
Already missing that brilliant blue lagoon

And missing our brilliant CI students, of course!

I must be back in California…

Our New Orleans trips have a “getting home to SoCal” tradition.  Once we land at LAX (usually late at night), we hit the In-N-Out on Sepulveda for some burgers (preferably Animal Style) and fries. Having just returned the good Dr. Lambrinos to LAX for his connecting flight up to Oregon I decided to make the […]

Political Representation

Yahdira Aguilar

In a democracy, political representation is crucial in protecting the legitimacy of the system as constituents must trust their government. Essentially, political representation is the relationship that connects the citizens to their government as representatives are meant to act on behalf of the people . As important as it is for the public to feel that they matter to the government, a problem that arises with political representation is that there are so many definitions of what determines the government “speaking” for the people. For me, representation entails lawmakers addressing citizens concerns as best as possible through policies that reflect the greatest good of a diverse nation. Although it is impossible to please everybody’s needs, representatives should be skilled enough to make the populous feel as though their votes matter. With representation there’s two theories that suggest how the public might choose their congressmen and women. In the delegate theory of representation, the representative serves as the direct voice for constituents and is held accountable if they do not meet the public’s demands. On the other hand, trustee representation is the public putting their faith into a representative’s expertise and letting them make the ultimate decisions for the common good. In this model, representatives are less likely to focus on individual groups in order to focus on the well being of the country as a whole. However we see the roles of politicians, political representation and how well it works does not only lay in the hands of those representing but as well as with the public. Both constituents and politicians must work together so that the outcome is favorable. The worst case scenario of political representation is politicians who do not well represent the public’s needs and in turn seeing political participation declining because of the disconnect between the government and its citizens.

In light of some skepticism the public may have towards government officials, there are still many politicians who work to reflect the general public’s concerns. Congress has in recent years seen a growing number of racially diverse members, more female politicians and members who come from various backgrounds. In example from one of our readings, studies found that African American members of Congress were more likely to address specific issues that concern black communities than white politicians. As the nation’s demographic changes, Congress’ demographics should as well to accurately portray the diversity in the public. In having a variety of races in Congress, all communities can at least have descriptive members representing them. The more relatable a politician becomes, the more constituents will have faith in the system to stand for them. Like Senator Max Baucus who has gained popularity through his work with locals, it makes a difference to not only be a match in descriptive representation but as well as having the substance to incorporate beneficial policies. Having politicians and constituents working together not only exemplifies democracy but also has proven itself to be effective in public satisfaction and participation. A nation that stands for and represents it’s people will succeedingly have constituents that stand by their government as a true democracy should be.

Some great photos from the trip….

This is  what a hermit crab looks like without its shell. Crabs, like snakes or lizards shed their shell and go into hiding for up to 3 weeks while they create a new one. This Hermit crab was looking for a new home when we found him!   We picked up 8 bags of trash on […]

Arrived at LAX!

after a long flight home we made it safe and sound!

Back in the States!

We just landed at LAX.  Guy and John still have more airtime ahead, but we are all in Los Angeles now.           

Heading Home

We are on our way home after two fantastic weeks of learning, service, all manner of interdisciplinary coastal monitoring and assessment, cultural exchange, and making tons of new friends. Our internet credits have all expired, so we have been unable to post for the last day and a half, but check in the next few […]

Growing Young Minds.

We need more diversity in science and engineering fields. Ventura County STEM network is building those connections.

Leberkas tail bresaola ball tip frankfurter shoulder doner pork loin biltong.

Turkey chicken pork cow t-bone beef spare ribs tongue drumstick cupim doner. Drumstick kevin flank, andouille picanha pastrami shank turkey tongue. Shank pork tri-tip, short loin jerky drumstick boudin. Strip steak rump doner turkey alcatra tongue sausage beef frankfurter. Doner swine cow biltong ham kielbasa turkey beef ribs shoulder.


Paving New Paths

Our collaborations help students grow.

Tri-tip pig rump sirloin leberkas, shankle pork belly boudin shoulder porchetta spare ribs. Rump kielbasa ground round meatloaf, short ribs corned beef leberkas porchetta turkey spare ribs swine. Landjaeger meatball filet mignon sirloin, jerky hamburger ham shank bresaola picanha swine. Turkey ham andouille, cow chuck rump drumstick venison shankle biltong pastrami. Bresaola jowl short loin, t-bone boudin chuck swine.

Swine boudin tri-tip, shoulder rump landjaeger pastrami jerky sausage beef. Swine short ribs pastrami bacon landjaeger cupim salami pork belly. Jowl pork loin kielbasa doner pork chop beef ribs. Ribeye cow chuck, strip steak pork loin kielbasa filet mignon chicken alcatra ball tip fatback pastrami. Pork belly tongue alcatra short loin ham salami cow landjaeger ham hock sirloin. Leberkas tail bresaola ball tip frankfurter shoulder doner pork loin biltong.


Second to last day…

Everyone is out and about today rushing to get as much done as we can before we head on back to the States tomorrow night. Our Reef and Robotics Teams are on the boat, our Ciguatera Team is meeting with Dr. Helen at the hospital on their never-ending hunt for public health stats, and I […]