process Writing and the Secondary School Reality” by Barbara Carney, she explains she effectively made students participate in the writing process through a series of events that were creative, yet also followed the formal English curriculum of composition. She felt this was achieved through student ownership of their writing. This created a relaxed atmosphere because students can pick their own topic and have peer groups to discuss their papers. Multiple drafts were a key element in the writing process. According to Carney, writing is a hierarchy process with High Order Concerns and Low Order Concerns. The HOCs are the focus, organization, tone, and development of the paper. The LOCs are sentence structure, punctuation, and spelling. She felt LOCs were more effective if saved for the last draft.

How can we fit the writing process approach into our large and regimented classrooms?

Carney’s writing process involves prewriting, three drafts, editing, and a final draft. Prewriting involved giving a couple of general prompts for the students where they can choose the topic they want to write. This creates ownership because they can choose what they want to focus on. Students have to turn in a formal thesis which gets feedback, but will not be graded until the final draft. Then, once their thesis is returned, they begin the first draft. It is important to give credit for drafts as well as the final product to place value on the assignment. The second draft always involved peer groups. Once the second draft is done, students get together in conferences to share their writings. If a student is unmotivated and does not have a paper, they will be asked to write quietly while conferences are going on. The third draft must be turned in to the teacher for feedback not corrections. If there are errors, it is best to circle or underline them so the teacher is not just viewed as an error-corrector. There is the editing draft which is different form the final draft to focus on the LOC’s at the end. This is most helpful if read out loud with peer group conferences. The final draft will be the reflection of all these stages. Students feel pride they achieved their goal and be proud of their works.

Chapter 10

I definitely agree with the author that we live in a consumption oriented society.  I think that many parents give in to buying their kids products because of the nag factor.  Many parents don’t have time to take their children clothes shopping; as a result, they give their child money, and another family member or friend will take them. Also, there are ads everywhere we go, especially aimed toward children.  There are pepsi and coca cola ads at schools, even I remember seeing these ads when I was in high school.  Although, I think younger children have been advertising numerous brands without even knowing it; for instance, wearing Disney shirts that has there favorite characters on it.

Additionally, I like the statement that Sternheimer wrote, “show people love by getting them gifts.”  I think this is true for our society because there are usually gift gifting activities around the holidays.  Children get this idea in their mind that it is mandatory to show people they care about by buying them presents, even though that may not be true.

Change in the Classroom

Hello and good afternoon, this week we are focusing on how the classroom of today needs to change with the different types of technology. We have tools today that were not available thirty years ago. Heck, if you think back to what was available just ten years ago, the information available and the methods of how to retrieve it are far better than before. We were given an article to read, and a TED talk to watch, which are both ideas about how powerful the internet is and how do we bring it to the classroom to better the education of tomorrow.

The internet is more powerful than most of us realize. How Powerful? Little over a year ago there was a trend that went viral for all the right reasons, and that was the “Ice Bucket Challenge“. If you are not familiar with it, I will explain it briefly. Via Facebook, a person would announce that they were donating $100.00 to ALS, dump a bucket of ice water over their head, then challenge three of their friends to do the same. This internet trend raised over one hundred million dollars and led to the biggest breakthrough in ALS research. The leading research company stated that if it were not for the money raised by the challenge they probably would have never made the break-though. That is how powerful the internet has become. If we can get that power into the classroom, then the future has gotten a bit more exciting.

Both the article and video spoke of using this power for better material and broadening the horizon of the student. The idea that instead of just a textbook, the class revolves around specific topics and evolves with the current information as it is published or documented. Everyone has the power to access the internet and any given time, may it be a phone, tablet or laptop, so why not use this for the classroom? The classroom is more interactive now than ever before so the tools used to teach should be just as interactive.

I am looking forward to see some of these changes to the classroom, and i am excited for the  future that lies in front of all of us that are trying to bring a better tomorrow. The planet is in bad place at the moment and we are the future that plans to clean it up. We have all the tools that we need, and it is time to start using them.


Remember everyone to smile, make someone else laugh out loud, and have a fantastic day.