

Today I’ve completed the poses for Rodney Mullen. The first pose I did was him stating up and looking to the audience with a welcoming smile, presenting himself in a kind way. The second one I finished by illustrate him jumping with his skateboard, and smiling to show he is having fun. The third one is a illustration of him smiling to the audience and presenting his skateboard bottom part, revealing that on the bottom the text that says “CREATIVITY” because he is associated with the word according to Gorge children book ideas. I’m currently working in the close up face expression. I’m also waiting for some feedback for the second poster for professor Perchuck, so i can jump in another designs. As every other day since class started my team and I text all the time to keep up to date in the progress of each other.

Below is the image of the posses I have completed for Rodney Mullen illustration bubble head:


Richard's Capstone Blog // Fall 2016 2016-09-27 03:02:48

We have made significant progress since my last blog post. I made some new changes based off of George’s feedback, which included adding Raju the elephant, the Wildlife SOS logo, and fixing his arms. We have gotten approval of all three of our bobble heads, and are set to move forward with creating 3-5 poses,3-5 close up expressions. We plan to get these to him as soon as possible and keep going down the list and repeating the same process for the rest of the seven illustration libraries.

We have also received a reply from the Line Lackeys Club member, about the logo ideas we sent him. He has decided that moving forward without the anchors would be best, as it has nothing to do with the club. We emailed him back and let him know that we would be getting back to him with new sketches that reflects these changes.

Our client, The Graft Group, set up a meeting with is this past Friday. The meeting was to talk more about target demographics, for his biking and hobbies website. He gave us ideas as to how we could target their demographics effectively, especially the biking website which is trying to target two different demographics. With the biking website he is trying to target the young urban female and female baby boomers. He wants the identity of the website to be feminine and to have mid-century modern feel. We have created new inspiration boards for both the biking and hobbies that better reflects the demographics we are trying to target with our designs.


Another project we have started on is the Tour de Franc t-shirt design. Bess and I both collaborated on this project. she created the illustration based of the image and i provided her with the instruments to put in the basket. Bess made some changes to illustration, and I will be providing her with new instruments; which include a sliding guitar, guitar, and a ukulele.

For Driffill elementary we created sketches for a new logo for the school. We decided as a group that are sketches were too cute, and decided to redo our sketches to something with the same kind of feel and impact as their original logo. At the moment we are working on one logo, building off of each others ideas.

09/25/16 CAPSTONE 499

This weekend, I have being working in many projects at the same time. I started with the bubble head for Gorge, I’m have done the main bubble head character “Rodney Mullen”. Right now I’m still working on 3-5 poses and 3-5 face expressions. We are divining the image library to develop for him so we all work as team. Then, I made some improvements to Perchuk’s second poster by the use of my team feedback on the piece. I posted on Trello my final draft so far to receive more feedback again. After that, I starts with some drafts on illustrator for Driffill Elementary School. I did two versions of the ram logo, the first one is focus on the younger children of the school a low level aggressive design something more inviting but at the same time not loosing his low level aggressiveness. The second ram design is for older children in the school and that design has to reflect an aggressive vibe. Right now, I’m posting Driffill, rams for feedback. As a team we still text all the time for new assignments due to a constant CI clubs replays.

Below are images of the work in progress I have so far this weekend:


09/22/16 CAPSTONE 499

Today I finished my first draft for the second poster of professor Perchuck, I took in consideration that the second poster had to be similar to the first one according to the professor instructions. I’ve created a photo montage to combine the several images we receive so it can fit the poster template. I’ll be sending my draft to my team for review, by doing that I can improve the design and the similarities to the first poster.

As well after George comments on my Rodney Mullen bubble head illustration, I went ahead and start the creation of the poses for the same. At the same time I’m looking for inspiration of his work and TED talks, so I can reflect his real personality into my illustrations.

On the other hand I starts doing sketches for Driffill Elementary School’s mascot the “RAM”, we are creating an original design for them due to a similar, well exact design found in many different schools. We need to design two different design for them. The first one need to be a energetic, aggressive, powerful. Second one needs to be a smaller version, what i mean by that is to have it look cute and non aggressive for the younger children.

Bellow is two images for my work so far this week:


Richard's Capstone Blog // Fall 2016 2016-09-20 06:50:38

We got an email back today from George(Active Planet Kids), and he gave us some feedback on our drafts for the bobble head characters. I got a lot of feedback on my illustration of Kartick Satyanarayan, which I have started changing. One of the main things george wants is it to include other illustration in order to give the bobble head some context and people can make connections to Kartick. I have been working on an illustration on of an elephant and fining a way to combine the two. I plan to try other different poses of the elephant than just a side view, because after looking at it I feel Like it would be too wide of an illustration. I definitely want to try and illustration with the elephant facing forward. I added tears in the elephants eye which is reference from Raju the elephant, who Kartick helped rescue after being chained up and abused for 50 years. Another changed I made based on Georges Feedback was the hair. I added some more curls towards the front of forehead. I also tried adding a logo of the wildlife SOS organization on his shirt, but it’s kind of challenge due to the size of the bobble head. This logo would only work if the bobble head would be blown up in size. One thing I need to work on is his arms, which need to look a little more animated.

09/19/16 CAPSTONE 499

George the client that requires the bubble head of important people for his children book finally received our first drafts and he replay to us with the following comments:

Nelson Mandela Hair needs to be grey South African Flag (object of association) on a lapel pin (or color swaths behind him) Right hand (now waving) should be a fist (maybe bigger, more accented) Look at the eyes a bit more, should they be narrower? * Keep in mind that one of the biggest character traits of Nelson was his big smile and the warmth and comfort that came from him – very grandfatherly.

Rodney Mullens Looks great – nice association with skateboard.

Kartick If you look at his pictures his hair curls on his left side, a little further in on his forehead.He needs to have an elephant association with him. Check out Google images of Raju, the elephant that he helped rescue and that cried. The elephant should be next to him, behind him, her trunk can be resting on his head, but Raju should have a tear in her eye so people know who she is as well. That is what people associate with her – we want to give people hints at who these people are…

I was in change of developing the illustration of Rodney Mullens, and did my best to represent him as the real person as possible. Today also discuss about a meeting this upcoming Saturday to clarify Sam’s websites direction, for the design and feel of a logo that appeal to all audiences.



09/18/16 CAPSTONE 499

I have finished my fist draft for George the client that wants the bubble head for his children book. I try to have my illustration as similar as possible to the real Rodney Mullen. American professional skateboarder, entrepreneur, inventor, and public speaker who practices freestyle and street skateboarding. The only problem so far is to draw every single detail to have my illustration as same as the real person it requires many layers on top of other and my file is not as clean as I wanted. I have to work on cleaning my  illustration file because when we send the final approved illustration he need the original file.  I did my best to make the illustration represent what he does. I added a skated clothing a par of skater shorts a 90’s t shirt and some cool skated tennis shoes so can be easy on the eyes that he does like and practice skating, the final element of course it has to be a skate board.

Also today as a team gave feed back to Bess and Sarah to improve their design of the for the Hilell club. Later on the final edits were made and the file was sent successfully. Below is a image of the final drat for Rodney Mullen the skater:


Richard's Capstone Blog // Fall 2016 2016-09-19 06:35:51


We have completed our first drafts of the active planet bobble heads. I was in charge of creating the Kartick Satyanarayan character illustration. After getting feedback from my group members, I decided to spend more time working on it today. I added more details and refined other areas of the illustration. One of the things I changed from my original illustration was the addition of detail in the hair. The original bobble heads hair looked flat with no dimension, so I added some highlights to the hair. This helped give it more dimension and the illusion of the hair being parted. I also changed his eyebrows and nose, which I believe really helped capture his likeness even more. Another thing I changed was the beard, which I added more texture to. Then I made sure there was perfect symmetry through out the whole illustration. We plan to have all of our bobble heads emailed to George, from Active Kids Planet, tonight.



I was also working on completing the set of logos for the channel islands Line Lackeys club. I had had previously completed one logo, but I now have eight logos completed. I decided to use a different font for the rest of the logos, going for “union pacific 1942″. I also added color, but it’s not the official color the president wants. I used the blue color just to show where color could be added if they would like to add color, but the logos will work just as well in black and white. I will be sending these to the president of the line lackeys club for feedback.

Richard's Capstone Blog // Fall 2016 2016-09-18 06:46:54



Today I have been working on our Active planet kids project. I was assigned to create one of the bobble head characters for Kartick Satyanarayan, who is famous for rescuing “dancing” bears in India. His mission is to rescue and help the wildlife in India. One of the first things I did today was look at the research we all found as a group and looked at his photos for reference. I started sketching him out while referring to the proportions that the other bobble heads are drawn in. I made sure that the sketch would match stylistically with what was already out there. As soon as I felt that I had everything correct stylistically, I moved on to taking it to illustrator. I have been very careful to try to get everything looking very symmetrical and with smooth outlines. I am not completely done, but I have made significant progress throughout the day. One of the tricky parts is drawing the beard, which I have been working on the longest. I still want to refine the beard even more, because the edges look to jagged and not uniform. I also incorporated the use of gradients, which a lot of the existing bobble heads have on the clothing part. I think I am successfully capturing his likeness in this stylized illustration of him. As soon as I’m finished I am going to posting it on our Trello board, so my group members can give me feedback on it before we send it out to George. he wants us to send him five illustrations to begin with, before we move on to the rest of the project.

09/17/16 CAPSTONE 499

The first stage on my Bubble head assigned was started today. I took my draft into illustrator to start the development. I believe I have compete the head so far, I’m posting my progress on Trello to my teammate can provide their feed back so i can improve my design at the same time I’ll provide mine so they can improve theirs. Hopefully my design goes together with the esthetic of the client. Today also did another idea board for Sam’s websites, and I includes new color pallets and fonts so he can have a better idea of what I can do for him. Also today I gave my feed back to some of the CI clubs flyers on trello and vie text message. We as a team are working together to complete the clients designs.

Below are the images of the progress I did today:
Rodney Mullen Bubble head project, & Sam’s websites to be developed.
