
Getting Started

  1. Add a new post
    • Go to and log in. Your first name is your user name. Your password is the first name of my favorite author in education.
    • Click + New
    • Give it a title
    • Add your text in the dialogue box. You can change text style (bold, italics, text color, etc) by selecting menu tools above. If you do not see two rows of tools, select the icon that looks like a box, called “Toolbox Toggle” and more tools will appear.
  2. You can also insert images in the dialogue box by:
    • selecting the Media button and uploading pics;
    • in your dialogue box select the Add Media button (located above the toolbar)
  3. You can send people to other websites by linking to them from within your dialogue box.
    • Type the descriptor for that website. For example: Kaia’s website
    • Highlight that descriptor
    • Select the Insert/Edit Link tool. In that dialogue box, paste the website address and select “open link in a new window/tab” and then click “Add Link”
    • The web description is now clickable, and linked to that web address: Kaia’s website
  4. After you write your post, categorize it. You and your small group will need to collaborate to come up with the category names for your posts. (See the bottom right corner of the screen — the box called “Categories” — where you can add a new category each time you need to do so. Then select from this list of created categories each time you contribute a new post.
  5. Click Publish.
  6. Voilá! You have posted.
  7. Read each other’s posts and respond to them via comments (click the speech bubble next to the post title), not via new posts.
  8. Visit other groups’ blogs throughout the semester. Look for opportunities to encourage and appreciate each other’s critical engagement with course readings and other learning activities.

Getting Started

  1. Add a new post
    • Go to and log in. Your first name is your user name. Your password is the first name of my favorite author in education.
    • Click + New
    • Give it a title
    • Add your text in the dialogue box. You can change text style (bold, italics, text color, etc) by selecting menu tools above. If you do not see two rows of tools, select the icon that looks like a box, called “Toolbox Toggle” and more tools will appear.
  2. You can also insert images in the dialogue box by:
    • selecting the Media button and uploading pics;
    • in your dialogue box select the Add Media button (located above the toolbar)
  3. You can send people to other websites by linking to them from within your dialogue box.
    • Type the descriptor for that website. For example: Kaia’s website
    • Highlight that descriptor
    • Select the Insert/Edit Link tool. In that dialogue box, paste the website address and select “open link in a new window/tab” and then click “Add Link”
    • The web description is now clickable, and linked to that web address: Kaia’s website
  4. After you write your post, categorize it. You and your small group will need to collaborate to come up with the category names for your posts. (See the bottom right corner of the screen — the box called “Categories” — where you can add a new category each time you need to do so. Then select from this list of created categories each time you contribute a new post.
  5. Click Publish.
  6. Voilá! You have posted.
  7. Read each other’s posts and respond to them via comments (click the speech bubble next to the post title), not via new posts.
  8. Visit other groups’ blogs throughout the semester. Look for opportunities to encourage and appreciate each other’s critical engagement with course readings and other learning activities.

Sage Conference

I just finished presenting my poster the Sage research conference. Overall it was a great experience to present my research and collaborate with fellow researchers. As my semester comes to an end, stress levels are high. I plan to spend the next few days finalizing my capstone paper which is due on May 16, at 4pm.

Presentation at Southern California Academy of Sciences

Last Saturday I was able to present my undergraduate project at SCAS at USC.  It was exciting and nerve racking.  I got to hear a lot of very interesting presentations on marine pollution and other interesting research.  IMG_9280


I decided to go out to my sites this weekend one last time just for the heck of it. To my utter delight I finally saw a small school of unarmored threespine stickleback! They were in a large pond at White Rock Lake Campground which is part of the Soledad Canyon site. I counted 25 of them. I also collected some mystery fish from the Santa Clara: Bouquet site (with a fishing license of course) and I identified them as convict cichlids (pictured above). After some research I discovered these fish are horribly good at reproducing and consuming anything they can. There were over a thousand of them and they seemed to be thriving. It would be impossible to colonize a UTS population in this site with these fish present. They were most likely introduced by a person who bought them at a fish store then dumped them at the site when they no longer wanted them.

My Wonderful Journey


WE FINALLY MADE IT!! Cohort 2016 🙂

First and fore most I would like to thank Dr. Jensen, Jaime, and all of our nursing faculty that has taught us all that we know and have created a group of amazing patient advocates.  Because of them we are going into the healthcare field and making a great difference and impact in many patients lives.  Below is a link to a blog post from John Hopkins that perfectly describes the importance of the work we do after graduation.  It sums up all that we hope to be and desire to be, and I am so excited to fulfill that goal.

I have learned so much throughout this amazingly crazy journey.  I have found a passion that I am lucky to call my career.  Looking back at all the struggles we have all went through during the program, I cant help but see them as the stepping stones that have pushed us to become the well prepared nurses we will become after graduation.  Nursing school also solidified my love for caring for children which I am very excited to move forward with.  I plan to work my way up into the neonatal intensive care unit and eventually go back to school to receive my NP with an emphasis in neonatology.

Welcome, Incoming CI Students!

Once you enroll at CI, one of the important decisions you have to make is how to complete your first year writing requirement. Although you are required as a CSU student to take the English Placement Test, that test score has no bearing on the path you choose. Rather, we ask you to assess your own readiness for college level writing and research and decide for yourself whether to take our six-unit Stretch Composition sequence (English 102 and English 103) or or our three-unit accelerated course (ENGL 105). We call our program Directed Self Placement, or DSP for short.

Please explore this site, be sure to read our DSP Handbook, and use the form on this site to submit any questions you might have. See you soon!

Dr. Stacey Anderson, Composition Director, CI English Program

End of Life Care

Palliative_careEnd of life care is an essential part of our roles as health care professionals especially when working in any acute care setting where the patient population is of high acuity.  I have learned a lot about my own beliefs in end of life situations throughout my clinical experience.  The hospital is a very intimidating and scary place to be in for both the patient and the family members.  Personally, I have come to realize I would not want to be in a situation where I spend the end of my life in a hospital bed hooked up to tubes and confined to four walls. My family and I have discussed topics such as end of life before and for the most part agree with wanting to live a happy life rather than the length in which it is lived.  Both my grandparents and my parents have a will and legal documents in case of medical emergencies.  I have yet to fill out any paperwork for myself but I plan to in the near future.  I believe it is never to early to discuss the topic and work on those legal documents regardless of what they may be individually and with family members.

Palliative care is such a powerful aspect of healthcare that I feel gets neglected at times due to the stigma individuals correlate it with.  I love that palliative care takes a holistic approach to patient care that is so vital in being a patient advocate.  Patient advocate is the key word in that last sentence.  whether it is for medication regimens, dressing changes, dietary, or end of life care; it is our job as nurses to advocate for exactly what the patients wishes are even if we disagree. It is also our jobs to educate our patients and our family members about any questions they may have about end of life care and connecting them with proper resources.


FAA Lets Students Fly!

May the 4th Be With Us

Apparently the FAA is populated by Star Wars fans as they took this unofficial Star Wars Day to give a huge nod of support to students learning to loose the earthly bonds of gravity.

FAA Memo picThe announcement at the AVUSI conference in New Orleans was made with typical FAA understatement.  Most in attendance were hoping the long, long, long awaited new regulations freeing up the hands of general public operators of Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) was upon them.  The proverbial 333 boot was not lifted from the of the neck of routine, responsible drone operators, but we educators got a present: a new, formal interpretation classifying routine educational users of drones as “hobbyists.”  This greatly reduces the restriction on teaching-related endeavors that utilize drone, finally bringing drone into the realm of reality for vast swaths of America’s educators.

Those of us conducting academic researcher or working for for-profit companies must still go through the relevant Certificate of Authorization (COA), 333 Exemption, Experimental Waiver, or similar such permitting process (or partner with an entity that itself has equivalent waivers such as the U.S. Navy or National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration as we here at CSU Channel Islands have done).  But this new clarification finally allows my fellow professors to teach with drones.  No longer does the art professor teaching photography, biology professor teaching students how to measure the sizes of animals at a distance so at to not disturb them, nor the dance students trying to record their in-progress dance routines from a higher vantage point need suffer the burden of hiring their own airplane pilot to stand next to them while they operate their $50 camera-equipped drone (as is the case at the moment).

I have been fortunate, spending the past five years developing deep ties to drone professionals, retired aircraft pilots, and resource management agencies that form the core of our existing Aerial and Aquatic Robotic Research group here at CSU Channel Islands.  This has allowed us to create and operate the first interdisciplinary drone education effort on the West Coast focused on training students to professionally management to coast, using robotic technology to collect data that is otherwise too expensive or risky to capture while also grounding them in policy, legal issues, and the like.  Most of my colleagues did not have the ability to sink that much time into permitting, training, and flotsam of barriers erected by the risk-averse.

A Boost To Educators Across Our Campus & Country

This is a massive game changer for those of us in education.  I must get 20 emails a month from colleagues across our campus, professors at other universities, and science teachers from high schools across California seeking help with the byzantine legal morass that is the current permitting process for flying.  “I think drones are a great way to engage students who might initially be turned off to science [and related STEM fields]” said a community college teacher to me last month.  While hungry to gain experience themselves and begin to incorporate this technology into their pedagogy, most of these bright-eyed, would be drone educators balk at either the permitting process or the legal hurdles their risk managers at their campuses erect when they bring their ideas to them.  In my experience those that are able to convince the risk-averse administrators walk straight into the “permitting pit.”  Most of these folks seem to rapidly validate Nietzsche‘s famous axiom (paraphrased by me for the drone age):

He who fights with FAA monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster.

And if thou gaze long into the permitting abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee.

As a consequence of the onerous requirements of the legal landscape prior to today, many campuses are trying to teach their kids to use drones in indoor settings such as cafeterias or gymnasiums.  Such hoops and limitations have stifled what should be a rapidly-growing expertise and made such learning much more dangerous for students and teachers (but I digress..).  This new FAA interpretation should blow on that now-sputtering flame and help to ignite a true fire that will both improve the number of safe users of this technology and encourage responsible operation of these platforms.  This will also allow students to learn to use drone technology in the much safer, outdoor settings of a playing field or blacktop.

Already, our own campus is buzzing with excitement.  I just grabbed a quick lunch with two of our Biology professors and they are clearly pumped.  Dr. Rachel Cartwright who studies whale behavior noted this decision “is going to open up opportunities to train our biology students in this cutting edge technology.  Our students will be better able to use drones in their educational and (eventual) research endeavors both along our California coast and in Hawaiian waters where we bring undergraduates each Spring.  The existing permits we have secured to study whales with drones do not permit me to train students.”  Dr. Geoff Dilly who works on ocean acidification and invertebrate physiology noted “it will open up many new venues for teaching students how to explore both near-shore and subtidal communities.  Aerial surveys of dynamic coastal zones will add a whole new dimension to our instruction.”  He can see tremendous benefit for “both exploratory course offerings such as our newly developed freshman-level Channel Islands-focused educational track and our ongoing intertidal ecology courses.”

Graduating ESRM Senior Tevin Schmitt who took my inaugural “Introduction to Remotely Piloted Systems” course in Spring of 2015 overheard our conversation and inquired what all the excitement was about.  He grew a huge smile, laughed, and the then quipped that “this will give us many more opportunities for class-based training in drones and drone-related methods, especially during the early stages of our undergraduate scholarship.  You know,” he said looking over at Sierra Hall, the just-opened home for our ESRM laboratories, “I took my first drone class towards the end of my college career, but now future students can begin to embrace this technology as freshman or underclassmen.  You guys are getting everything cool now that I’m leaving!”

Dr. Blake Gillespie from our Chemistry program heard about it and wrote an email to me earlier this morning, an excerpt of which read:

“This will help two projects I’m developing, both of which involve correlation of changes in chemical composition of plants before, during, and after inflorescence and fruit setting.  The provisions for educational UAV work announced by the FAA will allow students in some of interdisciplinary classes to collect aerial images for uniform measurement of trees and shrubs in flower.  Until now, student-collected measurements were restricted to ground based images, which raised considerable difficulties in terms of sample coverage and interference.  Now they will be able to aerially image the focal plants of our lab activities, both flowering trees on campus, and ripening grapes at regional vineyards. The ease and completion of aerial images will allow collection of much more complete and comprehensive datasets and a deeper learning and training experience for our undergraduates.”

Maybe my ESRM colleague Dr. Kiki Patch, a geomorphologist currently building our first-ever drone-based LIDAR unit to document sand movement along our southern California coastline, said it best; “This is going to be great for our new Physical Oceanography course and soon thereafter for many of our classes.  Man!  Teaching students to collect beach profiles is going to jump into the 21st century in the fall!”  She then added simply “awesome” and several “this is sooooo cool!”s as she hurried off to class.

I concur!

The Actual Memorandum

The link to the FAA’s full press release is here.  As the FAA’s sometimes changes material on their website without public notice, I’ve also embedded the pdf on our site below and posted the entirety of the text just below that.  Enjoy!

FAA Educational Use Memo May 2016

Please note that the FAA posted a non-OCR pdf.  I scanned that in and then ran an OCR algorithm to obtain the following text.  Please note that I did not include the footnotes for ease of reading this memo.  If you would like those, please see the original pdf posting via one of the above links.

Federal Aviation Authority Memorandum

Date:    May 4, 2016

To:      Earl Lawrence, Director, Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration Office AUS-1 and

Jolm Duncan, Director, Flight Standards Service, AFS-1

From:   Reginald C. Govan, Chief Counsel,

Prepared by:     Dean E. Griffith, Attorney, AGC-220

Subject:            Educational Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)


This interpretation addresses: (I) use of unmanned aircraft for hobby or recreational purposes at educational institutions and community-sponsored events; and (2) student use of unmanned aircraft in furtherance of receiving instruction at accredited educational institutions.

There is uncertainty in the model aircraft community about when an unmanned aircraft is a model aircraft operated for hobby or recreation or is an operation requiring FAA authorization. The FAA has received many inquiries from students and educational institutions offering coursework in the design, construction and operation of small unmanned aircraft with respect to the types of activities in which students and faculty lawfully may engage pursuant to the existing legal framework.

In light of these questions, we are issuing this interpretation to clarify that:

  • A person may operate an unmanned aircraft for hobby or recreation in accordance with section 336 of the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of2012 (FMRA)1 at educational institutions and community-sponsored events2 provided that person is (I) not compensated, or (2) any compensation received is neither directly nor incidentally related to that person’s operation of the aircraft at such events;
  • A student may conduct model aircraft operations in accordance with section 336 of the FMRA in furtherance of his or her aviation-related education at an accredited educational institution.
  • Faculty teaching aviation-related courses at accredited educational institutions may assist students who are operating a model aircraft under section 336 and in connection with a course that requires such operations, provided the student maintains operational control of the model aircraft such that the faculty member’s manipulation of the model aircraft’s controls is incidental and secondary to the student’s (e.g., the faculty member steps-in to regain control in the event the student begins to lose control, to terminate the flight, etc.).

On June 25,2014, the FAA published in the Federal Register its interpretation of the Special Rule for Model Aircraft, section 336 of the FMRA. 79 Fed. Reg. 36172 (June 25, 2014). Currently, the FAA is reviewing the more than 33,500 comments to that Special Rule. In addition, on February 23,2015, the FAA published in the Federal Register its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) on the Operation and Certification of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). 80 Fed. Reg. 9544.

Separate from these two actions, the FAA continues to receive a number of questions on the use of model aircraft to conduct demonstrations and on student use of model aircraft in connection with participation in coursework at educational institutions. The FAA finds it necessary to clarify the applicability of section 336 of the FMRA and of the FAA’s operating requirements for UAS. The FAA recognizes that UAS increasingly are being used in education, including science, technology, education, and math (STEM) education, which is the focus of President Obama’s Educate to Innovate Initiative.

Hobbyist Use of UAS to Conduct Demonstrations Section 336(a) of the FMRA provides special rules for model aircraft that require the aircraft to be:

  1. Flown strictly for hobby or recreational use;
  2. Operated in accordance with a community-based set of safety guidelines and within the programming of a nationwide community-based organization;
  3. Limited to not more than 55 pounds unless otherwise certified through a design, construction, inspection, flight test, and operational safety program administered by a community-based organization;
  4. Operated in a manner that does not interfere with and gives way to any manned aircraft; and
  5. When flown within 5 miles of an airport, the operator of the aircraft provides the airport operator and the airport air traffic control tower (when an air traffic control facility is located at the airport) with prior notice of the operations (model aircraft operators flying from a permanent location within 5 miles of an airport should establish a mutually agreed upon operating procedure with the airport operator and the airport air traffic control tower).

If an unmanned aircraft is operated as a model aircraft in accordance with the above, then it is does not require FAA authorization. A key element in determining whether an operation may qualify as a model aircraft operation is that it must be flown for “hobby or recreational” purposes.  The FAA’s interpretation of section 336 relies on common definitions of the terms “hobby” and “recreational.” Previous agency guidance addressed the parameters of hobby or recreational use:

Any operation not conducted strictly for hobby or recreation purposes could not be operated under the special rule for model aircraft. Clearly, commercial operations would not be hobby or recreation flights. Likewise, flights that are in furtherance of a business, or incidental to a person’s business, would not be a hobby or recreation flight.

The FAA interprets “hobby or recreational” use to include operation ofUAS to conduct demonstrations at accredited educational institutions or at other community-sponsored events provided the aircraft is not being operated for compensation, in furtherance of a business or incidental to a business. Therefore, a model aircraft hobbyist or enthusiast lawfully may fly UAS at accredited educational institutions or other community-sponsored events to promote the safe use of UAS and encourage student interest in aviation as a hobby or for recreational purposes provided the hobbyist receives no compensation of any form (including honorarium or reimbursement of costs), or any such compensation neither directly nor indirectly furthers the hobbyist’s business or operation of the UAS and he or she follows the provisions of section 336.

Student Operation of Model Aircraft for Educational Purposes

If not operated as “model aircraft” under section 336 of the FMRA, currently there are three ways to lawfully conduct unmanned aircraft operations in the United States: (1) as public aircraft operations pursuant to the requirements of the public aircraft statute and under a Certificate of Waiver or Authorization (COA) from the FAA; (2) as limited commercial operations by type certificated UAS, provided the operator obtains a COA from the FAA; or (3) pursuant to a Section 333 of the FMRA grant of exemption based on the Secretary of Transportation’s determination that a certificate of airworthiness is not required, and provided the operator obtains a COA from the FAA.7

Each of these three methods is available to educational institutions (including their faculty and students) that want to operate UAS, including for commercial, research and development, and any other non-hobby or non-recreational purpose. Each, however, requires the educational institution or its faculty and students to meet statutory prerequisites and obtain from the FAA the requisite approvals (in the form of exemptions and COAs).

Many educational institutions are keenly interested in having students operate unmanned aircraft as model aircraft under section 336 of the FMRA in connection with their academic coursework at those schools. The educational community contends that these operations not only meet the definition of model aircraft but also meet the unique need of students, which is learning how to design, construct and operate small unmanned aircraft8 as a component of a variety of science, technology and aviation-related educational curricula. Students also are interested in operating small unmanned aircraft for other educational purposes such as in connection with television, film, or photography courses.

The FAA has considered whether a student’s course work of learning how to operate and use a UAS constitutes a hobby or recreational activity within the meaning of section 336’s definition of model aircraft. The FAA believes students operating UAS as one component of a curricula pertaining to principles of flight, aerodynamics and airplane design and construction promotes UAS safe use and advances UAS-related knowledge, understanding and skills. UAS also may provide students a useful tool in other academic curricula such as television, film production or the arts generally. Although it may be argued that the student’s knowledge and skills obtained through such coursework are necessary for a diploma or degree, which subsequently can lead to an aviation-related job or increased earning potential, the FAA finds this link simply too attenuated to transform student UAS use, as a component of an accredited educational curriculum, into a non-hobby or non-recreational use within the meaning of section 336. A person that operates a UAS strictly for hobby or recreation learns about principles of flight, aerodynamics, and airplane construction may subsequently use such knowledge when gainfully employed, but that does not transform what is otherwise a hobby or recreational activity into a non-hobby or non-recreational pursuit.

Therefore, we find that the use of small unmanned aircraft by students at accredited educational institutions as a component of science, technology and aviation-related educational curricula or other coursework such as television and film production or the arts more closely reflects and embodies the purposes of “hobby or recreational” use of model aircraft and is consistent with the intent of section 336 of the FMRA. Accordingly, the FAA concludes that student use of UAS at accredited educational institutions as a component of their science, technology and aviation related educational curricula, or other coursework such as television and film production or the arts, is “hobby or recreational use” within the meaning of the FMRA. The student is, however, responsible for meeting and complying with all other elements required for lawful model aircraft operations pursuant to Section 336 of the FMRA, including the student not receiving any form of compensation (including reimbursement of costs, honorarium, etc.) directly or incidentally to his or her operation of the model aircraft.

Faculty Use of Model Aircraft

The FAA recognizes that faculty participation in the student’s learning experience often is an integral component of the student’s educational experience and that faculty should be able to participate in and contribute to the unmanned aircraft activities in which students can engage as hobbyists. However, a faculty member engaging in the operation of an unmanned aircraft, as part of professional duties for which he or she is paid, would not be engaging in a hobby or recreational activity. Rather, the faculty member is being compensated for his or her teaching or research activity, including any UAS operation arising from or related to the faculty member’s teaching a course or conducting research.

Likewise, a student operating UAS for research on behalf of a faculty member is associated with the faculty member’s professional duties and compensation and, thus, is not hobby or recreational use by the student pursuant to section 336. Student operation of UAS for the professional research objectives of faculty renders the operation non-hobby or non-recreational. Accordingly, a faculty member conducting research may not rely on section 336’s concept of “hobby or recreational use” to either operate a UAS or direct student UAS operations in connection with such research.

Nevertheless, faculty teaching a course or curricula that uses unmanned aircraft as a component of that course may provide limited assistance to students operating unmanned aircraft as part of that course without changing the character of the student’s operation as a hobby or recreational activity or requiring FAA authorization for the faculty member to operate. The FAA finds that de minimis limited instructor participation in student operation of UAS as part of coursework does not rise to the level of faculty conducting an operation outside of the hobby or recreation construct.

This limited circumstance would apply to courses at accredited institutions where the operation of the unmanned aircraft is secondary to the design and construction of the aircraft, such that the primary purpose of the course is not operating an unmanned aircraft. For example, an instructor teaching an engineering course in which construction and operation of UAS are one part of the curriculum would be able to conduct limited UAS operations. In that case students would fly UAS to test the validity of design or construction methods to show mastery of the principles of the course. The faculty member’s UAS operation would be secondary to the purpose of instructing engineering courses. In contrast, this limited circumstance would not apply to a course related to UAS flight instruction. In that case, the student’s primary purpose for taking the course is to learn to fly a UAS and flight would be expected to be demonstrated on a regular basis. In that case, the faculty member’s UAS operation is closely tied to his or her purpose of instructing how to fly a UAS.


UAS may be used to conduct demonstrations at schools or other community-sponsored events provided the person operating the aircraft is (I) not compensated, or (2) any compensation received is neither directly nor incidentally related to that person’s operation of the aircraft at such events. Students that operate model aircraft in connection with fulfilling an accredited educational institution’s curricula lawfully may conduct model aircraft operations for hobby and recreational purposes pursuant to section 336 of the FMRA, provided they do not receive compensation, directly or incidentally, arising from or related to such operations. Faculty at these educational institutions teaching such curricula may assist students with their model aircraft operations under section 336, provided that the operations are used to teach such curricula to students enrolled in those courses and the faculty member’s participation is limited to de minimis participation in the student’s UAS operations. We emphasize that these operations must be conducted under the provisions of section 336.

The FAA emphasizes that faculty members who wish to operate UAS outside of these parameters must seek authorization though one of the three methods discussed above. We also note that this interpretation was drafted prior to issuance of the final rule for Operation and Certification of Small UAS Rule and this interpretation may need to be revisited depending on its provisions. See 80 Fed. Reg. 9544 (Feb. 23, 2015) (Notice of Proposed Rulemaking).

Please contact my office with any questions about this memorandum.

Drone Fishing

Drone fishing tuna from the Beach. Image: Sea Ulcer Aerial Media.
Drone fishing tuna from the Beach. Image: Sea Ulcer Aerial Media.


As someone who often does way too much and who has his hands in way too many pies at any one time, I am used to doing one project today and then a totally separate endeavor the next.  But with an increasingly disturbing regularity, my “separate” worlds appear to be merging.  Case in point was my painting delivery service/water quality research/family friends confab this weekend.


Drone Fishing

Another case in point is the growing use of drones for all manner of things related to coastal and marine management.  We are doing lots of this ourselves (e.g. helping folks with limited resources better inventory their coastal resources or working to help measure and bolster the much-in-need-of-improvement sustainability of our seafood harvest), but the amount of innovative ideas never ceases to amaze me:

While there is much too much hype in the drone industry from the perspective of current valuation (see Colin Snow’s talk from last weeks sUAS Business Meeting in San Francisco), the creation and innovation side of things is going gangbusters.  Indeed, while we here at CSU Channel Islands are a player in this space, aerial and aquatic robotic technology is evolving faster than my students, colleagues, or I can seem to keep track of.  Two weeks ago, I was having a conversation with a colleague from another university about the possible use of robots and fishing efforts in the open ocean.  I was envisioning something akin to one of our underwater ROVs equipped with a spear or perhaps netting and thinking of the growing ranks of “water proofed” robotic platforms (e.g. the Amphibia).  Indeed, early adopter commercial operators are already using robotics to manage their operations in southern California waters.

Then, I woke this morning to find FStop (via Cliff over at UAVExpertNews) pointing me to a merging of our marine conservation and robotic tinkering: the apparently first-ever use of a drone to target and capture Thunnids via directed dropping of lures/hooks via their a DJI Phantom while beach fishing with rod and reel.

This raises a whole host of intriguing questions: is this considered “regular” recreational fishing under local fishing laws and ordinances?  Is this really just a new form of the novelty kite fishing (I doubt it…)?  Will flying or swimming drones be the next in a long line of technological innovations from diesel-power winches to Radar to satellite data feeds that have empowered us to further overexploit our already stressed global fish stocks?

Will this tech be eclipsed by the technology that seems poised to soon allow the angler to simply fly over the fish she is looking to target:

Many of us are determined to help make this tech supportive of conservation and responsible management, but the reality is that we really are gazing into a brave new world through a mirror, darkly.