
Gun Rights = Death

Here is something that every proponent of gun rights must accept: The cost of protecting their “right” to own guns is the death of innocent people.

Because individuals own guns in the United States there will be gun violence; people will die. Many of those people will be innocent bystanders; some will be family members, many will be children.

Where there are guns there will be gun-related deaths.

The price of gun ownership is the certain death of people. In 2011 there were 8,583 murders committed with a gun. Yet more people died by suicide and accidental discharge of a gun.

This is what economists call an externality. Externalities are the costs of economic activity that are not directly reflected in the cost of the activity. Externalities are an empirical reality, not “liberal bullshit.”

Deaths caused by guns are a cost of gun ownership that is not reflected in the price of a gun. Loss of life is a cost. The simple cost of a deceased person is that they will no longer add to the overall economy by earning a wage, paying taxes, and buying things. This excludes the costs to their family and friends, to the fabric of society; emergency services add to the costs.

If you are a proponent of gun rights you need to ask yourself: How many dead people per year are you willing to accept as the price of gun right?

You want to own guns? People will die. The equation is simple.


Video: Kiss Me Under the Mistletoe

Kiss me under the mistletoe 2Last week I relayed that my brother Henry Boy Jenkins created a new Christmas classic Kiss Me Under the Mistletoe. The album — awesomely titled Frothing the Nog — is available through Green Monkey Records.

Henry, who is a talented musician, is also a talented artist; now he has added a video to go along with “Kiss Me.” He charmingly accompanies the song with, among other things, archival footage of himself at about age 5 or 6 during the Christmas season.

Yes folks, that is good old 8mm film–in living color no less– shot by our dad Joe Jenkins. In the family these movies are referred to as “Hank Films.” Henry was the first child so his every breath was captured by the most advanced technology of the day.

Playing himself (and using other images and video) Henry is able to capture the excitement, and the occasional heartache, that comes with the Christmas season for people young and old. Hopes collide with realities at times in ways that make life painful. As a child it may be the present that Santa does not bring; as adults the difficulties of finding love or living without loved ones. This season we are missing our dad Joe Jenkins, and mourning the recent loss of our aunt Mary Ann Jenkins.

But we have music (and videos), which soothes the pain and makes life worth living.

Happy Holidays everyone!


Kiss Me Under the Mistletoe

As the War on Christmas resumes allow me to point your attention to a new-classic Xmas song. Green Monkey Records has just released their annual Xmas compilation, “Frothing the Nog,” whose title reminds us (at least me) a bit too vividly of the election year gone by.

But I digress to politics; as usual.Kiss me under the mistletoe

My brother Henry Boy Jenkins has created a new Christmas classic Kiss Me Under the Mistletoe. Henry is one of the godfathers of the pre-Grunge Seattle Rock scene, whose musical predilections combine Cheap Trick, Jimi Hendrix, and ELO–with a dash of Bowie. He was Matthew Sweet before Matthew Sweet as Matthew Sweet.

Proceeds from the compilation go to Seattle’s Millionair Club Charity, which helps homeless and unemployed people in the King County area.

Henry’s last full album was The Big Parade. He is currently working on a book.

I hope everyone enjoys the War on Christmas. I look forward to this season all year long and it is gone on too soon. Let us hope that this year we win! Until then…Froth the nog!


T series?

Hey Y’all!

Welcome to my life, if your new to my blog, come see what Chengdu has in store for us this time!

For Everyone else whose been following, thanks for keeping up to date. Lets begin

So in this series, I had to deal with tests, testing, trips to real estate agents, and trembling

Midterms week passed by for us and I somehow survived, It was gruesome and honestly not fun. All that studying and not sleeping just wasnt healthy for me. But its over so time to move on! lol

That’s when I got a new photo mixer app that I wanted to test out so Ill try posting the collages I made on here.

Its a couple of recap collages  and a few new collage pictures. I hope you all enjoy the little picture break. :)

Ok so for the past week I had to deal with a alot of bickering and trips to real estate agents to discuss our future home. So trip after trip and talk after talk got us basically no where for a couple of days, till the point of tears.

So on Youtube I uploaded a before and after tour video of our new home! Come check it out! Ill update pictures later on this month, HOPE YOUR ALL ENJOYING YOUR THANKGIVING DAY SOON! ours just started!Enjoy and keep up to date!



S Series…

All right part 2 of the almighty update. Last post was the F series, now we have the S series… brought to you by the K.lahs of SD they grew with me and helped me move myself in who I am. its been awhile since weve all been together but somehow we manage to pull ut off, and its even more troublesome this year as I soooooo far away…..

Sadly, I must move on to crazier subjects. Like Sunday Brunchs, Saturday night food hunts, Students learning english, oh the wonders of the S series. Lets start with the first festival we ecounter, the mid-autumn festival, or as I want to call it the Sad lantern day festival to fit the name. Oh, dont get me wrong it was a joyous festival just many falling lanterns with dreams being dashed into the river waters below. We lit a couple of them ourselves and watch them float and fly away. The bright glowing flower is mine! Amazing isnt it?(pictures below). It was an amazing time to watch the skies for any newcomer expats visiting chengdu to check out during September. Dont worry i got a few to bring home to people.

Next we had my big Splunking adventure up Mount Qingcheng. One of the big 5 daoist mountains. I was alone on this yrip and lets just say I was amazed as the beauty of its nature. I got too the top which only had alot of fog and clouds and coldness but it was awesome. I wanted to grab some amazing souvenirs but could not carry it all, so i took photos for your enjoyment. Find time to check it out whether for 1 day or a couple, camping is common there amongst the monks.

Then all the craziness had to slow down school was picking up faster and I had gotten a job to teach english. I attached a picture of a drawing my class drew together to explain an american story. It was fun to teach them but short lived, the boss who runned the place had too manu problems with her teachers, I do miss those kids. But now I enjoy my every other sunday tutoring and eating Brunch at the Lazy Pug. For all the foreigners out there coming to chengdu, make sure to st this happy couples restaurant and take the time to enjoy a meal. If you been gone as long as 3 weeks youll enjoy the sense of comfort this place gives you. They work well with some friends who own Mikes pizza kitchen, which i posted a picture of their restaurant on the last post. Much more to explain but ill save it for next time ;).

F series….

Hey folks,

Its been forever right? well I found the time to try and catch you all up. Its been over a month so im way over due. My time in China has been an amazing experience that goes beyond all doubt mind blowing. Let just say I havent been the best of an adventurer or student that i want to be or should be. Lets start from where I last left off. We jad just ended summer vacation and classes were beginning. Im in level 122 Chinese, which is elementary level 2 but fast learning speed. Oh does it suck, but im proud to say Im learning something new everyday. School back home prepped me for the culture shock, not the difference in learning style. Im not only taking Chinese but Politics, Sino American relations and Kung Fu.

So Ive been on a crazy figure out the city hunt these past couple of weeks. Ive been looking for food, fun, facts and flipping china to my style.

First couple weeks started out usuals with early morning classes, afternoon hunts for food and evening rest, study, movie time. All of us began what I like to call class seperation during this time, cliques were created, levels of chinese speakers split people down the line. Lets just say after beijing many of us had trouble just finding stuff to do all together. Luckily, My roommate and I have no real ties and we try our best to hang out with everyone but I usually have my go to people.

Weve been shopping all over chengdu and splitting in small search groups to find the local life.

Early on we discovered that to enjoy the city you gotta follow the local trends so a couple of us bought some used bikes and oh how they have definitely earned their weight in 20 dollars. We found markets like walmart and 7 eleven, but called Trust-mart and wowo.

Weve also seen places like 85 degrees bakery, which I must say Chengdu is definitely up there for sweets. And Amazing American expats bringing american food to the chinese audience.

Ill do a Separated 2nd post as this one is long enough but ill add more pictures.

Thanks for keeping updated, this was a post I must Say a GRAND BIG THANKS TO THE FAMILY FRIENDS AND FOLKS Ive met at San Diego Pride. All that you do, will show brightly. SHare this new post to others if your reading.

Final days of Summer Vacation by Carrie Anderson

Hey folks,

Updating from my dorm room, Its been a fun and rough couple of days. Food is amazing and the people are fun. A struggle with managing times though and the school giving some fellows trouble with classes. I was a lucky guy to get some of my classes. This post is brought to you by A great lady that has barely known me, but supported me with all belief. I was able to update all of you with post thanks to her.

Checking out Chengdu

hey folks, sorry for the delay on updates. I just finally finished settling myself in to my new dorm in Chengdu. Its our third night here so im going to update as much as possible in this post. But first PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD and support my travels at Sichuan University by donating @ . My travels are supported by your kind donations!

OK! Now on to the good stuff, We left our friends of Minzu in Beijing, and the first thing to happen was our classmate vanished. She created such a ruckus that many were not happy. The first day in Cengdu was amazing cause it was so relaxing and we finally got a chance to rest. The past couple of days was a lot of relaxing and enjoying ourselves for school. We made some new friends to help with our Chinese and find all the local eats. Its also a chance to see what the difference 8n cities could be like.