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Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

Claudia Reder 2015-08-22 23:20:46


Positing pix of Yodi

The Real Project #2

Firefighter Project


Well it’s been a few weeks since we were on the island. I sort of feels like it didn’t really happen to me. However when I look at the pictures I know it really did happen to me and it wasn’t just an amazing dream. I am eternally grateful that I was one of the […]

Invertebrates Stole My Heart

I have always been fascinated with fish. When I was growing up people would ask me my favorite animal, my response was always fish or turtles. Before going to the Cook Islands the only places I’ve seen fish were in lakes, rivers, or right off the coast of California. The fish I had seen in […]

The Noni Tree

During our trip to the Cook Islands we were introduced to Morinda citrifolia, the noni tree. It bears about 50 flowers and creates a very unique looking fruit of a cream color. If your unsure of whether the plant your looking at is a noni, just take a nice whiff of the fruit. It is known […]

I’ll Be Back One Day

     I experienced a vast amount of things going to the Cook Islands; it is almost hard to even put into words. I was able to go snorkeling several times, which I had only done once before this trip. I was in awe seeing all of the coral, beautiful organisms, and clear waters; I am […]

Classes Start Next Week!

Welcome to the Fall Semester! Our first year composition faculty are looking forward to meeting our new students next week. It is imperative that you attend the first day of class or your seat may be given to another student who is on the waiting list. 

Faculty have the right to drop students who miss class any time during the first three weeks of the semester. We have many students who want to enroll in our courses but were not able to get a spot over the summer, so we make sure to fill any empty seats that appear in the first three weeks of the term.

Please also be sure to check your schedule and the classroom in which your course is scheduled, as classrooms do shift on occasion until the week that classes begin.

If you are still looking for an available course, please check CI Records frequently, as enrollment shifts throughout the first week of classes especially. It is a good idea to focus on courses that are at less popular times. Note that several courses that may appear available are part of linked class learning communities, some of which are available to general enrollment as long as you are available to enroll in the other linked course as well.

Please use our comments tool on this website if you have any questions as classes get underway. Thanks, and see you soon!

The CI Composition Team

Hello everyone!

Welcome to my site, this is really just a test to see if I can set up one of these properly.