
Nursing school year 2!

Well, it’s the beginning of year 2 of nursing school! Although I’m a little nervous about all the new technological requirements, I’m very excited to expand on my knowledge which should be beneficial in & outside of nursing school.

Here’s to another year of nursing school (and being that much closer to graduation)!

Nurse in progress

First Clinical

I cannot believe how far we all have come since our first day at clinical. I remember how scary it was to even think that we would be TOUCHING a patient and asking them when they last had pooped. I was especially nervous due to feeling so unprepared, I don’t think anything can really prepare you for your first day at anything. Surprisingly enough I felt so comfortable at clinical, and to this day I always count down the days until I am in the clinical setting because to me that is what makes everything so worth it. By everything, I mean the countless hours we put into our education and career. I will never forget my first patient, they were so kind to me(which I now have learned that not every patient will be this kind!). This patient told me that they would pray for me and my success in nursing school, and even boasted about me to my clinical professor! The one thing I will never forget is when this particular patient, six weeks later, came back to the hospital on the day we had clinicals just to say thank you to me. I will never forget the kind words I was told that day as well as how great the patient had looked after recovery! I know as nurses we all will get to experience great patient’s like this one, and that is what makes me so excited for our careers. Not only are we doing something that we love, but it is something that will touch others’ lives. I cannot wait for the next patient that I make an impact on.

First Day

I am excited to use CI Keys and use this platform to interact with my peers. I’m not tech savvy so it’ll be interesting to use this, but hopefully I get the hang of it soon.

Meet Me!!!

20150607_101604My name is Stefany Chadkewicz and I’m a freshmen at CSU Channel Islands. I’m from San Diego, CA and have lived there for the past 13 years. In my family, it’s just me, my mom, and my dad. I’m a proud alum of the Academy of Our Lady of Peace, an all-girls Catholic high school in San Diego. I’ve been going to private school for 10 years and a single gender school for the past 4 years. So being at Channel Islands, a public, co-ed university, is something completely different for me.

I love music, especially music that expresses something true, and performing in general. I sing, play guitar, act, and dance tap, jazz, and ballet. One day, I hope to put my opinions, words of wisdom, and advice to music and make my own music. I also love to write. I want to write for the people who may be viewed as a nobody or be that person that not many people notice. I just want to give them a voice.

I’m really looking forward to continuing my education at Channel Islands, making new friends, and having new experiences!

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Marvel’s Nurse Heroine


In the 1960’s, Marvel released a series that told the story of a girl torn between “the man [she] loves and becoming a nurse.”,_Student_Nurse_Vol_1