
SURFer Catherine Tran on Undergraduate Research

Many students are  probably intimidated when they hear the word “research.” Catherine Tran explains that she was intimidated too, but she quickly recognized the benefits of learning by engaging in research. Check out her interview.

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let loose in the Central Business District (CBD) 

Finding the blues

Posted from Fresno, California, United States.



House of Blues: New Orleans

While exploring, we ventured to the back patio/voodoo garden of the House of Blues.

Saint Louis Cathedral

The Battle of New Orleans

The incredibly large painting of The Battle of New Orleans, by Eugene Lami, is breath taking! The amount of time and persistence it must have taken to complete it is mind boggling!

At the New Orleans School of Cooking (day 3) 

We’re stoked to start cooking with our fresh local food we just picked up at the market!! 

Rent a haunted condo in NOLA? 

Interesting selling point…

New Orleans School of Cooking

Another Cooking class with the epic chef-historian-raconteur Michael DeVdts.

let’s talk leevy

Checking out these 15 ft concrete walls that hold back sections of the great Mississippi. Constructed by the Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) between 1965-1985,  poor design flaws and placement were the true reasons for flooding. 

French Quaters! 

First time on Bourbon St!!

We navigated through the French Quater to Bourbon St.