
New methods: Testing our options

This last week we tried some different solutions for dissolving crab tissue and shells so that we might “float” our plastics out to save time when looking for plastics. We are tweaking the methods used in the Claessens et al 2013 paper.  We are having to tweak because they fried all of the fibers from the samples.  I will have more updates later in the week.IMG_9180

Poster For SAGE And Overall Update

My SAGE poster will be submitted at the end of this week. I have made great improvements of its design over the past few weeks. All I have left to do is finish my capstone paper. I am just having some issue with how to conduct my common garden statistics on SPSS. Hopefully, I will figure it out this week. cropped-cropped-IMG_7602-1.jpg


The last couple of weeks, I have been working on my poster for my capstone class. This poster will be presented at SAGE research conference at CSU Channel on Saturday, May 14th. Here is a sneak peak of what I will be presenting on.Slide1

My poster is finished!

This week I put the final touches on my poster for the Sage conference, now its time to finish my paper.  I have been working on my paper in sections throughout the year and have my introduction and methods finished.  Now it’s  time for the meat of the paper, the results and discussion.   It is going to be a long hard struggle the next two weeks as I finish up my paper and make sure it is at a professional level.  The end is in sight and it will be nice to take a well deserved break after all this work I have put in.


I also had some encouragement from my research adviser, who said that he would like me to publish my paper.  He suggested that I combine my paper with Evangeline Forster’s paper who did the same common garden experiment but with Torrey pines.  If we decide to go this route it will mean another long year of research and writing but it will be worth it if we get a publication in the end.

First Draft Map


This week, I’m working on my poster for capstone which will showcase all my work this past year. Here is my main map for the poster. These are the randomly generated plot points which I sampled.


For the past couple weeks I have been working on my poster for the Sage Conference.  This is the culmination of all my research over the year and has been a lot of work as I analyze my data.  At the conference I will be presenting along side many of my colleagues who are also presenting on many interesting topics.  I you are reading this you are probably interested in research and you are welcome to come to the Sage Conference on May 14  at 9 am in the library on Cal State Channel Islands campus.


Finalizing my Poster

Last week we looked at the first draft of our posters. Since then we revised them and are going to work again today to peer review them. This is what mine looks like so far. This week I will work to make my graphs in plotly instead of excel.

Poster Complete

I finally finished formatting my poster. It’s starting to look good. I have to make some final touch ups and finalize my text.

Other than that, my project is coming along well. All I have to do is slap together my paper, revise it 72 times as well as my figures, and turn it in (to Dr. O’Hirok), then edit it another four or five times, then turn it in!


2nd Draft Poster for SAGE Conference 2016

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CSU COAST 2016 Annual Meeting

Our consortium for the study of the coast and ocean here in the California State University System (aka CSU COAST) just held our annual meeting in Long Beach.  While this group’s focus is the entirety of our coastal and marine environment, much of this has a direct bearing on oil spills and how we go about monitoring them.  Indeed, this year’s annual meeting focused on monitoring and so was directly applicable to so many aspects of our assessments of spilled petroleum in the coastal zone.  While the Chancellor did not make it to this year’s meeting, he was there last year.


This is a great introduction to CSU COAST if you know nothing about it or what we do.  This presentation was by the Director of COAST, Dr. Krista Kamer.

Monitoring Overviews from Partners Across California

Estuary Monitoring

Marine Protected Area Monitoring

Our Work

Rather than showing a professor blab on about our search, two of our undergrads (Tevin Schmitt and Dorothy Horn) did a great job the previous month at the same location.  I’ll let them explain what we are doing…


General Meeting Notes

  • Really big meeting this year, only Sonoma state is missing (due to an illness).
  • Took feedback and changed.  Also addressed requirements of EO 1103 so that COAST is now an official CSU institute, permitted to use the logo, etc.
COAST looking to hire new person: policy and engagement specialist
  • could be independent staffer
  • could be faculty member on reassigned time/buy-out
Summary of the rest of the meeting
  • considerable time devoted to talking about monitroring efforts in the CSU
  • presentations on research opportunities by partners
    • NOAA Sanctuaries West Coast Regional Office
    • Tijuana River National Estuary Research Reserve
    • Ocean Science Trust
    • California Department of Fish and Wildlife
  • all campuses shared their monitoring efforts in quick 2 minutes summaries
  • conversation:  research happens in the CSU and we need external stakeholders to know it (guests agreed that research interactions with CSU have been of highest quality), Chancellor White is identifying this as the next growth opportunity for the CSU
  • product:  using Google Earth, locations and descriptions of monitoring efforts were plotted together; was supposed to spur a discussion about gaps and opportunities, but people pointed out the UCs have monitored efforts that might fill some of those gaps; also talked about the need to connect monitoring efforts (e.g., through common protocols) and need to make data available