
What’s Dumbing Down America?!

Chapter four’s title caught my attention and drew me into reading the chapter.  Sternheimer elaborates on the recent news stories argue that the internet is “re-wiring young people’s minds, and not for the best.” That statement made me ponder, and it’s leaning me more and more to believe it. There is so much negative corrupted media out there that it could potentially send mixed signals to young viewers. These signals may have bad intentions subliminally hidden behind the message, but the young viewer isn’t aware of it and may conceptualize it for something else. Moreover, Sternheimer also refers to a Chicago Sun-Times story which discusses how the ability of graduating high school is based on the kid’s ability to reject all the nonsense he/she is exposed to in our pop culture.

Additionally, she also refers to Neil Postman’s book Amusing Ourselves to Death, which talks about how the United States has shifted from the “Magic of Writing to the magic of electronics.” I thought that was interesting because i can relate to that statement. Just thinking back on how i was brought up in a society where media didn’t have an effect on individuals, and observing what’s currently going on, has made me realize the enhancement media has gone through!







Genetically personalized dieting?

This article discusses the concept that each individual’s normal intestinal flora determines what diets will work for them. Also provides an explanation as to why certain diets that some swear by, are not affective to others. Just some food for thought:)

Innovative Patient Education on Gastroenterology

DrawMD is an app available for an IPad that enables individualized patient education.  Created by two physicians working with the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, this application enables visualization of the problem at hand with associated endoscopic diagnostic and treatment procedures. GI conditions include diverticulitis, diverticulosis, strictures, cancer, polyps, ulcerative colitis, and vascular abnormalities.  The procedures included at this time are colonoscopy, polypectomy, hemicolectomy, endoscopic Mucosal Resection, singe and Double Balloon Enterocsopy, abdominoperineal Resection, and hemostasis. This application can greatly increase patient understanding.  These demonstrations can also be printed and emailed allowing for patient review.

Find more information at:

PT Education With GI

The only patient teaching I have seen in regards to GI is about ambulation increasing bowel activity and the importance of adhering to the laxative (Golytely) regimen in regards to colonoscopy’s.There is a lot more patient teaching in regards to GI in the endoscopy rotation I had been to for my out rotation last semester.

October 12

“It distracts us from knowing too much about the way American society is structured, being too aware of social problems that might seem boring in the face of so much other interesting stuff out there to pay attention” (73). Yes, we society is engulfed in materialistic possessions and media. For starters, the UGG fascination. We were all so wrapped up in the fad and cute they were and cozy they felt. Everyone was wearing them and they just looked like a great fashion staple. Once you open your eyes to what goes on behind the scenes at this factory, you will throw up (if you are a decent human being). This goes for so many things on the media, we are blind to the reality. How many citizens actually know about the refuge crisis right now? The internet has definitely increased knowledge for the public. Television does dumb down the public only in the case that it doesn’t promote cognitive thinking so your brain starts to “fall asleep”.


Honestly, for kids to be affected so highly by television for it to be a problem they have to be watching large amounts of television; It is kind of ridiculous.

This chapter basically says that adults are more likely to abuse television than children, way to set an example.

Honestly I feel like my brain is working harder when I am multi-tasking. It takes more work for you to say write this blog and listen to a song. It takes more energy to write and essay and watch a show than to just watch the essay. I feel like my brain works more when I multi-task.

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

week5 posting

hey guys, so I really sat down and started to think after reading Grinberg’s “Let toys be toys,” article, and realized all of the things being taught to different kids each day. It really is true when she states that the way you are told how and which toys you should use (depending on the parent) really does start a way of thinking. I can remeber a bunch of times i heard my  male cousins dads basically yell at them for picking up a doll at such a young age and not knowing why it was wrong, but just that it was worng for them to have it in their posession. it was also interesting to read that 78, almost 80% of what people consider to be what makes boys boys and girls girls is in the close to zero range. There really is only a difference in mindset (other than biology) which is seperating boys and girls. Anyways, i sat down and started to ponder all this on a personal level, in temrs of what Grinberg means by letting toys be toys and having children decide which toys or attributes they want to aquire. As much as i told myself no, i too find myself fully sucked into the gender roles of society, and being completely honest (nto trying to stir the pot or anything) but i really don’t know how i would react or feel if I evr had a son who picked up a doll and tried playing with it. I want to say that part of me would let him keep playing with it for a bit before my inner instincts kick in and i try to persuade him to use a more “boy- orientated object” , I dont know, but this article really caught my attention to the gender roles that we associate with, well, everything.

Blog 4 how to compliment girls

I am going to be an aunt for the first time, so this article stuck out to me. I realized that i will always compliment my friends on clothes and accessories. I do this mainly because i have a slight obsession with clothes. I realize that its very surfaced, and even though i have good intentions I want to try and compliment my friends on deeper traits.  Also, when it comes to children i will compliment their sparkly shoes, or princess dress because i feel like its an easy way to connect with little kids. However now i see that by focusing on appearance as a way to connect can create a larger issue. When my sister has her baby I will now think about what i say to my future niece or nephew. I want to compliment their kindness, intelligence, and other traits that mean so much more than physical appearance. Although i will want them to feel beautiful, i think kids need to understand that the important beauty truly comes within.


Little girls

Wow! was how the articles left me complimenting little I believe on things like the newest clothes and shoes is absurd to me 10 years ago because I didn’t grow up with those things and my sisters did. I always have been on the late train with the newest things and have always complimented my sisters on their clothes  although I never thought of how much it would be of such importance in todays youth. A smile is way more deserving than a compliment over nice Jordans. However I was more moved by the target story.

Target is amazing for breaking the stereotypes on what toys boys and girls shpuld play with. I remember growing up my brother would be called a sissy if he played with my dolls and that’s because Ken Barbie was a boy. I know that earlier generations were highly affected with this issue and at some pint to the extreme where they even questioned their sexuality and all because of a doll, stroller and toys that were gender labeled for little girls. I allow my nephew to play with dolls and strollers because hes only 2 and he should be able to play baby one day little biys will be dads and will be carrying around one I think this topic leads into many and am excited to hear the whole classes input on both I really enjoyed the article and sent it to my sister so she can read it too.