
Second day in the field

We spent a long day in the Woodlands Conservancy continuing to survey vegetation transects. Lauren and Kelsey from my group discovered a plant species that hadn’t been found in the conservancy before.

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Plant ID with Tom Huggins 

Dr. Huggins gives us a lesson on how to identify male and female White Mulberry.  


Blackberry forever 

It’s a little warmer today than yesterday but that means it’s a little drier! We found where all the blackberry was hiding on our last couple of transects but when all you have is blackberry to count it makes the work go a lot faster :)

Surveying Woodlands Trail: Getting Up and Running

Sunday saw both the let-up of rain and our hard core Service Learning switch get thrown to “on.”  We began with a morning of orientation about the ecology and management of the system and by noon were hitting our annual surveys in support of Woodlands Conservancy’s long-term conservation efforts.


a long days work

Walking back to base camp after surveying all day with some great people. 

Day 4

The swamp ecosystem has a diverse range of animal life and some of the biggest bugs I have ever seen. Many of these bugs I have never seen before. The picture below shows an ant the size of my finger nail.

Mr Bushwaker


Reiley getting some exposure.

Day 4

Today was our  first day at woodland’s conservancy doing restoration work. It was a long day but very rewarding. Kinda of like the swamp ecosystem. 

Our Reward

Our hard work was greatly rewarded with an exceptionally beautiful sunset.

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