
Reflection for Project 2 and 3 – 10/7/15

Reading log 2

Dirk and Swales for project 2: Dirk is a good reference for writing any type of paper. I can actually look back and read his advice and use it. For Swales, I can apply acknowledging who my audience is, realizing that my audience is part of a discourse community. This means that I will pay attention to details such as the lexis, common goal, and the exchanging of information.

Reading log 3

Dirk and Swales for project 3: Dirk can be applied in the same way that I applied his writing to project 2. The interesting oddity about Dirk is that he talks about so much information but all of it is important. He also boosts the writer with confidence but yet gives direct guidelines in which an excellent writer should follow. In utilizing swales writing I am referring to the specific six criterion to help explain why the CI Climate Symposium is a discourse community. I love the format in swales because the number system makes it convenient to go back and refer to the information.


Reflection for Project 2

Reflection for Project two PowerPoint slides

I need to implement more sources. I refer to Swales a lot but I need to explore other ways to back up my argument. I also have a lot of repetition so it was suggested that I could use some of the repeat slides as dialogue. I felt that my presentation was too short but once I find two more sources it will not only help strengthen the argument but help add a little meat to the project.

Besides that I mostly received positive feedback regarding flow and great images. For step one I also accomplished convincing my audience that Women’s collegiate soccer for Antelope Valley College is in fact a discourse community.


Training and Repairing


3D printing new parts while working on units.
3D printing new parts while working on units.

After our trip to the Cook Islands, only one of our four ROVs were functioning, and nearly half of the team graduated, leaving only a few that are able to repair the units. In addition to the necessary ROV repairs, Paul’s fixed wing mapping UAV (the Snowy Plover) is in the need of a few repairs and upgrades as well.

Upgrading the derelict 2.6 unit with 2.7 motors... it lives again!
Upgrading the derelict 2.6 unit with 2.7 motors… it lives again!
Chase and Rebecca repairing a bad wire in a battery tube.
Chase and Rebecca repairing a bad wire in a battery tube.

The team now has three direct faculty members: Dr. Sean Anderson, Dr. David Claveau and Dr. Kiki Patsch along with team manager Paul Spaur. The returning students are: Tim Holcombe, Rebecca Smith, and Chase Tillman, and new team members: Nicole Gonzales, Karen Ramirez, and Tara Fay. There has been plenty of work to keep the team busy with setting up the new lab, and training the new comers the wide breadth of skills used in the laboratory.

Training the new students how to plastiweld.
Training the new students how to plastiweld.

In addition for learning new building and repairing skills, the new team members are learning about the basics regarding professional and responsible use of aerial and submarine remotely piloted systems. There are many rules, regulations and guidelines to follow when operating these tools, and our team strives to perform research using the utmost of safety.


Training the new members on the basics of quadcopter piloting.
Training the new members on the basics of quadcopter piloting.

All of the new team members have had the chance to start up and operate both our OpenROV, and Blade 180QX quadcopter units. Once our units are repaired, we will focus on tailoring them to meet specific research goals, and focus on pilot training.

Media and Violence

It is difficult to prove that violent media causes violence. Sternheimer makes this valid point. After reading Chapter 5, it was difficult to value the Levin article, though poverty, neighborhood and friends are tied to behaviors.

I was struck, however, by the “Bobo doll” experiment results on p 111. Kids who watched adults pummel a doll, also hit the doll. Children mimic behaviors they see. Parents who pattern kind behavior often have children who are kind. Soft-spoken parents often have soft-spoken children. Parents with keen senses of humor, often have children who know how to laugh. Tragically, child abuse is often passed down, generation after generation.

Another point: practice makes perfect. The way we spend our time determines what we become. As a piano teacher, I know that pianists are created from daily, quality piano practice. What do hours of violent video games produce? What do hours of TV produce? What do hours of reading produce? Increased vocabulary, greater proficiency in writing, a higher IQ.  Common sense tell us that we are what we do.

Reagan Library

When I visited Ronald Reagan Presidency Library this past Friday, it gave me a great understanding of who President Reagan was. I know President Reagan was a president but I never actually took time to learn about him. The whole aspect of the museum is to give a good expression of who Reagan was. In my opinion he was a good president but as usual when someone passes away only the good deeds they did are remembered. The museum portrays him as a great leader and a great president. Maybe it’ just to show respect or because he has passed and they want the audience to remember him as a great person.

There were quite a few objects that caught my attention at the library. One of them was the video of when they attempted to murder him. He had just finished addressing the Building and Construction workers. It was really scary just by watching the explicit footage. I tried to it myself in his shoes and I couldn’t even bare to imagine myself in that situation. I thought about what his wife was thinking at the moment and how she reacted.

Another objects that also caught my attention was the Air Force One and the Marina One aircraft. It was amazing getting inside the same aircraft that President Reagan once was in. I liked how we were able to get inside and get the experience of having a closer look of his personal life. When I stepped in the aircraft it made me feel like I was one of the people who were in the aircraft while he was there. I felt Important.

In the Air Force One aircraft one of the people who worked there told us a story of President Reagan. She told us that every time President Reagan got in Air Force One he always ordered for the worker in the kitchen to have a chocolate cake. The reason for that was that just in case there might be someone’s birthday while on board. He would personally walk up to the birthday person and sing them happy birthday. I thought that was really nice and humble about him.

The last object that interested me was that everywhere in the museum there were jellybeans. At first I thought they were just used as decoration. But as I continue to see them I grew curious to ask why they were everywhere in the museum. I asked the tourist in Air Force one why were jellybeans everywhere in the museum. She told me that it was because President Reagan wanted to stop smoking so he used the jellybeans as a distraction from smoking

The Lurk and Recon

So for this section of the challenge we are told to just lurk around and observe the situations of the topic we chose on 2 different social media sights. I spend a ludicrous amount of time online and since i have been a presence on the internet i have lurked on sites that interested me. For the assignment i was on Twitter and facebook, these are my major picks the response is quick and there a lot of people contributing even though they are not all experts. For the cost of textbooks and higher education the most vocal are the ones paying for the textbooks and classes, my issue is that i haven’t found too many advocates for custom books and or digital copies. I feel that i am not searching correctly and am looking in hot button sections that aren’t allowing both sides to speak.  Recently my phone my glasses and my car are all out of commission so mobile viewing and screen shooting are not possible till next week or later. I return to these topics every other night, the most volatile time for these talks are around election season beginning and end of the semester so the feeds get stale quickly. With twitter it a lot of big tweets getting attention while on facebook i noticed have been more comment oriented and people repeating and forwarding the same articles.

Being a “Lurker”

Hello everyone and I hope that you are having a fantastic day. Today’s topic is Lurking and those that lurk. For those that might not know what that means, here are some definitions for you.

Google defines it as: (of a person or animal) be or remain hidden so as to wait in ambush for someone or something.

Urban Dictionary has it as, spying on people online, while you remain invisible

Wikipedia defines it as: In Internet culture, a lurker is typically a member of an online community or PLN who observes but does not actively participate.

Some people have used the terms: Stalk, creep, creeping, spy and watching or even scanner. All the same, it is one that surfs the web checking in on different pages or communities and does not interact with it. As I do not agree with labeling this as a type of stalking, as that has harmful intent. I find it better to lurk before you speak because sometimes what is on your mind does not fit the community.

The idea of this week’s topic is to become a lurker and scope out some web groups without revealing my identity nor interact within the groups. Well, I will tell you that was not a hard task for me as I am a lurker. I have been lurking for years(maybe forever). I do not stop nor start with the internet; I do it at work, school, heck wherever I can. It is not that I do not want to intervene, it is that I like just to be quiet and listen to what other have to say. For instance, I went to a cosplay workshop biweekly for six months and never spoke to one person other than the person that introduced me to the group, Which I might add only went two other times. I find it easy to be quiet when not called on.

My two favorite places to “Lurk” is a FaceBook Group called (sorry if offended) is “The Phreak Shall Inherit the Earth”, and “Giving F*cks for Therapy.” Both of these support groups were created for different reasons. One is to allow people to say what is on their mind and to give the problem the finger; the other is to show respect for a fallen friend of many and to share memories. At one time, I was active with The Phreak, but it had a different title and different purpose. Originally the group was named “Blayne Punches Cancer in the Face” and it was a support group as he went through his treatment, but in May he lost that battle and the page evolved with its purpose.

As I said before, “I am a Lurker,” no denying it. Sometimes while on Facebook or Twitter I will like, share, repost, tag and even comment from time to time. But most of the time I am in and out with no-one the wiser.

Well as I always was, keep smiling, make someone laugh out load and have a fantastic day.


Challenge 4: Component 1: YouTube and Instagram Lurking

This week we are lurking. Lurking basically means we are keeping tabs on social media sites in order to gain information. As previously stated, my topic is the current refugee crisis. The two social media sites that I decided to lurk on are YouTube and Instagram. The reason I chose these two sites is because they involve picture and video along with likes and comments. I believe that an image can make a huge impact on the way someone views a certain topic without words having to be said. Like they say, “A picture is worth a thousand words.”

Lurking involves me constantly looking up my topic of the refugee crisis on the social media sights and looking at anything new that is posted. I have been lurking first thing in the morning, at my lunch break, after work, and before bed. What is extremely interesting to me is that there is always something new that has come up and that I can look into. When I first began lurking, I honestly felt very weird. I felt like I was spying on people and I didn’t like it, but when I started to think about it deeper, I realized that these people are doing what we are working towards. They are using social media in order to get their thoughts and beliefs out into the world. Once I was able to grasp that concept, I didn’t feel like a creeper anymore.

YouTube has brought many videos to my attentions that are working towards getting people motivated to help the cause. Instagram on the other had is a lot more of people sharing their perspectives on what they feel about the refugee crisis. There is always people posting to help spread the word, or trying to make a difference but when others’ opinions are involved we can always expect some sort of head bumping to be involved. This was something I wasn’t expecting but I can see how some people would feel another way, I personally just feel as if we should be helping out. I saw more of the head bumping on Instagram, but either way, the majority of people that came across this situation feel for these people and want to help.

Challenge 4

My recent interest in Syrian and Iranian refugees has been collectively uprising due to the participatory culture that has been instilled in me by this Transfer Seminar class. It’s such an interesting and controversial topic that you can only feel as if you need to do something about this matter.
Social media can be an extremely useful connection to these issues since these sites are used by people around the world, some who might have better understanding of the social issue.
Two of my favorite social media sites are Instagram and YouTube. Instagram connects interesting points of different Instagramers along with powerful pictures. You can like the post, repost or even comment what you feel in regards to the issue.
YouTube on the other hand can be used to make videos without any sort of time boundary to better explain your point, or simply share with people facts about your social issue.
Both of these places gives you a worldwide audience if you use the sites well. In both of these sites you can filter your thoughts and focus on a more intricate point.
I tend to lurk on this topic a lot due to genuine interest. At least once a day. I always place myself in their shoes and wonder how horrific it must be to be in that predicament. Torn and pushed away from a seemingly distant and terrifying place you once called home.
The contributions on Instagram surpass the ones by users on YouTube.
You can filter the subject by using a hashtag that can be common in relation to the issue.
What surprises me are the association of these refugees to past refugees. Times in history where this situation has happened. It’s funny, but history truly does repeat itself. However, when living in the present and this issue is a reality, it is harder to accept and treat it as an important issue like it should be.