
Fact? Or Is That What They Want Us to Believe?

Friday September 25th as a class we all went to the Ronald Reagan Library and we seen many different artifacts from his presidency. It was our job to determine what was trying to be said and weather it was being interpreted correctly.
For the first item in the collection, I had pick the Love letters Reagan had wrote to his wife while they were married. I had decided to pick these particular letters IMG_6417because the museum had presented himself well as them both to be a romantic couple almost like the ideal couple. That although the two were still married that they loved each other as if they are still first time loves all throughout their marriage. It’s almost like I and others would want and strive to have a marriage like there’s. These particular set of letters do not relate entirely to his time in office, however these do relate to his life before and throughout his presidential term.
The second item in the collection, was not so much something from Reagan himself but from his wife. I had picked the showcase of Mrs. Reagan’s “Just Say No!” campaign to stop the consumption of drugs in young kids. I had pick this particular showcase as well as picked something Mrs. Reagan had done because the president I believe is only as good as his first-lady. According to the museum she seems to be on the same level as he. The museum presents the two of them as a super strong couple being able to accomplish almost anything, as if they are the power couple. Once again this collection doesn’t directly represent Reagan and his presidency, however it does show and represent just what type of movements and actions both him and his wife was taking to fix matters needed to be fixed.
The third item in the collection had been the Get Well Canes people had sent to the president as he was recovering from the shot he had taken. I had picked these particular items because just from the sheer fact that Reagan was able to take a bullet and almost come off unscathed is remarkable. That is what I believe exactly how the museum had wanted to painted him. They had painted him likeIMG_6418 as if he was a superhuman or a war hero who just came back from battle. They present him like as if he could overcome anything and could do anything. I just found it really interesting the many different canes were sent to him because they weren’t like just the basic ones they were all like decorative and unique. The timeline in which this happened was actually during his presidency in 1981, where the shooter was caught moments after the shots being fired and was identified as John Hinckley Jr.
The fourth item I had chosen to further look in depth was a map on The Geographical Election of Ronald Regan in 1984. I had decided to pick this specific map because I found it really interesting the way the museum had decided to interpret it. Although Reagan was identified as a Republican and the Republican party is always associated with the color red, however on the map he is identified with the color blue. Which blue is commonly associated with the Democratic party, Although politics should not be about the most likeable the Democrats are considered more the a party for the common man. Thus being I think the museum had purposely chosen the color blue not only to maybe fool some that aren’t aware of his party affiliation, but also the chose the color blue to present more of a calmer state of mind and a likable state.
The last and final depiction I had decided to pick was a statue of Reagan and one of his constituents conducting a meeting. I had decided to pick this depiction of him conducting the meeting because the way the statues are depicted it is like the IMG_6419two shown are having a complex and intellectual conversation. Shown by both the hand motions and the way the constituent is pondering his request the conversation seems to be going well. The funny thing about it all is that the museum decides to have the statues set up like that but not more than like ten feet away the actual picture of the event is shown and the two are having a casual conversation. The statues are being shown to have more complexity and depth then what there was, they try to present the President as if he’s some type of philosopher as he gives his “great” ideas.
Now the way in which the curator had decided to form all these exhibits and articles can almost be perceived as a lie, a lie in the sense that it is extending the truth way more than it should. Take for example upon me walking through the museum, knowing nothing of Reagan, I was personally charmed by everything that was depicted. I sincerely felt that he was a very well rounded individual and that I should get off my butt and do something with myself. Now had it not been for my professor explaining just what exactly is the Library’s motives and what they were doing I would have fallen into the trap and believe he was almost like a God.
That is not to say that I don’t think he was a great person I do not know enough about him to formulate an opinion of him. I just couldn’t help but to look at all the young kids that would walk past me as they are in such amazement while they stare at Reagan. I have just one concern about it all, people especially young children should be able to formulate their own thoughts on subjects in which is IMG_6420presented to them and decided what is right and wrong. Now although this might not been as server of a situation but take a hypothetical situation. Take into account if there was a Nazi Germany museum and they was depicting how great fascism was. If children go into it all blindly they would start to believe Nazism was actually good. Then we would have all these young people falling into a life in which might not be ideal.
As a whole what we should do before walking to facilities such as these is search and so a little of digging around and have a sort of background information that way when walking to a museum we know what we are looking at. Then when stumbling upon some thing in which we might not know if its factual we should when we get a chance dig further into the object and determine the validity of such objects.
That is why I believe it is always our responsibility not only as people but as a society that we try to represent information and ideas in the most non bias way as possible that way people and individuals would be able to formulate their own ideas when coming up to places such as these. For that these places always tell a one sides story in which they believe is the right one and we’re suppose to just accept it for what it is. When we go to museums what we really should be doing is digging and looking for what is factual and what is not don’t just simply believe blindly.



I found this chapter to be very difficult to read because, these are teens who actually had to go through these terrible emptions all alone. I can only imagine the pain and confusion these teens felt as their lives seemed to be, deemed unworthy by bullies who no doubt are dealing  with their own issues, and taking their anger out on another person so they could feel better about one self. I have been a victim of bullying and had my fair share also of being the bully in elementary school. I know for a fact that I feel remorseful and disappointed in how; I treated a few kids at school when I come across there profile on Facebook or other social media sites. these events have brought more awareness about bullying and have helped anti bully campaigns get under way. I support the anti bully movement and feel its my responsibility to speak up if I see that crap happening anywhere I go. I feel as though Ravi got off to easy and that sent out a message that justice is not served and that our system most definitely is screwed up. My heart goes out to Tyler’s family for the pain they’ve had to endure and the loss of their son.

Adult Cyber Predators

The scary truth of internet predators is still not given the attention it needs to raise awareness of the full truth in my opinion. So many young  girls and boys fall victim to these sick bastards daily however, its unfortunate that the media doesn’t always cover these abductions on how much they really do happen. in my opinion the story has to be good enough to get ratings and then the story dies out. when the show “catching a predator” aired the world was seeing for itself that these men were business men, fathers, coaches and at times a person who was looked up to in their community. I believe we should air a story everyday because, a  young girl or boy goes missing everyday in our country. in Hueneme Ca, last year a sex house was discovered its sad because its here in our backyard and there is no telling how many more are out here. the war on both of these issues alive and going strong, I fell as though a strong community can help each other by simply being more  educated on what these homes may run like.

September 28

So when reading this chapter, the entire time, I was thinking oh my gosh, social networking does kill!! But theres  a point that says it is getting better and not “deadly”. I totally disagree, Bullying has been issue since the beginning of time and we (UNFORTUNATELY) will always have it in our society (MAYBE ONE DAY WE WONT, BUT I DOUBT THAT). So, now bullies have another route to torture and people feel more capable of bullying online because it isn’t face to face. If anything cyber bullying has made a lot more kids bully, because it is easier and does not need the bullied to be present, They can bully from the comfort of their own home.

Look at the show Catfish, those people pretend to be who they’re not and they hurt others emotionally. These people normally do not turn out to be dangerous, but I think the scarier stories don’t get published as much.

So we tag ourselves in the restaurant we ate at and when we are on campus and when we have seen something cool at a store. Yah dangerous cause now everyone knows where we are, but what about the people who are there as well.. how does me posting about my chipotle put me in danger, it only is if I am a target and someone is actually looking for me.

Social Networking is killing

I don’ t watch as much news as I used to many years ago so I haven’t heard of many young people committing suicide or any of the cases that was mentioned in this chapter. I haven’t even heard of the TV show “To Catch a Predator” but I like how people are watching it and it’s spreading awareness to these things that are happening. Hopefully some of the potential predators may change their minds as well about doing anything with young kids online if they are watching. Not only was that sad to read about, but also how cyberbullying is causing these teens/children to comment suicide. When I first started using social media in middle school I could see how most people would like to share more negative comments than positive. I think it’s because they think they are saying these things in a joking matter but over text through a screen the person that is reading the joking comment may take it as being a serious thing being said. I also think that it’s bad enough that students have to be bullied at school but then in this newer generation of growing up with media the bullying is being carried on to their home where they reconnect with these people that have nothing positive to say to them. I remember watching a documentary on Netflix a few years ago about cyberbullying or just bullying in general and I feel that people are trying to help but not enough people are caring about what is going on to help young people stop bullying each other. It’s like people care for a while but then they forget all about the problem.


Opportunities for Student Researchers

Funding for STUDENT travel to conferences: Nominations are open NOW!NACCS_Esmeralda Carretero_April 2015

One of the most important tasks of the SRSC is to help fund student travel to disciplinary and interdisciplinary conferences. We count on faculty to nominate students for funding.

FACULTY can nominate students and their projects for up to $500 to support travel expenses to attend a regional or national conference. Nominations are accepted on a rolling basis. Allow at least two weeks to hear about funding from the SRSC. Read more here…

Interdisciplinary Research Learning Community: Nominations are open NOW!

Last Spring, the Student Research Steering Council (SRSC) conducted the first Interdisciplinary Research Learning Community (IRLC). Seventeen students from across the disciplines met biweekly to engage in professional development activities and build intellectual links across disciplinary boundaries.

Students build marshmallow towers. Discussion focuses on experimentation, failure, and success.

We will repeat the Learning Community this Spring. We seek to create an intentional linkage between the IRLC and our student delegation to the CSU Student Research Competition (SRC). We hope that many of the students chosen for the Learning Community will go on to represent CI at the Research Competition.

We want faculty to nominate students who are conducting research for inclusion in the Spring IRLC. Read more here…

Get Involved: Join SRSC

Our work is accomplished through the volunteer efforts of faculty. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact or to let them know of your interest.

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September 28th

Chapter 3 “Does Social Networking Kill?”

This chapter was a sad but also an interesting read. The chapter began talking about how new media is the current fear that can possibly alter our moral/cultural beliefs. Then the chapter went into the specifics on cyberbullying. The chapter spoke about how online media makes it difficult for children to be protected, and for parents to be able to protect their kids. I agree that it is a difficult threat to overcome however I also believe that if parents educate their children on the dangers and how to avoid them at an early age it could make a difference. Trying to tackle a problem as it is happing is much more difficult than if the problem was prepared for in advance. People don’t need to be terrified about the internet but they need to be smart about it and know that anything and everything that is put out there is really no longer private at all. However the book explains how with cyberbullying “the messages don’t die” and those individuals are often bullied offline and online, which poses the issue that not everything can be prepared for. Also people respond differently to sensitive topics or the feeling of no control over their environment. Not many people understand others sensitivity levels until the damage is irreversible. One part of the article that caught my eye was on pg. 50 it said that “internet addiction is a new form of mental illness.” This is something that I thought people kind of just made up as a term for people who couldn’t put their phone down or leave the computer, so it was interesting to see it used as an actual term. The part of the article by far that surprised me the most was that teens are the least likely age group to get cyberbullied/commit suicide and that number hasn’t increased. I had to re-read the line that said the ages between 45-54 where the most likely victims of suicide. The chapter also concludes that the issue of social networking really isn’t as bad as people portray it to be. This doesn’t mean it isn’t a problem. The internet has both pros and cons to it but when anyone focuses so much on just the extreme cases it is easy to believe there is a horrifying internet epidemic. People also need to be more sensitive overall and look at the possible consequences of their actions as someone’s life could really be on the line, all because of something someone thought of as a “joke”.

Discussion #3

Hello! Sorry for the late starter. I forgot earlier to check and see if anyone had posted. Maybe we can start a rotation on who posts first by Friday night?


The Sternheimer chapter this week made me think of the TV movie Cyberbully. It also made me think of the movie Heathers and the ridiculous “Teenage Suicide” song played throughout.However, cyberbullying and the anonymity the internet creates really are serious issues. It’s almost like bullying has been taken to another level. I found the section “Realities of Suicide and Cyberbullying” (starts on p. 53) fairly interesting as Sternheimer uses statistics to point out the reality of teen suicide. As a recent teen it did feel like adolescent suicides were focused on a lot in the media, especially of those who were LGBT. I felt like there was a growing awareness for suicide and mental illness in general, especially for teens. I think the mental illness awareness movement (if that’s the right word) is still growing, which is great.

I was confused though, by Sternheimer writing “Ironically, children, teens, and young adults are the least likely to take their own lives but are presumed to be the most at risk,” (p. 55). If this demographic is not as “at risk”, then why do we focus so many resources solely on this age group? According to Sternheimer’s statistics at the end of this paragraph, it is adults who are more likely to commit suicide. When I think of mental illness, anti-bullying, and similar organizations, they really only seem to focus on young people (I’m thinking To Write Love on Her Arms, The Trevor Project, and The Born This Way Foundation (yes that is a thing)). Where are resources for adults? We are (unfortunately) headed in that direction as we grow older and it’s scary to think that help might not be as easily accessible to us, or even to the adults in our lives right now. Does this mean that there is more stigma surrounding adults and elderly people with depression? And I mean, what does this say about our society and how care about the previous generation(s)?


Cyberbullying is uncool!

Reading chapter four was a bit intense. Karen touched a very sensitive issue for a lot of individuals in cyberbullying. In chapter four, Karen elaborates on two central fears within media. One is cyberbullying, and the other is online predators. Moreover, the central fear that caught my attention was cyberbullying. The thought that an action such as cyberbullying can push one to their limits and end their life is saddening.

Reading the story about Clement and Ravi was not pleasant. The fact that Ravi exposed Clement’s privacy by setting a webcam, recording his encounters, and exposing his actions was cruel and demoralizing for Clement. This incident provoked Clement to commit suicide and take his own life.

This week was interesting because i can relate it to this chapter. I never experienced cyberbullying personally, but this past week was surreal. I was informed by one of the teens from work that her classmate took his life due to cyberbullying. His classmates were making fun of his homophobia which triggered his action of suicide. Additionally, this morning i was informed by my classmate that her roommate was on the verge of committing suicide last night. Due to stress levels being high, work being overwhelming, and being a student took a toll on her. Thankfully, she’s okay and well.

Lastly, cyberbullying is a very serious issue we need to take serious and into consideration of others. One little comment may trigger the other individual to erratic behavior, and may lead to something tragic.

Cyber bulling how do we stop it?

…a range of annoying and potential menacing online activities- such as receiving threatening messages; having their private emails or text messages forwarded without consent;having an embarrassing picture posted without permission; or having rumors about them spread online.”

For me this article touches me in a different way. When I was younger I was a victim of cyber bulling, my former best friend kept posting on my Myspace page how big of a slut I was and how horrible of a person I was.  And yet no matter how many times I’d erase the comment or blocked him he somehow would plaster it all over his page and made my senior year a big mess. Though I wasn’t suicidal I can relate to the text very easily. It does effect your mentality when someone is slandering you on social media; kids are caring more and more what people think of them on social media because it’s become their world.   This quote above really reiterates what I feel about the different signs of cyber bulling.  I can remember a movie called Cyber-bully; It’s a  really good movie that clearly shows how the effect it can have on a teenager. It’s a scary reality that we all need to kinda be open up to.

September 28th

Chapter 3: Does Social Networking Kill?

Clementi’s story:

This was such a sad chapter, I cannot wrap my mind around having to deal with what Tyler Clementi had to deal with.  I understand that he and his roommate went back and forth with rude comments about each other online; however, for Ravi to record Clementi while being intimate with another man is horrible. What Ravi did was feed into the discrimination that Clementi must have had in school. Clementi couldn’t deal with what was recorded and decided to end his life. This is NOT ok, there needs to be more support for people feeling that ending there life is the end to Cyberbullying. Cyberbullying needs to stop taking people’s life away.

Adult Cyber Predators:

My thought on cyber predators is that, parents should have more control of what their children are doing online. Networking on Facebook and Instagram opens the possibility of meeting strangers. There is also an age requirement on Facebook, that I know many parents do not follow.