
Meet a SURFer: Travis Hall

No, CSU Channel Islands is not on island. But just off our coast are the eponymous Channel Islands. One of this group of islands, Santa Rosa, is the site of the Santa Rosa Island Research Station. Travis Hall’s research is focused on Santa Rosa Island. Click to learn more about Travis.

Travis Hall

Travis Hall is from Tehachapi, CA. He transferred to CI three years ago to earn a B.S. in Environmental Science and Resource Management.

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Capstone Research

Title: Population Dynamics of the Island Torrey pine (Pinus torreyana insluaris) on Santa Rosa Island, CA


What effect does precipitation and leaf litter have on the germination (time and probability) of Pinus torreyana insluaris?


The Torrey pine (Pinus torreyana and ssp. Pinus torreyana insularis) is the rarest pine species in North America, with populations limited to San Diego and Santa Rosa Island (SRI), CA. Over the past century, non-native ungulate grazing and erosion reduced recruitment and distribution of P. torreyana insularis. To aid this recovery, all non-native ungulates were removed from SRI in 2012. We began censusing this population in 2013 to determine: (a) population size and any recovery trajectory; (b) spatial variation in population structure; (c) spatial pattern of distinct age classes; (d) environmental factors correlating with seed germination and seedling survival; and (e) conservation gains associated with non-native ungulate removal. 24,192 individuals make up the SRI population, of which 3,068 are sexually mature. Using a point density calculation within ArcMap, we isolated six distinct groves on SRI. Groves were further characterized by collecting tree cores to determine relative age and permanent plots were established to monitor seedling and sapling survival. It was determined that smaller, younger individuals are frequently located on the edges of the groves, while larger, older individuals tend to dominate grove centers. To understand this recent recruitment and ideal reproductive habitat, a common garden study was performed to evaluate germination (time and success) under the presence or absence of leaf litter and historical precipitation since 1999. Data from this study is imperative for resource managers quantifying the ongoing recovery of the SRI Torrey pine.

Data Figure:

Figure 1: Germination time of SRI Island Torrey pine (Pinus torreyana insluaris) with different irrigation and leaf litter treatments. HP = High Irrigation, LP = Low Irrigation, +LL = Leaf Litter Presence, -LL = Leaf Litter Absence.
Figure 1: Germination time of SRI Island Torrey pine (Pinus torreyana insluaris) with different irrigation and leaf litter treatments. HP = High Irrigation, LP = Low Irrigation, +LL = Leaf Litter Presence, -LL = Leaf Litter Absence.

About Andrew Brinkman

I am a Environmental Science and Resource Management senior in at California State University Channel Islands who enjoys studying the interaction of environmental impacts on natural resources. I have worked extensively in coastal, marine, riparian and island ecosystems. Some of my experiences include studying the effects of wildfires on riparian ecosystems, deep sea marine acoustic telemetry of White Sharks along the California coast, and evaluating the restoration potential of the endangered Island Torrey pine on Santa Rosa Island. My future endeavors include graduate studies in ecology with active participation in giving back to local communities in environmental education and preservation. In my free time I enjoy surfing, backpacking, traveling, cooking, reading, birding and plant identification.

Census of all current Island Torrey pines on Santa Rosa Island, CA
Census of all current Island Torrey pines on Santa Rosa Island, CA
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NOAA intern at Channel Island National Marine Sanctuary with Hoffman Lab at UCSB. NPR featured article:

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Moving forward…

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We will cover pulmonary, endocrine, and burns the next two weeks so refresh your electrolyte content… ABG’s, fluid balance, and finding balance is what we will be talking about.