
Richard's Capstone Blog // Fall 2016 2016-09-17 04:23:56


I have been working on the designs for the line lackeys club. I am almost done with the first of four logos. It took a while to get the anchor just right and I’m really impressed with how it’s turning out. I wanted to create the anchor illustration first because it’s gonna be the main symbol for most of the sketches I’m going to be taking to illustrator. I then started to create the banner that will include the clubs name with the Montserrat font. I wanted typography that looked clean and readable, and I felt like the Montserrat font worked for this logo. I’m going to continue working on the rest of the logos tonight and finish them up by tomorrow and have them sent to the president of the club.

Another project my group and I have started working on is for active planet kids. They have 10 different libraries of illustrations that they would like us to work on. So in last nights meeting we decided that we are all going to do research on the three bobble head character we are responsible for. We are going to post all of our research on trello tonight so that we can see what each of us found. This will help us pick out information that will help influence the direction of the elements we are going to illustrate. I will be in charge of creating the illustration for the the Kartick Satyanarayan bobble head. The next step for this project is to start sketching out the illustration and taking it to illustrator for a first draft.

09/16/16 CAPSTONE 499

I have created a idea board for 2 different websites for Sam. I mentioned before that I am doing mainly a logo for the first stage following websites: (this website is a generic similarity to they offer different items mostly for entertainer), and (this website according to Sam offers affordable electric bikes). The idea board consist in icons that I can recreate of styles I can mix together. I also create a research image table so we as a team can have fro reference while we create the Bubble heads project. I watched a short video about the person I am doing the Bubble head for (Rodney Mullen), so I can have a perfect idea who I’m a representing in the illustration. Later tonight I’ll start the first draft of the bubble head.

Bellow are the idea board and Rodney Mullen images for reference:



Richard's Capstone Blog // Fall 2016 2016-09-16 06:56:48

After yesterdays critique of our Driffill sports logos, I went back into illustrator and made all of the necessary refinements so that we could send them to Driffill before Friday. I made the lines of my logo a lot thicker and also added some line variation. I also used the same colors and typography we agreed on to make the logos look unified. I am really happy with how they all turned out. We hope to hear back from Driffils principal, hopefully before the weekend, and see what she thinks about the logos. Here are the three refined logos that I refined on illustrator today!




Another project I worked on today was creating an inspiration board template. I thought it would look a lot better if we all used the same template and format for inspiration boards. I created areas were the main inspiration will go, which could include illustrations, logos, or anything else that’s a photograph. Another section I created is dedicated to typography, where we will spell out the name of the font in that font. I also put in another section where we can put in different color palettes. I think this will help keep everything organized and will show the client that everything is coming from the same team.

09/15/16 CAPSTONE 499

I finished the first drafts for Driffill’s t-shirts sport logos today, I clean my designs so they are consistent to the other designs. I suggested my team to use my font in their own logos so we can have a similar look and feel and because my font is thick and dynamic, is a good representation of sports for me you can differentiate clearly kid to kid team  from a thick bold and good typeface. We meet today white the president of the “CI Biology Club,” we talked about a possible creation of a new logo, because the one she has right now is too fun and not formal enough. We also talked about to flyer events and new letters for oncoming events. As well a information flyer about their club has need it. She notice our confidence in our work and she also asked us to design a flyer for her personal work events.

Back on the meeting we choose which assignments each other would do for the weekend. I choose to do the bubble head draft for Rodney Mullen’s. the deadline would be Monday. Also I’m working in a idea board for Sam’s new companies.

Below is an image of all the final draft for Driffill School.


09/14/16 CAPSTONE 499

Today after class my team and I walked to the student union so we can talk about the projects we have going on and the new projects provide on the class. We start the discussion with the first draft of the t-shirts logos for Driffill School. I critiqued every single design, my suggestions were to have lines thicker, reductions of extra lines, trying thicker typefaces because having small lines on the t-shirt will make them easy to pill off from the fabric of the shirt. In general my comments were to keep the logos simple and bold.

After the logos discussion we emailed the new client that were provide today in class, the project generally speaking, in creating different types of drawings for a children book. We email the client to doable check the information and what exactly needs to be done.

Next, we start discussing the product branding client’s many brands. We assigned 3 people to for each of the brands so we can start the development of the logos according to the clients responses we emailed him last week. We also talked about the CI clubs logo and social media designs, my critics from that design were to use the real CI colors and trying a different layout to have all the information and images in a better and simple composition.

We are going to be uploading shortly all our fonts so we all try each of them and see which one works the best on our Driffill School. Below is a image of us at our meeting at student union.



driffillfootball_whiteWe have been working on our vector logos for the Driffill Elementary Sports team today. I have finished creating my vector drafts for the football logo. After capstone class today we took our meeting over to the student union, in one of the meeting rooms and we got a lot done. We first went over all of our emails that needed to be replied. We replied to the graftgroup and let them know that we got their questionnaire answers. We also let them know that our next step with this project is to create inspiration boards for all three branding projects. We also emailed Sarah, the principal from driffill elementary, and bought the logo issue to her attention. Upon our research of logos with rams in it, we noticed that the same exact logo was being used by multiple institutions. We let her know of this issue and offered to create an original logo for the school if she wishes too. After we were done with emails we had a critique of our logos for driffil sports teams and talked about different ways we can unify all of the logos. I also brought my sketches for the line lackey’s club for feedback, and got some more suggestions on which sketches I should take to illustrator. The last thing we did was read through the questionnaire answers we got from Sam from Graft Group.

Richard's Capstone Blog // Fall 2016 2016-09-14 06:34:20

Today I have been working on taking my sketches to illustrator. I have finished creating my two soccer logos that I chose to take to illustrator. Although I am done with them I am taking some more time to experiment with different typography and color arrangements. I think it would be a good idea to present the logos to our client, with different variations in its typography and color. I am designing the logos so that they work on a maroon or white shirt. I plan to have all my vector logos completed by tonight. I have made more progress on my sketches for the line lackey’s club, I ended up creating nine more, 18 in total. I will be sending my sketches to my group members for feedback and help narrowing it down to the best three or five sketches.

09/13/16 CAPSTONE 499

Today I worked on creating the first drafts for Driffil School t-shits designs. I believe I have a lest 70% done so far and I will continue working on them to have another design completed and I can show it in class.  We as a team decide to have 2 different versions of the logo so they school can have 2 version of shirts with their colors. Later tonight and tomorrow we are going to discuss how to put all the logos together to give them a consistent look for the school. Also tonight I will keep working on these logos  so I can have them finished 100% completed for tomorrow before class. We also draft several emails to send to the different clubs that have being answering our emails, that way we still have clients all semester long. In other news, professor Perchuck, gave us green light on the poster to send to Luke for Print.

Below is a image of the t-shirts logos I’m working right now for Driffil Elementary School:



Richard's Capstone Blog // Fall 2016 2016-09-13 06:32:18

We finally got a reply from the owner of the graft group company. We had previously sent him an invite to the trello board we created for his projects. In that board we posted a questionnaire about the three companies that we will be creating work for. He answered those questions today, so we now have information to work of off when brainstorming ideas for the logos. We can brainstorm on ideas for the color palette, typography and style of the identity brand. For the driffill project we had previously posted our sketches so that we can choose the best ones. We felt that we needed to have a more in depth critique with feedback, so we had a group meeting in the broome library today. We gave each other a lot of great feedback, so that we can finally take our work into illustrator. We also talked about how variations of the logos we want to render out in illustrator, and what we can do to unify the logos across all the sports t-shirts. One of my ideas was to use the same typography and colors on all the shirt designs, to keep them unified. I also spent some more time working on my sketches for the line lackey’s club. I have developed a few more logo ideas for them(sketches 6-9). I want to have as many sketches as possible and then narrow it down to the best ones before sending them to the president of the club.

09/12/16 CAPSTONE 499

Today I met with my teammates at 5:15 pm at the 3rd floor of the library to talk about the sketches of Driffil’s team sports shirts logos. I choose the two best one from each teammate so we all can start the first draft on illustration. I also suggested that we need to have a consistent look so all team shirts look similar in a good way, all from the same school feel. Later that day I notice that the main logo from the school was from another university, I let my teammates know about that right away and they told me that they notice it too. We decide that we need to look for a way to approach and resolve this to the school without sound rude.

Right now I’m already working on the first draft on illustration, I’m working in two versions one white with Driffil red as background and one with white background and Driffl red as the main color.  The track team will have a motion effect, and the basketball will have a rounded design just to have more variety between the two design, after all at the end we all have to adapt our final drafts to a standard mode so we all have a consistent look and feel for the school.

Bellow is a sample of what I’m working on right now:
