
Beginning Participation (Challenge 5.1)

This week, we are stepping out of the shadows of lurking and finally beginning to participate in the social culture of our topics.

I’m continuing to use Twitter as a way to participate in the topic of LGBT representation (this is one of the sites that we are required/allowed/expected to participate in). And although Tumblr was not included in the list of expected websites, I also wanted to participate in the Tumblr culture because I feel that the users of Tumblr have a lot to say about the topic and are all willing to share. I was not sure how much I could get from Twitter or Facebook or Instagram, but I do plan to try participating in Facebook and Instagram in the continuation of this challenge.

Initially, I attempted to dive right into participating on both websites. On both Tumblr and Twitter, I posted on my personal accounts (while using the hashtag for “#lgbt representation” and “#univ349dc”) reaching out to anyone who follows me and other users who don’t follow me but follow the hashtag results. I simply asked about everyone’s opinion about the current state of LGBT representation and how they feel that it can be improved. As I was half expecting, I didn’t get much interaction on either site. On Twitter, fellow classmate Melissa, responded to my tweet with her opinion, and that interaction can be seen on the Tagboard for #univ349dc. But I didn’t get any interactions beyond that.

On Tumblr, I did basically the same thing: reach out to my followers and the hashtag for opinions. For a while, I only got “likes” on my post which shows me that people agree that the topic of representation is one that needs to be talked about. Here is my post: But later in the day, I received texts from my friend that I made through Tumblr who lives in Canada asking how he can help with my participation and told me that he would draft a response to my question with his opinion of LGBT representation. He reblogged (Tumblr’s version of sharing/reposting) my post onto his blog with his response which you can read here: He carried a lot of insight on the subject, and I was glad to see that not only did he have something to say about the subject, but also he helped my reaching out to my followers by broadcasting my post on his blog which reaches out to his followers. Now, hopefully, I have the attention of both our crowds.

This week’s challenge has been just that: challenging. I don’t feel that my voice is being heard among the thousands (maybe millions?) of other users on the websites, but hopefully during this next week of participation, I can get in touch with other users of Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, and maybe Instagram to learn more about this topic.

The brain on phone and internet…

My experience without a phone and the internet over the weekend was quiet and uneventful because I was disconnected from the people I’m usually connected with, making it harder to stay in touch with my network of friends.

I found this video interesting because it explains how a phone or the internet can influence the brain. It makes me think about the effects of social media on the brain. Perhaps I will step away from the phone and the internet a little more often.



I guess this website is good at outlining exactly what the sexualization of girls is. This is nothing new to me, so I am just going to point out my favorite parts.

“Both male and female peers have been found to contribute to the sexualization of girls — girls by policing each other to ensure conformance with standards of thinness and sexiness (Eder, 1995; Nichter, 2000) and boys by sexually objectifying and harassing girls.”

This is what feminism is about, it is about letting women do what they want and that is why it needs more followers. When there is a standard and both sexes are constantly policing it, you are setting women up for failure.

Girls also sexualize themselves when they think of themselves in objectified terms. Yes, this is why it is horrible that we continue to talk and act the way we do. Girls objectify girls all the time. They talk in a way that led men think its okay to talk and act that way as well.

The study with women wearing a sweater or swim suit is very interesting. This proves that women worry too much about their appearance. The ideas that girls form when they are little definitely effect them when they are older.

“Organized religious and other ethical instruction can offer girls important practical and psychological alternatives to the values conveyed by popular culture”…. why does it have to be religious based?

More people need to be aware of these ideals. i just find it so hard that people are so blindly unaware, but I see this first hand. I should be able to  process this with my experience with morons.. but…

What do parents do- You have to talk to your children about it. Many parents are clueless this theory exists at all and therefor no family discussions arise. You also need to express it to your significant other too! I am constantly showing and conducting theories on the sexualization of women with my boyfriend. This concept is so new and many adults didn’t have the chance to learn at home. It is up to us to teach each other.

I HATE when people talk about LETTING their daughter, girlfriend or whomever wear a certain outfit. She can wear whatever she wants it shouldn’t be able what you allow her to do… but on the website it makes a great point in talking about what girls are wearing. Instead of making it about boys staring or what isn’t “appropriate” talk about why it isn’t practical. With tv it is better to explain why they can’t watch or listen to something instead of saying no, and them becoming curious.

What girls can do- speak up!! When someone does something that is uncalled for say something, I DO ALL THE TIME. If i hear someone say or do something that is negative for women, ill say your being sexist, your disgusting, or stop your not helping women. lol. Be you, wear what you want .. we all want to wear pajamas or work out clothes in my case lol. Don’t worry about what others think and speak up for women when you can !

The websites

They weren’t what I was expecting.. they don’t address the problem ay hand. They pretend that there is no problem to begin with. .. two of the websites didn’t even load.

This website is the best:


“I can’t get no satisfaction” and “let me put my love into you” is a million times BETTER than any rap music, rap music says it straight out they use the actual words … at-least rock is metaphorical!! I am surprised that the comic book thing has not come up since the 50s. So comics went into change but music can’t change? Is it because it has a better demographic. Making a warning label is stupid. The point is that the music is made with the lyrics that it is made with. I think people can tell if it was explicit or not. Nobody sees that label and goes oh this is explicit!? we know its explicit!

Is That an Utopia?

Upon visiting the Santa Rosa Island, this past weekend the two most conceptual themes or concepts I have learned from the faculty and the island itself are a sense of place, community and or person. Although these two concepts were two of the three central themes in which we were suppose to take away from the trip. I do not say these things because I feel like they are “the right answer” I say these, because I have truly learned these lessons from the Island itself. Through both the ideologies of Matt and Cause they had demonstrated their own individual topics within their disciplines that in the end all centered around one main levitating topic.

Matt being an art as well as a geology major had not only used his own perspective through his use of creativity to address the island, but he been the first one for me to bring around my own sense of person. Matt’s two main points that he had tried to engrain into was one “you are your own force” and two all things are shaped a specific way and each way servers a purpose that was formed by the given conditions in which they were given. He has used the examples of both utensils and the trees that were on the island themselves.  He explained that the spoon is shaped with the purpose to scoop, and the trees were shaped with a curve formed by the wind.

The second theme was then brought to me by Cause, he used his Environmental knowledge as well as conservation and restoration knowledge to bring a sense of place to not only me but to he rest of the Surf members. He had us do something a bit different from the rest of the groups but both of the activities had led us to the same conclusion and feeling. While other groups worked on the restoration of the island by planting plants our group had counted the organisms within a given area of the beach. Both these activities were not easy work but were a fun and interesting way to get us to connect to the island. Through the demonstration of both activates, they led us or me to feel such a stronger connection to the island that I would have not felt before hand. It left the island feeling like I was actually one with Santa Rosa, that our efforts will contribute to the continuous growth and understanding of  the island, that although we may not able to see the full growth of the island to still to say the least, it all gave us a sense of place and community.

Although these two lessons and or themes may seem to be separate isolated topics each address the environment in a specific unique way. To me the over arching meaning behind these whole lessons is taken from an environmentalist point of view. I feel that the meaning the faculty was trying to convey is that the environment is all around us and everything we do effects it to a certain degree, and we just need to take a step back away from everything to fully realize our contribution to it all.

The whole trip was a great experience not only for me but I know for everyone else as well. Santa Rosa has opened my eyes I can honestly say that due to the faculty and speakers such as Cause, Alison and Matt, they have widen my perspective on Lady Rosa. I look forward to going back soon and take on what new lesion she will have to teach me next, maybe I might even be able to do a bit of research on her in the future.

Genre, how does it fit into AVC Women’s Soccer?

In writing, specialized topics emerge, as in discourse communities in which develop fundamental language, written communication, and is what usually falls into an expertise. Along with these, an important aspect, genre, tends to help match where the category falls into. “Each discipline whether it is English, Psychology, or History has its own key concepts and language for describing these important ways of understanding the world,” (1). Dirk explains how genre fits into writing.

In differentiating the difference between speech community and discourse community Swales states that: “Literacy takes away locality and parochiality, for members are more likely to communicate with other members in distant places, and are more likely to react and respond to writings than from speech from the past,” (2). The point is that writing not only records but makes communication viable through distances, in which participants can explore and be a part of, from virtually any workable location. Swales also suggests that writing creates communication that can be tacked on from the past, not just the present as how speech communities would be only reactive in the present moment.

When the word genre is used, people often think in terms of textual forms—for example, the form that a sonnet or review takes. Other times, people think in categories of items they enjoy—for example the genre of country music, epic films, or first person—shooter video games,” (4). These do fit into genres, but here we look into the deeper meaning and look into the details that are entailed in a specific genre. One example of this type of genre is Antelope Valley College Women’s Soccer.

As the genre falls into one specific means, the Facebook website, designed for Antelope Valley College’s athletes, one can find that events that have taken place are being discussed. For instance,

“Valerie Valladares assisted on Adriana Serrano’s goal just eight minutes in against West LA and scored another one in the second half as the Marauders ended significant futility and beat the Wildcats 4-0,” (3). For the 2015 record AVC had its second win after a difficult trend throughout the season. The genre discusses how the season is going for the Marauders as well as the most recent win/tie/loss track record.

As well as Antelope Valley College’s Main Website…..










Works Cited


  1. Dirk, Kerry, “Navigating Genres.” Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing. Eds. Charles Lowe and Pavel Zemliansky. Parlor Press, 2010. 249-262. Web.
  2. Swales
  3. <>.
  4. Anonymous, . “Genre.” College Composition and Communication, 62.3 (2011): 560.



Writing discourse for collegiate soccer specifically Antelope Valley College, genre medium usually happens online at the AVC website and as well as Facebook’s athletic discourse page. The writing discourse falls into genre as it discusses what has happened during matches and the history associated with the opponent at hand. Usually matches from year to year are being played against the same colleges, so it is interesting to discuss whether tradition has been broken; a team may have a tendency of losing to a particular team in which one of the main goals for the year would be finding a strategy to match the opponent, discovering offense or defense patterns, and player marking.


October 27th

This chapter was an eye opener to the reality that still today sex is a very sensitive topic that parents often avoid with their teens. even with shows like Teen Mom and talk shows that test supposedly “Baby Daddy’s” of teens who have unprotected sex. often times I’m surprised that mothers and fathers don’t take the initiative and tell their kids if their having sex they should be on birth control to avoid the risk of getting preganet. I think we need to educate kids young because sex is all over television, social media and everywhere else that human eyes might lay upon. Lets  a few moments of fun.face it we should be open to sex talks and education all day for teens because it’s more complicated than just

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October 26th

Chapter 6 Pop Culture Promiscuity

This chapter had various shocking statistics while reading through. The fact that teens are not as bad as adults or that the amount of teens who have had sex has dramatically decreased from 20 years ago. I also thought it was interesting that the author noted the way people think about sex has changed and the economics and demographics of an ever changing society also played a role. When it came to knowledge and parenting on the topic of sex I thought this chapter had an interesting viewpoint. Adolescents especially aren’t knowledgeable about certain things because they are never taught about sensitive topics not in school or by there parents.  If this society was able to be more informed than that could make a difference. The author also said that this current culture has many areas that allow teens to be away from their parents and act in a different or sexual way. But at the same time the parents cant be  dominatingly strict. Parents need to have a balance between strictness and teaching there children about sensitive topics and then trusting that they will make smart choices based on the knowledge given to them.  “We ignore the majority of teens who are responsible or don’t engage in sex”. Sternheimer Pg. 149 The author makes a valid point that family monitoring, support and communication play huge roles in peoples lives.


Fight The New Drug’s website was very interesting to me. Additionally, i had no idea this site  existed and pornography was such a problem. In addition, after browsing the website, the site does a great job on explaining the harmful effects of pornography. Moreover, the site explains that pornography can be harmful in three ways. These ways affect the brain, heart, and the world around you. Additionally, they elaborate on how pornography can be addictive, changes your way of thinking, affects your behavior, ruins relationships, and may lead to violence.

Furthermore, in chapter six, Sternhiemer explains how we all “live in a time where nothing is off limits in pop-culture, and the most private information about celebrities love lives becomes tabloid fodder.” I can definitely see how young teens may be influenced due to the content displayed of a celebrities life. The young individual may think it’s acceptable to act or mirror a celebrity, which may lead to negative outcomes. Additionally, Sternhiemer elaborates on how many adults fear that sex is no longer a big deal to kids, and how young teens are hooking up and growing up fast. This might have to do with the sexual content they read, view, or hear that may trigger certain actions. 




Disconnect yourself from everything was the challenge.  Was it possible ? Somewhat, but overall no. I can’t believe how much of my life revolves around my phone, computer, or even listening to the radio when I’m driving. I stopped by some grocery stores and noticed many people on their phones. Even when having lunch with my classmates most of us were having  a conversation, but our phone was always by our side and constantly in use. Its very surprising how much I need my devices whether it is to socialize or to complete my daily duties with school and work. Its definitely necessary that we take some time away and look at our surroundings and engage in conversations with people.  Its something good to try once in awhile and see the difference .