
Bridging the gap

The Ventura County STEM Network brings together community leaders.

Bacon ipsum dolor amet pastrami picanha sausage turkey alcatra strip steak porchetta chicken ribeye. Meatloaf corned beef filet mignon pig. Pork belly jowl porchetta, ball tip alcatra turkey strip steak doner tri-tip bacon pork loin sirloin ribeye kielbasa corned beef. Bresaola brisket shoulder biltong.

Jowl spare ribs cow, turducken porchetta prosciutto pork loin landjaeger. Short loin cow turkey meatloaf pancetta beef ribs kielbasa salami chicken ground round corned beef frankfurter shankle tenderloin. Flank biltong kielbasa, pork loin andouille tri-tip short loin chicken swine salami. Shankle short ribs drumstick beef ribs ham hock ground round tri-tip. Brisket shank cupim t-bone rump. Venison alcatra beef ribs prosciutto t-bone frankfurter swine cupim ham.

Back in the U.S.A

Let me just start by saying that I miss London terribly, I also miss seeing my London Brigade every day.   

London was truly an experience of a lifetime.  I am so thankful and greateful for this opportunity Dr. J presented all 15 of us with.  Not only were we all presented with a wealth of knowledge before we left, but once we got there the learning continued to overflow.  From tours of castles, iconic buildings, bridges and beautiful places.  

Of everything we saw Westminster Abbey was my absolute favorite.  That place left me in such awe.  Every inch of this place was adorned with prominent people of influence, from Charles Dickens to Charles Darwin, kings and queens.  This place is also home to memorable events such as Princess Diana’s funeral, and William and Kate’s wedding.  
We saw so much in London.  Thank goodness for Dr.J he planned everything down to the wire.  We saw everything anyone going to London for the first time would want to see. 

I just cannot express enough how thankful I am for all the people I met on this trip.  We all became so close so quickly and all connected on a level that will forever be unique because of the environment we were in.  

I am forever thankful for this.  Thank you Dr. J, my fellow classmates, and everyone who made this opportunity possible. 

Missing London…

Well I’ve been back in the states for almost three full days now and let me tell you, jet lag is real! I’ve been sleeping more than I thought I would and at strange parts of the day but the trip to London was so worth it. I never thought I would have been lucky enough to travel in college while also getting credits for it. I can’t explain just how grateful I am for this opportunity. It isn’t everyday you get to travel out of the country, studying something you thoroughly enjoy, with a professor who is loved by all and students who you end up becoming close friends. 

My favorite part about this trip was getting to do both the touristy things while also experiencing some of what locals experience everyday. California doesn’t have much of a public transportation system, so getting to ride the underground everyday was quite the treat. The locals there are so used to the jam packed train and the heat radiating off of every body, it doesn’t phase them. 

It’s funny to see how different people are, the opinion I formed in just one week is that people from California are MUCH nicer than the people from London. Don’t get me wrong I did meet some wonderful locals over there and I would absolutely return to the gorgeous city. 

I can never express just how grateful I am for Channel Islands and all the amazing opportunities it offers it’s students. This London trip has taught me so much and showed me part of the world I didn’t think I’d get to explore. Dr. Jenkins, I can never put into words how thankful I am for you taking on all 15 of us and organizing such an amazing class.


Back in California 

Before I left for London I was almost bummed because I wasn’t going to be able to see a friend from the east coast, but on out last day in London I didn’t want to leave at all. The entire experience that I had was and amazing one and has set the bar very high for trips to come in my life. I don’t think this trip would have been the same without the great group of people who I was able to share it with. I knew no one before getting to London, but after spending one week with them I have a strange sense of closeness with them. Seeing all the sights and experiencing what London had to offer almost sped up the time for friendship. I know that I am going stay in contact and be close with these friends for a long time, and it’s because of the unreal journey that we were able to take together. 

The whole week everyone could not stop talking about how perfect and amazing the trip had been planned. We were able to see the sights the right way, and see a lot of them, while still being able to explore and check out the city and what we were interested in after. I know this was because of Dr.J and how hard he worked the make that trip what it was. Everyday Taylor and I would end up talking about how crazy the day had been and how we couldn’t think of how it could have been better, and we knew that we had another one of those days to follow it, we both knew it was because of Dr.J. 

When we got back to the states it was nice to see friends and family, but I was missing my new friends and family from London. There was a bond that was built over that week that was surprisingly strong. Telling my friends about the trip started to bum me out because I missed being in London with that group. I also gained a traveling bug, this trip has sparked a desire to travel to more places more frequently. 

In the end this trip is hard to describe in words, I only have great feelings about it, and am so happy that I got to experience it with the people that I did, and I am excited to see where the next journey will take me. 

Post London

“When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford.” 

Quote from Samuel Johnson

I am writing this final blog post for the class at the Camarillo Library. Since coming home, my concentration abilities seem to be lacking everywhere else from day dreaming about all the shared moments in London. Perhaps, distracting myself from falling into a deep depression because the trip is over. It was over in a blink of an eye. Despite that, we covered a lot of ground in eight days. Literally, according to my health app on my iPhone, I must have walked more than 70,000 steps each day. Admittedly and materially, my luggage gained a few pounds on the way home from gifts that I picked up at the Camden Market for my friends and family. Physically, my body lost weight from all the cardio. Mentally, my mind is blown by this experience. There was so much to be taught about the spaces in and around London. Dr. J dropped some major knowledge about the connection between architectural design and communication on the “LondonBrigade” which was the adorable nickname he gave the group. 

It’s bizarre to recall some Londoners mentioning that they have not been to all the historic spots that we did in their own city.

Sad to see the journey end =

It’s taken me 3 days to finish my final blog post. I originally started typing it at the London airport but stopped when I realized once this post is done, that means this life changing journey has come to an end and quite frankly I was not ready for that. As I sit here and think about all the great memories I have created with this wonderful group of people. People that I was lucky to have met, everyone truly added something to this trip and for that/them I am grateful. There is one memory that sticks out to me the most and that was our first dinner at the boot and flogger as a whole family. This memory is so special to me because they put us in a private room downstairs and it was as if time had stopped for a moment and we were just wrapped up in each other. It was the memory to set the whole tone for the trip. Everyone was filled with excitement, talking across the table back an forth, seeing who was getting what to eat. Bangers and mash, fish an chips or Mac an cheese, honestly where did the food even end that night? We were making plans to see what we all wanted to explore on our spare time and see if anyone had completed there group projects yet. But the best surprise came at the end of dinner unexpectedly, thanks again Dr. J’s parents =] At that moment I knew this experience was going to be life changing, from seeing a breathe taking view of the entire city from the London eye, to roaming through the streets of Chinatown, and seeing/experiencing the changing of the guard. London was alive and I was there to experience it. There are no amount of words that I can use to explain my deepest gratitude to everyone who was involved with helping me make my dreams a reality. I feel as if I left apart of me back in London and can not wait to go back an continue to explore what London has to offer. 

So for now it is not good bye but see you soon London! 


I’m back!

I can’t help but feel a little bit of sadness about being back. A week was just enough for me to fall in love, miss home, and want to return to Europe very soon! On the brighter side the plane ride back was much easier and I was able to get a window  seat. There is nothing like seeing the world beneath you during  a flight to make you feel like you have been somewhere new and exciting! Watching the the clouds pass beneath me as I caught glimpses of the precious land of England below made the return trip home exciting, refreshing, and took my breath away.
I miss everything about London, England. The pubs, the delicious food, and the borough market! I can’t beleive I was blessed with the opportunity to visit so early in my life. I met several Londoners who were surprised at how much of the city I got to see!

I am so truly happy for all of the sites, food, culture, etc.. that I was exposed to. I can’t imagine a different experience with any other people.

As I begin to unpack I am starting to feel a little bit of  sadness as I pack away the memories and experiences I took


away from my travels.

I loved the exposure to the culture as well as the exploration of new and old architecture. This was truly an experience of a lifetime and I am so happy to have had with CSU Channel Islands and Dr. Jenkins!

Markets in the Morning

Our ciguatera team has been heading out most mornings (when their alarms go off) to census the offerings in the Aitutaki Market down at the main wharf on Sir Albert Henry Drive.  It opens at 6:00am and we usually shoot to get there around 6:20.  While have had an array of student make the drive […]

The End…

It has been about three days now since our departure from London and it has been a bitter sweet past couple of days. I am not too sure how to handle the culture shock of being back in the United States because it is so different from Europe. I do know that I did have the time of my life in Europe and experienced so many new things that without the university 392 course I would not have experienced otherwise. This is definitely a trip that you want to go on while in college and it is more than enough to get you immersed in a culture that is not so different yet unique in its own way. I have to say that of all the site seeing and of all the things that I have done, meeting new and interesting people was by far the most invaluable experience. It was meeting people that exposed me to the culture even more and it signified how diverse other cultures and countries really are. We advocate diversity in the United States but in Europe, diversity is a household term and it is quite visible that everyone seems to be living peacefully amongst one another. The people really helped this entire trip and I really wanted to share how wonderful the people were, because on my final day in Trafalgar Square I was asked to take a photo with French people who were really nice by the way. Here it is! And please take advantage of all of the exciting opportunities like this. I had a wonderful time, it is only goodbye until next time (: 


Adventure day

Since Amanda was taken out by a wave yesterday so Aspen was added to the team today. Today Sean needed to help the ROV team move stuff. The fish team took us to our first location for the lagoon survey. Today we survey lagoons that were more of the inner of the island. They were […]