
Life in the tropics

This morning we ventured from Rarotonga to Aitutaki, arguably the most beautiful island to ever exist in the South Pacific. As we approached the island in the very small (I mean VERY small) plane, the various colors of the lagoon became very apparent. As you passed over, the patch reefs and sandy bottom beaches became […]

The Fiddler Crab

I had the joy of observing one of my personal favorite invertebrate species today. The fiddler crab is an interesting crab species that is known for it’s oversized claw. Only the males have the large claw and use it to impress female crabs by waving. In order to avoid scaring the crabs, I sat and […]

Only End of Day Three

Since arriving to the Cook Islands, I have been blown away by the beauty of the land and surrounding ocean, the friendliness of the locals, and the differing culture. The crystal clear water and the dense vegetation of both islands we have been on seize to amaze me. They are sites I have only seen […]


Our days spent on Rarotonga proved to be full of excitement and a great introduction to the Cook Islands’ culture. We were able to experience the 50th anniversary performances at the island’s auditorium. I have learned that the Cook Islanders have 3 names for coconuts and relied on the coconut tree for food, drink, baskets, […]

Snorkel adventure in Muri lagoon

        We discovered today that different sides of the island offer different sub-sets of the coral reef ecosystem. In Muri lagoon recreation is a high priority for most tourists.  Look up and you will see a kite boarder zip accross the clear blue water or a family snorkel along the shoreline.  However there is […]

Aitutaki and Californian Oil

We finally arrived here in Aitutaki, with our small airplane landing adjacent to the classic landing point of TEAL’s Coral Route (albeit on a terrestrial plane and landing on a tarmac rather than the surface of the lagoon). We proceeded onto our hotel… …where we got wind of the newest oil spill in Santa Barbara. […]


Having landed in Rarotonga a day earlier than the rest of the team, I took the time to try out my fancy new torch to excite fluorescent proteins. I began taking images during the daytime where it was very difficult to see fluorescence but nonetheless was there. Unfortunately I’m still processing the images so they’re […]

Safe & sound in Aitutaki 

Never in my life have I been in such a beautiful place. I am so blessed to have been chosen to be here. We’ve snorkeled in beautiful clear waters and been so welcomed by the locals.  Our lagoon cruise yesterday in Rarotonga was so much fun. Hearing the music and seeing the culture here is […]

Landing on Rarotonga

As we landed on Rarotonga the sunlight was peaking over the mountain and we were greeted by a drum band and dancer. Instant smiles and dancing ensued in the group.  ‘Kia Orana’  ‘Welcome’ in Maori is what you hear from everyone here.  Once were thru customs we headed to our hostel.           In […]

Celebration Night #2

Another day of poor Internet connectivity but great goings on! We started today with an island cruise off of Muri Beach where we got to see some giant Tridacna maxima inside protective cages.  Individuals were brought over from Aitutaki (and they were not native there, but that’s a story…). The cages are more of a […]