
Last Semester of my Undergraduate Education

I have never claimed to be technologically savvy; however, I am truly enjoying the encouragement and idea of creating a personal website. In the first week of the last semester of my undergraduate education, two classes have required that I start cultivating my CI Keys, WordPress account. Technology is our future. Period. So, learn to love it or at least try to keep up with the weekly advancements, or resist it and miss out on a future full of endless opportunities and possibilities. This entails jumping outside my comfort zone and challenging myself in unique ways. A goal of mine over this last semester is to embrace technology and dive right in. The part I love the most is the organizational aspect it brings with it. I am ready… to begin the end…

The Beginning to the End…

My final semester of nursing school… It is hard to believe that I have come this far. I remember starting this journey towards becoming a nurse and being overwhelmed with what seemed to be a never-ending road ahead of me. It’s hard for me to conceptualize the fact that in a few months, I will be graduating with my BSN. I am experiencing a mix of emotions from excitement to anxiety to even sadness. As hard as it has been, nursing school has been an amazing experience that I will never forget and always cherish.

Final Stop on the Nursing School Ride Up Ahead…


Nursing 420: Care of a Complex Patient or better known to the senior nursing students as the final stop to our three year roller-coaster ride called NURSING SCHOOL. This semester our Professor Dr. Jaime Hannans has surpassed all expectations for what I thought my last semester will be like in a positive and innovative manner. I am very excited to take part in bringing technology and everything it offers us into our curriculum and our classroom. With technology constantly evolving around us and improving accessibility on a global scale, its presence in our nursing program has been long overdue. I am excited to see the end products that will be created by using a platform like CI Keys for my fellow nursing students and myself. So far things look promising. I am grateful Dr. Hannans and Dr. Hoffman share the vision of promoting excellence through the use of various innovative channels such as CI Keys. I can not wait to get started! Buckle your seatbelts!


NRS 420 Likes and Dislikes


Fish Oil for Cardiovascular Health | heart-1141234819793

I am so excited to start the final semester of nursing school! It has been quite a journey learning so many new things, and this semester is no different. I will admit that venturing into this technology world can be a little intimidating because we are so accustomed to a certain way of doing things: writing essays, participating in discussion boards, in class group projects, and so on. However, I am so excited to experiment with new methods of working and communicating with instructors and classmates. It keeps learning fun. This is my very first blogging experience, it has always been sort of a foreign topic in my life, however, I was happy to learn that it will be utilized immensely this semester. How blogging can relate to critical care or nursing in general was hard understand, but so far it has been a fun journey and there are still many things to discover. It will definitely be an interesting semester full of new experiences, and so far it is going great!

-Roxana Hurtado

The Beginning of my Last Course!

I honestly cannot believe that we are already in the last semester of nursing school. I feel like I just blinked, and it was here. People told us when we first started that nursing school was going to go by so fast, but when you’re first starting, it’s hard to believe them.

I’m a little nervous for this course so far just because of all the technological aspects involved. However, I do know that this is going to be a great experience for us in the long run, and it’s just going to take some adjustment to get used to. I have a feeling that I’m going to like it, though. I’m already enjoying customizing my page, and I’m excited for all the different opportunities I can make from it!

One of the aspects that I really like about the course is the way the syllabus and weekly instructions are set up. It’s very organized and easy to understand. I really like how the different parts are hyperlinked for easy access and the homework is laid out for each week. I feel like this organization will definitely make the class better for all of us.

Looking forward to what this class is going to hold for us!


What I like about Nrs. 420:

By far, I like that through this course we are making good use of technology.

Homework #1

An interactive website for a class???? Well this is the adventure my fellow peers and I will have to embark on for this semester in NRS 420. This will be our first ever interactive website! It seems a little scary but once we have mastered the skills to navigate through the web and manage our own website everything will be a piece of cake. So far it has been a pleasant experience and I am looking forward to the new learning experiences that this class will offer. As far as the dislikes it is too soon to have any :) I am looking forward to this semester and all the upcoming challenges.

The Start of the Semester

I felt that I blinked and my winter vacation was over. While I was reading through the syllabus to my lecture course “Nursing Complex Client” I thought it would be difficult to find information and navigate through the course because it was presented outside the traditional blackboard format. I was pleasantly surprised to find the webpage format presents information that is more organized and easier to follow.

I am also every excited about the evidence based practice paper. The assignment requires the students to identify a nursing related topic they are interested in and find the related current hospital policy. The next step requires us to find the most current research and compare it to the hospital policy. I feel that the paper’s process will give us tools we will need to implement evidence based practice in our careers.

I also found the group projects interesting as well. The group projects are designed to help present information to the class by our peers. I feel that having information formatted by our peers will help assist in answering questions on topics that are more complicated. In addition, it provides the nursing class with another tool to study for exams.



First Day of NRS420

Wow! First day of the LAST semester of nursing school! Honestly, it’s hard to believe that soon, we will all be nurses! I have been looking forward to this semester and after the first day of class, I know that I was excited for all the right reasons! I love that our instructor is only providing us with material one week at a time–because I feel that it will definitely help with time management for all of us! As nursing students, we have two extremes; either we want to get it all done in the beginning and feel ridiculously overwhelmed by all the work we have to get done, or we put it off and procrastinate until we also feel ridiculously overwhelmed by all the work we have to get done.

I do feel a bit intimidated by the amount of different things we are going to be doing online, but I can appreciate that in the world we live in today the better adapt we are to using the technology we have available to use we will benefit greatly from it in the end.

Critical care, Nursing 420, is going to be such a great learning experience and I plan on taking full advantage of the materials provided to make us better future SOON TO BE nurses! Also, I would just like to say there are a LOT of pictures of cupcakes when you use flickr to find pictures of “critical care nurses”.

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Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!