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We’ve barely gotten off of the plane and it is already difficult to avoid reminders of the disaster that struck nearly 10 years ago. Learning the story in a classroom and watching footage on the news does not compare. Being present in this place makes everything suddenly seem very real.



Gator chef


Our chef for the night .

Gators have quite the background with these cajuns…

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First Impressions

Although we have yet to enter the city of New Orleans itself, our brief tour from the airport to the hotel to dinner revealed a few aspects of the landscape. First, this place is flat! For someone who is accustomed to life in the foothills of the San Gabriel and Santa Monica mountains, the skyline is almost eerily void of topography. Second, at a glance one notices that much of the infrastructure is built to move water and prevent flooding. Third, the architecture is grand in some places, quaint in others. I am excited to explore more of the area this week, and get out to the swamp!




The Biggest Sandwich I’ve Ever Had

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Culture of New Orleans

New Orleans has an interesting cultural background. 

Dinner first night

Tonight we had an amazing dinner at Little G’s Kajun restaurant. Food was fantastic and bonding has begun…

Exploring the island by land and sea

We have been regularly running transects for the mpa study, and have had less problems since we’ve upgraded our ROVs to the 2.7 models.


We took some of out new members on a hike around Santa Rosa Island, and showed off some of the interesting relics that were left behind by the ranchers that settled on the islands.



We have had a lot of issues with our navigation a modules, so we have resorted to using a manual compass within the view of the camera, and, and relying on our gopro footage for fish counts.

Are we there yet?

I have been craving all the food Sean told us about since last week!  See you all in the morning!