
MERITO Foundation – Program Assistant

MERITO Foundation, stand for Multicultural Education for Resources Issues Threatening Oceans and is a non-profit organization (501(c)3). MERITO’s mission is to enhance ocean and climate science literacy among multicultural communities while supporting marine research and conservation in order to promote healthy ocean ecosystems and inspire the new generation of ocean professionals.

I joined MERITO Foundation’s team October of 2016 as an intern and recently offered a position as a Program Assistant. I’ve been responsible to oversee on-line mapping platform development of Field Scope and the transfer of go daddy e-mail to gmail. I’m responsible to oversee social media management and strengthen our presence in our community. Other responsibilities are directly related to supporting MERITO programs in the Santa Barbara, Ventura and Channel Islands regions.



Goleta Butterfly Grove visit and Spencer Makenzie’s

March, 2016 – Some time during March, a friend and I went for a morning walk along the Goleta butterfly grove, which leads to coastal pathways. Monarch butterflies migrate to Goleta November through February. The Grove is open from sunrise to sunset, there is no admission fee. You are welcome to support the Monarch Butterfly Docent Program through donations. For more information visit their webpage:

We spent a few hours walking along the coast and having philosophical conversations about life … as you may imagine. On our way back to the Ventura County, we stopped by Spencer Makenzie’s in Ventura, CA to grab food. Thanks to yelp we experienced this little seafood gem near Ventura harbor/downtown. The restaurant is casual, cozy and lively. Perfect for a Saturday late afternoon lunch. The menu contained an assortment of fish tacos, burritos and classic items. Even though, they are known for their famous tacos we decided to try the Parker Burger. No regrets! This juicy Seared Ahi Tuna Steak burger was delicious … just thinking about it, makes my mouth watery.

CI Students Present at SCCUR 2016

Dozens of CI Students presented their research at the Southern California Council for Undergraduate Research Conference at UC RIverside on November 12, 2016. Transportation and registration fees were supported with funding to the Student Resarch Advisory Committee from the California Lottery. Presentation titles and their student authors are listed below.


Passing the Torch; Systematic study of leadership selection in Congress

Cassandra Estrella-Segura, CSU Channel Islands
Jehu Cazares, CSU Channel Islands

Assessing Neurocognitive Processes and Schizotypal Personality Traits in University Students

Aoife Kirby, California State University, Channel Islands
Edgar Jimenez, California State University, Channel Islands
Dominique DelValle., California State University, Channel Islands
Natalie Rodriguez, California State University, Channel Islands

A Study of Gender Differences in Emotional Processing and Social Functioning Between Natural Sciences vs. Humanities/Social Sciences University Students

Karina R. Duenas, California State University, Channel Islands
Kevin Lee, California State University, Channel Islands
Heidi Kim, California State University, Channel Islands
Tatianna B. Warwick, California State University, Channel Islands

The Dark Triad: An Investigation of Neurocognition and Psychological Processes

Zosimo S. Geluz, California State University, Channel Islands
Rocio Nieves, California State University, Channel Islands
Karina R. Duenas, California State University, Channel Islands
Savannah Winterstein, California State University, Channel Islands
HyeSun Lee, California State University, Channel Islands

A Stereocontrolled Synthesis of Xylo- and Arabinofuranoside Analogs

Lynn Marie Utley, California State University, Channel Islands
Jessica Maldonado, California State University, Channel Islands

Who’s at Risk for Internet Addiction? A Study of Gender and Cultural Differences

Monica Zepeda, California State University, Channel Islands
Cristian Garcia, California State University, Channel Islands
Roby Z. Ordonez, California State University, Channel Islands
Philip Press, California State University, Channel Islands
HyeSun Lee, California State University, Channel Islands

Trust Within Others: The Impact of Stress, Self-Esteem, and Hope

Kelley Kingsley, California State University, Channel Islands

The Psychological Impact of Stress

Katey M. Marin, California State University, Channel Islands

Why Are We An Obese Nation? A Study of Gender Differences

Jane S. Han, California State University, Channel Islands
Elizabeth Y. Casas, California State University, Channel Islands
Vanessa Popoca, California State University, Channel Islands
Kimmy Kee-Rose, California State University, Channel Islands
HyeSun Lee, California State University, Channel Islands

iSprinkle: Design and implementation of an internet-enabled sprinkler timer

Carlos A. Gomez, California State University, Channel Islands

When in Doubt, Hope

Alanna Dantona, California State University, Channel Islands


A New Approach to Binary Phase Diagrams

Thomas P. Dorch, CSU Channel Islands


Emily Cuilty, California State University, Channel Islands

Creating the Curious Classroom: Promoting a Research Mindset in a First-Year Living-Learning Community

Madison Harden, California State University, Channel Islands
Edward Hernandez, California State University, Channel Islands
Zachary R. Lotshaw, California State University, Channel Islands

Improving Multitasking Ability through Verbal Memory Training

Jessikah Morales, California State University, Channel Islands
Kristine Duff, California State University, Channel Islands
Christian Portillo, California State University, Channel Islands

RAPD Fingerprinting Arundo donax from the Santa Clara River

Amrita Duggal, California State University, Channel Islands
Natali Chavez, California State University, Channel Islands
Elizabeth Garcia, California State University, Channel Islands
Victor Viveros, University of California, Irvine
Michael Nicholson, Oxnard College

Speaking of the Channel Islands: Oral Histories of Researchers in the North American Galapagos

Alexandria Calderon, California State University, Channel Islands
Samantha Gonzalez, California State University, Channel Islands
Rodolfo Gutierrez, California State University, Channel Islands
Riley B. Richman, California State University, Channel Islands

Comparative Studies of Myoglobin Regulation in Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises

Vivian P. Garcia, California State University Channel Islands

Constructing SPEQ-DB: A Simple Program for Enhancing Quality in Online Discussion Boards

Sara Colon, University of California, Santa Barbara
Nicole R. Dubin, California State University, Channel Islands
Rafael Hernandez, Oxnard College
Brian Thoms, California State University, Channel Islands

Cost effective spin and dip coaters

Andrew Adford, California State University, Channel Islands

Dip Coater

Michael Bresnahan, California State University, Channel Islands

 Los Angeles Lizard People: An Exploration through Literature and History

Christina L. Brown, California State University, Channel Islands

Novel Beating Cardiac Cell and Pacemaker Macrostructures Produced on 3-D Printed Substrates of Fibrin

Natali Chavez, California State University, Channel Islands
James Harber, Oxnard College

Task Assignment for Multi-Robot Systems of Heterogeneous Ability Using Negotiation

Kelsey R. Geiger, California State University Channel Islands

Uranium Abatement Pellets’ Robustness Enhanced By Slow Dehydration

Karen Ramirez, California State University Channel Islands
Jeremy Jones, New Mexico State University
Antonio Lara, New Mexico State University
Mathew Simpson, New Mexico State University

What are the Predictors of Academic Success in First Generation University Students?

Laura Lugo, California State University, Channel Islands
Roby Z. Ordonez, California State University, Channel Islands
Monica Zepeda, California State University, Channel Islands
Kevin lee, California State University, Channel Islands

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I spent a good amount of time on Saturday disconnecting from technology and the class as well. Since you assigned us this assignment, I decided it would be a good time to disconnect from school as well, as it almost goes hand in hand with technology. On my hike, I saw a variety of people and how they interacted with other people and technology. I went on a hike as a therapeutic release from everything. I saw people challenging themselves and racing through the trail, and I also saw the opposite, people strolling through the trail stopping to look at every interesting little thing. And then there were also photographers, both landscape photographers and selfie takers. I noticed generally that people who rushed through the trail were generally less disconnected than individuals who stopped to look at things. Also, people in groups were more likely to talk amongst themselves and were generally less likely to use their phone aside from pictures. Overall, I noticed that people on the trail were less likely to be on their phones than people out and about such as the mall. This could partly be due to the lack of reception out on hiking trails which prevent people from communicating with other people through their phones so that they tend to use their phones less. Overall, it was interesting observing people on hiking trails and how they interact with one another and technology as it was different than how people are at a mall.

Life without technology, not TODAY!


What a nightmare.

Faculty: Nominate Student Research for the CSU Student Research Competition AY 2016-2017

The CSU Student Research Competition (SRC) is the premier student research showcase in the CSU. Students from all 23 campuses compete to have their research recognized . Awards range up to $500 for winning projects. Undergraduate and Graduate students are eligible to participate in the SRC. Each CSU campus is allowed up to 10 projects. Projects can be individually or multiply authored.

The AY 2016-2017 Competition will take place April 28-29 at Cal Poly SLO. Faculty should use THIS LINK to nominate student projects for campus consideration.

At CI, the Student Research Advisory Committee (SRAC) is responsible for choosing the projects that represent CI at the SRC. Selections are made in two rounds.

SRC 2016-2017 Timeline

  • SRC abstracts for non-IRLC-applicants due November 21st
  • SRC notifications to non-IRLC-applicants by December 2nd
  • Complete research summaries (all students) due by February 10th
  • Notification of selection by February 17th
  • Complete submission of research summaries by March 10th

First Round

Student projects are nominated by faculty. In the first round, we request an abstract describing the research. The purpose of this round is to determine whether the project represents disciplinary standards of “research.” Projects presented at the SRC are more than “term papers;” they are original research of extraordinarily high quality. Projects that appear to meet the standard of “research” are approved for a second round submission.

Only FACULTY can submit initial proposals.

Second Round

In February students must submit a five-page research summary. The format of the summary is prescribed by the SRC.

The research summary must adhere to the following guidelines:
  •  It is limited to 5 pages of text, double-spaced.
  • Three additional pages are allowed for a bibliography, figures, tables, and/or graphics
  • Student authors should keep in mind that they are writing for an interdisciplinary audience

The 5-page summary is judged by panels including a subcommittee composed of members of the SRAC, with the assistance of faculty drawn from other disciplines.

Panels use the first six of the SRC’s categories assigning each project a score within each category (see scoring rubric below). They then summarize feedback providing anonymous comments for the students and faculty advisors.

The SRSC determines the CI team, taking into account: 1) the panels’ assessments of the research summaries and 2) the goal of fielding a team that is broadly representative of academic disciplines.

Competition Categories

  1. Clarity of Purpose
  2. Appropriateness of Methodology
  3. Value of Research or Creative Activity
  4. Ability to Articulate the Research or Creative Activity
  5. Organization of the Presented Materials
  6. Interpretation of Results
  7. Ability to Handle Questions
Scoring Guidelines

  • Superlative: 15
  • Excellent: 12 – 14
  • Very Good: 9 – 11
  • Good: 6 – 8
  • Fair: 3 – 5
  • Poor: 0 – 2


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Artisan Ice Cream off Melrose Ave.

I was grabbing brunch with a friend at Blu Jam Cafe. As usual my dear friend needed a second cup of coffee, so I mentioned I had seen a place nearby. We walked 5 minutes up the block and entered Neveux Artisan Creamery. She grabbed her much needed cup of coffee and I asked to sample 6 out of 10 flavors. As I savored every flavor, I fell in love with Neveux … I could not make up my mind. So, I left the shop with two scoops of ice cream: Blueberry Chèvre and Roasted banana. The roasted banana reminded me of chuncky monkey from Ben and Jerry’s but with a richer flavor and creamier context minus the walnut and chocolate chuncks. Although you won’t miss them, I promise. The blueberry chèvre, is sweet and tart and mixes well with the smooth texture of savory goat cheese. The scoops are the perfect size! … and the customer service is amazing! If you are in this area of town you must stop by.

Dia de los Muertos at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery

Check out the photos I captured on the annual celebration of Dia de los Muertos at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery. dia-de-los-muertos-082Click on the image to be redirected to Yzquierdo Photography, you will have the opportunity to view more photos. Enjoy!

For more information about the annual event visit their website:

Photograph by Azucena Yzquierdo

New favorite coffee shop in L.A.!

About 3 weeks ago – I was visiting a friend in L.A. whom lives near Culver city. On Saturday morning we woke up with an urge for a good cup of coffee. After much discussion of where to go … we opted to stay near the neighborhood. Thanks to yelp and our decision, we came across The Conservatory! This coffee shops is across Sony studios, it’s not the typical modern or hipster coffee shop but it will definitely have you asking for more. I recommend the cappuccino.

Faculty: Nominate Students for the Interdisciplinary Research Learning Community

Once again the Student Research Advisory Committee will conduct the Interdisciplinary Research Learning Community (IRLC). Students from across the disciplines meet biweekly to engage in professional development activities and build intellectual links across disciplinary boundaries.

We seek to create an intentional linkage between the IRLC and our student delegation to the CSU Student Research Competition (SRC). We hope that many of the students chosen for the Learning Community will go on to represent CI at the Research Competition.

We want faculty to nominate students who are conducting research for inclusion in the Spring IRLC. You can submit your nominations here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of participation?

  • Students chosen for the Learning Community will 1) be guaranteed $500 for travel to a disciplinary conference or a research site, and 2) have all travel expenses paid if selected for the CSU Student Research Competition.
  • Students will benefit from the professional development activities related to the Learning Community.
  • Students who successfully apply for the learning community will satisfy the initial selection criteria for the Student Research Competition. All students will have to complete the full selection process to be included in the final SRC delegation.
  • Students will receive 1 credit for enrolling in UNIV 311 and successfully completing all of the requirements of the Learning Community.

What is the timeline for selection?

  • Faculty nominations for IRLC by November 11th
  • Complete student applications for IRLC by November 21st
  • IRLC selections by November 30th

How will students be selected?

Students will be nominated by faculty and selected by the Student Research Steering Council. Selection will be based on 1) a short recommendation from faculty who are involved in mentoring the student’s research, and 2) an application and abstract submitted by the student. Participants will be selected for the quality of their proposed research and the faculty nomination, with due consideration for representation of a variety of disciplines.

How many students will you select for the Learning Community?

The total number of students depends on funding considerations. However, we do not anticipate more than 20 participants.

Can I submit more than one nomination?

Yes. But please limit yourself to your most promising students.

Can I submit a group of students who are working together on a project?

Yes. But we may not be able to select all of them for inclusion in the learning community. Each individual will be submitting an application and will be chosen based on their individual qualifications and the need to maintain the interdisciplinary quality of the Learning Community.

Does the student’s research have to be interdisciplinary?

Interdisciplinarity is achieved by choosing discipline-centered students. Students and faculty SHOULD NOT alter their research to make it interdisciplinary. If the student’s research is interdisciplinary that is great, but that WILL NOT influence the decisions of the Committee.

Are students required to register for UNIV 311?


Can a student participate in the Student Research Competition if they are NOT in the Learning Community?

YES. The SRAC will continue to conduct its vetting of projects as it has in the past. Our purpose, however, is to try to identify likely SRC participants much earlier than usual.

If a student is chosen for the IRLC does that mean they automatically will be included in the CI Student Research Competition team?

NO. However, selection satisfies the first round selection process (submission of an acceptable abstract) of the on-campus SRC competition. We hope that faculty nominating their best students now will result in many of the IRLC students also being included on CI’s team.

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