
Likes & Dislikes

Wow! I have to say, this technological transition is rocking my world right now. I am incredibly excited to take a different approach to learning, presenting, and even sharing my thoughts. I am excited to learn and advance technologically along with the rest of our generation and be taken out of my comfort zone to learn. However, there are definitely some concerns I am grappling with. One of my dislikes is the idea that all of my entries and thoughts will be public for all to read. As a new graduate searching for jobs, I would be afraid that a potential employer might turn me away based on my “online identity” or thoughts shared throughout the course. I am also worried that I will spend more time than desired in learning how to navigate and complete the various assignments. I know the next few months will be full of learning curves, both in lecture material and technologically. I am excited to be a part of something that has the potential to revolutionize teaching though. I am also looking forward to this new challenge!

RoseAnn Fischer

I am excited to finally be in last semester of nursing school. I am anxious to get started on new information that is vital to our education and career! However, this technology thing might be difficult for me but I am up for a challenge.

Likes Versus Dislikes

Balancing honesty and optimism in critical care medicine

This post marks my very first blog entry! What I will be discussing includes the likes and dislikes of NRS 420 (Critical Care). Although this semester has only just begun and I am still acquainting myself to the details of the various courses, I do have to say I believe this semester to be extremely different from the rest. Not only will be we preparing for NCLEX, learning material that is much more advanced, job hunting and participating in various application processes, but also learning and incorporating new technology into our learning experiences. At this point, I am unsure as to whether this is a like or dislike, but believe that once I grasp the initial concepts it will definitely be a like. Another aspect of this course that I really like is the fact that we have our own website for the course where we can view crucial dates, syllabi, and additional information. I am extremely excited to be learning more about how to assess and care for the critically ill and believe that this innovative and new approach will definitely assist in that process. At this point in time I really do not have any dislikes, other than tests….just kidding. I think this course will be very beneficial in not only helping me learn new aspects of technology but also in how to widen my scope of caring for others.

Autumn Moon

I am actually enjoying getting out of my comfort zone with technology. I think I will miss having everything on blackboard though. Since we all have other classes, it is nice having to only access one website, but this is a nice change of pace.

Likes & Dislikes

I like that we’re moving toward a more tech-y CI. I do like the traditional pen & paper assignments and class time, but it’s fun to switch things up and this is where the future is headed! Haven’t run into any dislikes yet — I hope it can stay that way :)

Our Course So Far

While I was a little scared in the beginning of class about all of this new technology we will be learning and utilizing I think it will only benefit us. In nursing there will always be new technologies, information, procedures, etc.  that we will need to be adapting to. Nurses are always learning!!

So far…

I love the new technology and the interactive learning, but I am not as tech saavy as some of the other students so this may take me a bit to master. Also, I am a pretty private person so this idea of having a digital identity out on the web is a bit unnerving. We shall see how the semester progresses as I balance learning how to care for the complex client while figuring out how to embed stuff! :) info-overload-21-300x300

What I like and dislike about the class thus far….

After attending the first day of class and learning about the technology that will be utilized in Nursing 420, I feel bitter sweet about the new changes and new path that we will experience throughout the semester. Yes, I am excited that we will be advancing our knowledge in technology, but there is also a part of me that is nervous about this new change. First, the things that I like about the course thus far is how interactive and neat this website blog is. I feel like knowing how to utilize these tools will not only be beneficial to us in the long run for example, giving future employees this address to browse and learn more about us, but also make this semester more fun and interactive. Although I am nervous about this change and worried that it may possibly produce more work and confusion for our class this semester, I haven’t really found anything I dislike yet… So far everything has been pretty straight forward and user friendly. The discomfort and the worried feeling is something we must all face when change occurs and in my eyes this is just another great way to learn how to defeat and move pass it successfully. Other than that I am very excited to learn the ropes of critical care and am looking forward to finishing our last semester of nursing school with you all.




Likes and Dislikes

So far I have been able to surf through the different aspects of this online tool. I think something I dislike in general is spending extra time on the computer this semester. Although I am open minded in experimenting with new technology. I have chosen a background picture for my web page and a new theme. I really like it so far! This course seems like it will be a lot of work but I am ready for the challenge that lies ahead. I am hoping to gain a better grasp on all we have learned through the last couple of years and to bring my knowledge full circle.

Brain Lobes

brain lobes