
Minimally invasive aortic valve replacement (MIAVR)

I had a chance to take care of a patient who had multiple heart problems. He had CABG open hart surgery in the past. Now the patient developed heart valve problems and needed another surgery. However, the doctor stated that last surgery led to a complication that would not allow this patient to have another traditional open-heart surgery. Therefore, minimally invasive aortic and mitral valve replacement surgery was recommended. I was interested to find specific details about this procedure.

I found the article “Minimally invasive aortic valve replacement (MIAVR) – pros and cons of keyhole aortic surgery” that compares different approaches to heart surgeries and demonstrates the benefits of the latest approach that is minimally invasive (Kaczmarczyk, et al., 2015). This type of surgery has been evolving for the last twenty years and proves to safe, well-tolerated and efficient method. The authors explain that “minimally invasive” refers to any procedure not performed with a full sternotomy or cardiopulmonary bypass (Kaczmarczyk, et al., 2015).

There are two main types of MIAVR: partial sternotomy and intercoastal access. Lower hemisternotomy is the most popular partial sternotomy method. It provides excellent access to the heart and its vessels as well as stability of the rim of the upper limbs in postoperative period. Important advantages of this approach also include less surgical trauma, less postoperative bleeding and blood units transfused, faster recovery, shorter hospital stay and ICU stay, and less pain. It is however more technologically demanding and can often lead to failure if the surgeon does not have much experience.

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Right anterior minithoracotomy scar vs. full sternotomy scar


Kaczmarczyk, M., SzaaÄski, P., Zembala, M., Filipiak, K., Karolak, W., Wojarski, J.,…Embala, M. (2015). Minimally invasive aortic valve replacement – pros and cons of keyhole aortic surgery. Cardiac Surgery, 12(2), 103-110.


Transcatheter aortic valve replacement

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Recently I had the experience of caring for patients on a hospital’s telemetry floor. One of my patients had just received a transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), sometimes referred to as transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI). The TAVR procedure is a new cardiac procedure being performed at the hospital. TAVR procedures have been performed in Europe since 2007, but were only approved by the FDA in the United States in 2011 (Buntz, 2012). A transcatheter aortic valve replacement is used as an alternative to traditional aortic valve surgery in patients with aortic stenosis who, either because of age or comorbidities, are not candidates for traditional cardiac surgery (Khatri et al., 2013). The TAVR procedure does not require a sternotomy, but instead threads a balloon catheter with the replacement valve through the femoral artery (transfemoral approach) and into position (American Heart Association, 2015).

The research efforts of Khatri et al. (2013) investigate the adverse effects associated with transcather aortic valve replacement and attempt to identify if certain approaches (transarterial or transsapical) or types of valves (CoreValve or Sapien valve) have different adverse effects. From their research Khatri et al. (2013) concluded that heart block, vascular complications, and acute renal failure were the most common side effects of the TAVR procedure. The CoreValve was more often associated with heart block but less likely to cause vascular complications (Khatri et al., 2013). In addition, the transapical approach has lower thirty day survival rates than the transfemoral approach (Khatri et al., 2013). The study highlights the fact that most patients receiving the TAVR transapically had significant peripheral vascular disease and therefore greater comorbidities than those who’s vasculature was adequate for the transfemoral approach (Khatri et al., 2013). Further research is needed to assist physicians in making decisions about the best valve types and approach to use when preforming the TAVR procedure.


American Heart Association. (2015). What is TAVR? In Heart valve problems and disease. Retrieved from

Buntz, B. (2012). TAVR: Still the next big thing in cardiology? Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry. Retrieved from

Khatri, P., Webb, J., Rodes-Cabau, J., Fremes, S., Ruel, M., Lau, K., … Ko, D. (2013). Adverse effects associated with transcatheter aortic valve implantation: A meta-analysis of contemporary studies. American College of Physicians, 158, 35-46.

Melissa and Jessica’s A-fib patient

Once upon a time there was an active 22 year old, African American male named Devone who loved playing basketball. His grandpa recently passed away from a pulmonary embolism.   He came into the ER today because he had a syncopal episode during the last quarter of the division finals for his basketball team. The nurse assessed the patient finding an irregular, thready pulse; he is pale and more fatigued than usual after a game, which has been worsening over the last week; his capillary refill is 3-4 second. His 12 lead EKG revealed atrial fibrillation with a heart rate of 140-157 bpm with no p waves.  The nurse began to assist the patient by attempting to stimulate the vagal response by having him blow through a straw which was successful in reducing heart rate to 80 bpm. The nurse also conferred with the physician to determine recommendation of anticoagulation therapy. The nurse also educated the patient on lifestyle modifications and the necessity of follow up appointment. As a result of these actions the patient was discharged with a follow-up appointment with primary physician, and prescription for 325mg of aspirin daily.

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CHF-er Patient

imagesCHF—Once upon a time there was a 69-year old caucasian man named Donald Trump who had an orange comb-over. He was very angry. He reported high levels of stress. His favorite food was Freedom Fries and he ate them at almost every meal.

His health history included hyperlipidemia, a sedentary lifestyle, hypertension, obesity, heavy alcohol use and probable drug abuse. He had complaints of frequent awakening a night with shortness of breath, his favorite pink socks not fitting, recent weight gain of 7 lbs in the last week, dizziness, fatigue, weakness, a cough, chest pain, and heart palpitations

The nurse assessed the patient, finding dependent pitting edema, nocturnal paroxysmal dyspnea, confusion as evidenced by incoherent ranting about building walls and healthcare. He had obvious bilateral JVD with wheezing and bibasilar crackles. He appeared anxious and was leaning forward breathing heavily. He had a decreased urine output since admittance. His vital signs were:

Heart Rate: 127

Blood Pressure: 190/120

Spo2: 92%

Temp: 98.7

Resp Rate: 26

The nurse began to do a thorough medication history. Due to his recent stress and confusion, Trump had not been remembering to take his Carvedilol for his hypertension. He had been taking 800 milligrams of Ibuprofen 3 times a day for headaches. The patient was put on Lasix and Spironolactone. He was given oxygen via a nasal cannula. The head of his bed was elevated. The nurse educated the patient about taking his medications and lifestyle and diet changes.

As a result of these actions, the patient began to urinate, was able to sleep, maintained a normal blood pressure, reported no chest pain or shortness of breath and his lungs were clear. He lost the 7 lbs of weight he had gained over the next several days.


Unstable angina for K. West…


Once upon a time there was a 50 year old African American male who had a history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, with BMI of 32, and family history of father passed away at age 55 with Acute MI. He presented to the ED with signs of/complaints of severe chest pain at rest, starting 30 minutes ago, shortness of breath, fatigue, and nausea. The nurse assessed the patient finding HR-110 regular, BP-145/90, Resp-21 shallow, Sat02 92% on room air, temperature- 98.6, chest pain 7/10, pressing, radiating to left arm and jaw, diapheretic, pale, and cap refill 4 seconds.  Nurse ordered 12 lead EKG and drew Labs, began to administer morphine sulfate 2mg IV, Oxygen 4L nasal cannula, nitroglycerin 0.4mg sub-lingual, and aspirin 325mg PO. Patient was re-administered nitroglycerin 5 minutes later and 10 minutes later. As a result of these actions the patient presented with HR 120, BP 90/60, Resp 25, Sat 02 88% with 4L O2, temp 98.6, pain unrelieved at 8/10, shortness of breath, ST elevation on EKG monitor, now prepare for cath lab.

The Heart Attack Grill…NOT for Children!

Recently, I watched a news clip about a restaurant in Las Vegas called “Heart Attack Grill”. Although I had heard about this restaurant a few years ago, I was surprised to see that it still currently going strong. On the website, one finds a menu of 8,000 calorie burgers and French fries fried in lard, among other monstrosities such as full butterfat milkshakes. Additionally, customers weighing in over 350 pounds eat for free. The waitstaff are dressed up as nurses and “spank” you at the end of the meal if you do not finish your meal. Although I realize that the “concept” is supposed to be all in fun, the reality is that the sensationalism of this restaurant, the free food for obese patrons, and the cartoon-y brand-imaging of this establishment, all in the ends seem to glorify unhealthy eating choices. Since customers are REALLY being fed the funny items on the menu (even for free) and are rewarded for finishing (customer gets a glory-lap seated in a wheelchair) and for being morbidly obese, there is no realistic learning about cardiac health or anything else from this example. If a customer does not finish his/her meal, punishment is administered, reinforcing overeating.

My initial reaction was that this would NOT be an establishment that should be around, especially if children are allowed to eat there! Not only are there terrible food choices, but no real no vegetarian options. In fact, there is a “Vegan” menu but it consists of a pack of cigarettes. To confirm that this place would be bad for a child, I found a Yelp posting stating:” You can get paddled by your waitress which was happening right next to us. We saw a little child get egged on by his family to get paddled and he screamed an agony.” I suppose this means that in addition to being offered poor food choices, a child could be bullied for not finishing the meal?

With faster lifestyles, cheaper fast food options and bad role modelling, it’s no wonder children have been given permission by example in today’s society. I was interested in finding out what the American Heart Association had to say concerning pediatrics and cardiovascular health so I went to their website at The fact that American children are experiencing increases in childhood obesity brings alarm to me. In fact on looking for the statistics, I found that obesity among children has more than doubled and in adolescents, has quadrupled in the past 30 years! (Ogden, 2012). For children, this means that they are more likely to experience high cholesterol, pre-diabetes, high blood pressure, low self-esteem, sleep apnea, bone and joint problems and more…conditions that are not usually associated with pediatric health, but in adults (Hayman, 2015). Pediatric cardiac health is detrimentally being affected, a fact supported by autopsy studies that show positive associations between established risk factors from childhood obesity and the presence and extent of atherosclerotic lesions in the aorta and coronary arteries of children (Berenson, Srinivasan, Bao, Newman, Tracy, 1998).

Although the Heart Attack Grill glorifies themselves and act tongue and cheek about their establishment, regular known customers have died. Sadly their chief spokesperson, a 575-pound, 29 year old male, passed away last year. This restaurant may have a “fun”, comical image, but if a regular customer that is obese regularly eats there and dies at 29 years old, how do we explain to the next generation that that’s ok, just laugh and eat there anyway? Unfortunately, restaurants such as the Heart Attack Grill are not helping our future generation to stay healthy, only providing yet another horrible choice to the young generation. I would rather see a restaurant make more efforts to glorify healthy choices and show the next generation options that directly affect cardiac health positively, and show them that their hearts will say thank you with a long, healthy life. On a last note, the waitstaff dress up as nurses…that makes me even more sad and concerned, as it pollutes the sincere desire of real nurses to educate and care for patients’ health.


Castillo, S. (2014, August 9). Heart Attack Grill Killed 2 People, But Owner Says ‘Business Is Good’ .

CDC (2015, August 27). Childhood Obesity Facts.

Hayman, L. (2015). A Statement for Health and Education Professionals and Child Health Advocates From the Committee on Atherosclerosis, Hypertension, and Obesity in Youth (AHOY) of the Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young, American Heart Association.

Ogden C. (2012). Prevalence of childhood and adult obesity in the United States, 2011-2012. Journal of the American Medical Association 2014;311(8):806-814.

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Technology and Patient Care

EKG monitoring through a person’s iphone to prevent stroke sound like a great invention that I may personally use one day since Afib runs in my family. Raney Linck is right in his blog about nurses needing to step up to the challenge…the changing technology in healthcare challenge (2014). I agree that we are going to have to increase our knowledge of the upcoming tools and resources that will impact our patient’s lives. I believe society will continue to increase their spending on quick and easy access to apps, devices, and biometric measuring tools, like the now common Fitbit, to improve their health. As nurses are educators and advocates, we must be prepared by expanding our own knowledge of technological health tools.

Mental health issues continue to affect society and finally people are starting to open up about specific mental health concerns that they are experiencing. People are looking for ways to overcome their personal problems by watching television shows like Dr. Oz, surfing the internet, and asking healthcare providers. New interventions like mobile health sensors along with therapy may be the answer to help those that are struggling with diagnoses of depression, anxiety, or PTSD.

Along with verbal, demonstration, and multiple printed educational handouts that we use in the NICU at St. John’s Regional Medical Center to educate our babies caregivers, we also use educational videos on a tablet. Caregivers can choose to watch multiple videos about NICU baby care on our unit’s tablet at their baby’s bedside or they can access the website from anywhere by logging on to and using our hospital’s password 02557. This free website contains a video library in English and Spanish and also contains many helpful articles in the parent resource section. The education provided by leading Neonatologists and neonatal nurses on this website, in my opinion, is a great informative and helpful tool for caregivers of NICU babies (The Wellness Network, 2015).

Linck, R. (2014, August 1). MHealth: What do we do with all the data? [Web blog post]. Retrieved from

The Wellness Network (2015). Your nicu baby. Retrieved from


Digital Trends in Nursing

Digital technology is exponentially growing in the healthcare setting, including its increase access into the community. New research studies are pinning down ways to utilize the advance technology available, such as in: mobile device apps detecting health effects on academic performance, EKG ambulatory monitor assessments reducing risk of strokes, to simple ear buds that detect heart rate and calories lost as well as other developing trends.

Raney Linck, MSN instructor from Minnesota school of Nursing, has created a blog based on digital trends occurring in nursing and healthcare. It was unique to view his outlook of creating such a blog, however the most recent post is fairly outdated, October of last year. One of his discussions was on mobile health apps (mHealth), being used in research to gather information on student’s overall health by just having the users cellphone in close proximity. Sensor data was collected and organized by the cellphone app installed known as, “StudentLife.” For example, the camera of a phone was able to tell when the lights were turned off in a room, detect the sleeping duration and amount of time a student was in a particular area. I never heard of such a study but it did intrigue my thoughts wondering how I, as a student, would rate among their study from my mental health effects in my academics and how I can improve it based on the data available. It also made me realize with this research how much work it must take to analyze all the data and who was responsible for that role.

It’s incredible how a software may collect accessible data by using a cellular app, however it takes a humans manual manipulation and labor to analyze. Linck brought up a good point, if we have all the data imaginable with increased use of mHealth apps or EKG ambulatory monitoring and other healthcare related vehicles who will analyze the data? Imagine the changes that can evolve if there was a new job description for this role, possibly RN’s to step up in this changing technologic era and utilize the data for improving outcomes in the community based on the set of identified problem areas.

Nursing will always have a necessity to become socially mindful with using newly updated software’s, applications and programs being used in their facility. Such as with documenting healthcare information in patient care for reimbursements from Medicare and Medicaid. Then there is nursing assessments logged on the computer that allow easy access to trends in patient data such as their labs or imaging, MD/RN progress notes providing a larger picture of the entire patient. It may play a con with documentation say if there is downtime/power outage, I believe not all paper charting should be excluded as we will  eventually need the reliable paper and pen practices in a critical event. The public has become more proactive in their care including the assistance of increased availability to their own medical records from home.

Another interesting study from an Australia, Concord Hospital are participating in this new technology advancement creating wristbands that record the patients vital signs including oxygen saturation which electronically sends to patients medical electronic record instantaneously. They plan to expand their line product to over 27 hospitals over the next three years, allowing benefits for safe and efficient patient care saving time and reducing human error (ANMJ, 2015). The information sought out during this search of the digital trends shows how technology can have meaningful use ensuring quality and safety while improving care communication and management.



ANMJ. (2015). New wristband technology streamlining patient care. Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal23(1), 5.

Piscotty, R. , Kalisch, B. , & Gracey‐Thomas, A. (2015). Impact of healthcare information technology on nursing practice.Journal of Nursing Scholarship47(4), 287-293.

Linck, R. (2014, October 8). Digital trends in nursing. Retrieved September 7, 2015,   from