
Special Thanks to Contributors and Referenced Works


The following people deserve special appreciation for inspiring many of my ideas:

  • Business and Economics in Literature professor at CSU Channel Islands, Clifton R. Justice
  • Business and Economics in Literature classmate, Robert Cabello


These works influenced my ideas as well:

Big daddy’s ego defies death and his family by B. Brantley, New York Times

Arthur miller visits the sins of the fathers upon the children by B.B. By, New York Times

The family in Hollywood melodrama: actual or ideal by MacKinnon, K ., Journal Of Gender Studies

Memories of Yesterday and Tomorrow: Familial Legacies in Titus and All My Sons by L.A. Werden,
War, Literature & The Arts: An International Journal Of The Humanities



Marketing Proposal for “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” and “All My Sons”

by Amanda LaMay

“The prisons we make trying to keep up with appearances.”

peacock caged

For this marketing campaign, I envision images of peacocks and birdcages to represent the two plays’ shared theme of the prisons we make keeping up appearances. A barren tree would also suit suit their stories, full of families in a state of crumbing. To illustrate that, the overall artwork will comprise of dark vintage-styled scenes, richly saturated in peacock tones that give a sense of doom.

Barren family tree

To usher in small business owners, I’ll reach out to highly engaged populations of entrepreneurs through social media. Facebook ads will run six weeks prior to opening on up till the finale, and specifically target the intended demographic. They will offer discount incentives to users who like or share content on a promotional event page I create, which will include teaser videos. These trailers will be promoted on Youtube as well, in “pre-roll” slots to play before business-related videos, and will contain an embedded link to buy tickets on the theater site. Youtube has the benefit of only paying for actual views in the target market, making this cost-effective. Meetup is another social media outlet which offers a free source of potential sales. By offering package deals on slow nights to the five local business meetup groups, group sales will thrive.

peacock lady

A Business Expo held by the local Chamber of Commerce two weeks before the first show premiers provides a great opportunity for face-to-face outreach with business owners. My plan includes purchasing a booth there and outfitting it with promotional displays, informational material, refreshments, and ticket deals.

Other forms of direct outreach will be made use of by offering to raffle off mid-week tickets free of charge at professional business events like the ones held by Lyon’s Club, Rotary Club, and Toastmasters. This is sure to garner much in the way of goodwill and possibly even kickbacks for club sponsorship by letting them keep the proceeds.

More traditional media will also be employed through local newspapers, purchasing quarter-page ads to run for 6 weeks. Local radio and business podcasts will be given complimentary tickets to give away, gaining some free recognition.

At the venue site itself, vivid displays will announce the shows to street traffic. Windows of willing nearby shops and bulletin boards will hang with production posters further spreading visibility to passerby. A unique touch will be achieved with chalk murals commissioned on popular streets near the theater. Finally, attendees will receive visually striking programs to take home and share with friends…complete discussion

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Estimated Campaign Budget



Printed materials $650
Visual displays $500
Art supplies$80
Film supplies$300
Refreshments/snacks $75

Print artist $500
Sidewalk artists $300
Video producer/ crew $650
Canvassers $175

Facebook ads ($10/day @42) $420
Youtube fees ($.10/view@ 4000) $400
Local newspaper ads($100/wk@6)$600
Booth space $180

TOTAL….. $4,830

complete proposal

“All My Sons” and “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” Major Themes

by Amanda LaMay

“Lie and lie at length”

Small business owners work tirelessly to be successful. For most, that effort is to benefit their families, providing financial peace of mind. But money and family rarely have a smooth relationship. That makes “All My Sons” and, “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” particularly good theatricals to appeal with business owners and their families. They face struggles just like those blown up and dramatized in the plays, where capitalism and society end up causing great harm to families. Business people especially will engage with both plays’ exploration into the complications of money in family, the legacy of a broken home, and the priority of saving face.

woman looking in mirror

These 50s revivals are perfect for the entrepreneur market, many of whom sink or swim by their public image just like characters in the plays. The Joe Keller character grapples with image issues at length in Arthur Miller’s “All My Sons.” It centers on Joe who believes that “earning money and reputation is the best thing he can pass along to his children (Werden 77).” Such beliefs seduce him to a little bit of wrongdoing when he faces possible financial ruin. His rationale “what could I do? I’m in business,” voice how easily people will cave to the cutthroat world of making money, where a bit of wrong often means a lot of cash. Justifying to himself how little harm would likely come of it, he makes the unethical choice, and in actuality, the worst possible harm results.

   sb10062679i-001 Joe is like most people. He believes his own “goodness” despite acting reprehensibly, and cares more about seeming upright than being so. Human nature compels us all to seek approval, and these plays, at their very heart, are stories of people doing everything they can to be accepted. Broken families at the core, they desperately pretend everything’s okay, and maintaining that appearance requires them all to lie, and lie at length…..complete discussion

project 2

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Brick Poster

Brick Poster

Project 1 Banner

Showing how persistence helps build a future.
Showing how persistence helps build a future.




To: Martin V. Smith School of Business

From: Christine Hurd

Date: 02/14/2015

Re: Play Recommendation


It is my recommendation that the drama program produce the play Good People.





Good People and Detroit Project 1



We were asked by the CI Drama department to produce one of the two plays: Good People by David Lindsay-Abaire or Detroit by Lisa D’Amour. Although both plays deal with the issue of financial instability, I feel as though Good People reinforces that one must work for what they want despite the obstacles that may stand in our way.

Being in college in my opinion really helps you grow as a person. Class discussions are a great form of interaction because learning takes place by listening to others views and perceptions on particular subjects. Good People is all about capitalism,  the winners and the losers. As business students we are fighting to have a greater future for ourselves. Although times are very stressful right now, we hope that someday all of this hard work will be worth it. It is very important though to never forget the hard work it took to accomplish the goal and where it is you came from.