
Fixing end cap for Open ROV 2..

Today me and Amanda got a start of fixing the end caps on the Open ROV 2.7 model. We had to fix the wires inside also because the old ones were corroded. 

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Christina Caranica

Jane Han

Physical examination includes assessing for numbness and tingling in the fingers, loss of grip, pain over the ventral aspect of the wrist with possible radiation to the palm and fingers, tight or swollen feeling in the hand, and/or temperature changes. Tinel’s sign is assessed by percussing lightly over the median nerve.  A positive test reports tingling, numbness, or pain at the site. Phalen’s sign test requires that the patient holds out their hands in front of him/her and flexes the wrist followed by dropping the hands down for 60 seconds.  Report of tingling, numbness or pain indicates a positive test.

Limitations related to mobility include pain, numbness, paresthesia, and weakness along the median nerve affecting the thumb, index, and middle finger.  Commonly seen is night pain and clenching upon awakening.

Patient teaching includes: minimizing excessive wrist movements (wringing, gripping and squeezing); using a wrist splint to rest the nerves and help the wrist maintain a neutral position; taking quick breaks and performing hand exercises that rotate and stretch the palm and fingers; and asking the doctor if surgery is an option-surgery can help relieve pressure, and prevent permanent nerve and muscle damage.



S1000 Octocopter is Near Completion

DJI S1000

Our new aerial unit, the DJI S1000 Octocopter, is only a couple of tweaks away from completion. This unit was added to our ESRM aerial library to allow our new LiDAR unit to be used. The LiDAR unit will allow students to make 3D maps that have an accuracy greater than 1 cm/pixel, which is even better than our already great 3D mapping tool – the DJI Inspire 1. For my capstone, I will be doing a comprehensive comparison  of 3D map creation using the LiDAR, the DJI Inspire 1, and even using the traditional survey method. This project should allow future 3D mappers and surveyors to quickly determine whether dishing out the few extra thousand dollars is really worth it for achieving the great accuracy created through using the LiDAR. Updates will be reported as I progress through this interesting project, whether they are more trials and tribulations, or when I finally see some success.

IV Article

I know you are practicing IV push medications in simulation, but not in the clinical setting. However, you may witness nurses practicing in the clinical setting and have opportunities to learn from those experiences.

Today I found this article, Evidence based safe practice guidelines for IV push medications by Ann Shatsay, speaking to current issues, practice and recommendations for IV push medication preparation and administration. Please read! It has some great information!


CI Featured in CSU Report on Student Research


The CSU recently released a report titled “The CSU Tested and Proven.” CI is highlighted along with many of the other CSU campuses. For the full report, click here.

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First-Year Experience for STEM Students


The R.I.S.E. programs main goal is to retain, inspire, support and engage students within the STEM community at CSU Channel Islands. One of the best features of this program is that students learn within a cohort environment amongst other peers. They are not only enrolled in Chemistry 105 together, but they are also enrolled together in other necessary core classes needed for graduation, such as English 105, and University 150. One of the students in the program stated, “I’m still struggling, but I can’t imagine how it would be if not for the program.” STEM Majors are very difficult, especially when it comes to the Chemistry involved, and that’s why the RISE Program set out to retain STEM Majors and help them through their first year in college. With an integrative learning approach the students felt more comfortable amongst peers and looked forward to meeting in their weekly chemistry study groups and making new friendships along the way.

The RISE Program is able to bring students together and build community and relationships amongst the RISE students, their peer mentors, and their course professors. This was demonstrated by the way that peer mentors would work closely with course professors and receive worksheets to better focus on the topics that the professor found important. This gave students a meaningful insight as to what they would be tested on, and made study sessions all the more worthwhile, this created a more interactive learning environment. Students were also encouraged by peer mentors to seek advice from professors during office hours, their goal was to help students understand the importance of having a working dynamic with professors through out their college life and provide useful tips that can help make students more successful academically. Overall, students found the RISE program as a resource that provided them with direction and a path to aid them in getting acquainted with college life, university level courses, and building connections with other students in the STEM major that have similar concerns and goals in mind.

Portal Hypertension

Group: Duan Nguyen, Jose Perez, Hanna Persin, Kenyn Castaneda, Audrey Guila

Who? People who have liver dysfunction, more commonly people who have hepatic cirrhosis.

What? It is the increase in pressure throughout the portal venous system.

When? It happens when obstruction of blood flow into and through the damaged liver. Common signs and symptoms are ascites which can cause fluid imbalances, distended veins, shortness of breath, umbilical hernias. Also it can lead to esophageal varices, which can cause GI hemorrhage if they ruptured, and also encephalopathy. Portal hypertension should be suspected if dilated abdominal veins hemorrhoids are detected.

Where? The organs affected are the Liver, blood vessels, and kidneys.

Why? It occurs due to obstruction of blood flow into and through the damaged liver. Risk factors include alcohol use and malnutrition, gallstones blood clots blocking the blood flow.

Moving forward!

Walking Pixbay

We will spend the first 15 minutes or so on the exam tomorrow but then we are moving forward to Unit Two. This content covers the next two weeks with an exam planned on October 12. Read up, rest up, and don’t be late!

Effects of long term use of naproxen on the kidneys

Long term use of naproxen can lead to: renal papillary necrosis-death of the opening area of the collecting ducts that enter the kidney, renal insufficiency-poor regulation of blood pressure and ability to remove waste, and acute renal failure-acute shutdown in renal function.



Cyclosporine, also known as Gengraf, Neoral, or SandIMMUNE, is an immunosuppressant that is used for Prevention and treatment of rejection in renal transplants. It also has an unlabeled use of treating steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome. It performs this by inhibiting normal immune responses, both cellular and humoral, by inhibiting interleukin-, which initiates T-cell activity. It is available through PO and IV and is metabolized by the liver and excreted in bile with only a small amount is excreted unchanged in urine. Cyclosporine is contraindicated and should cautiously be used in renal impairment. Some major adverse effects regarding the kidneys is diarrhea, vomiting, hyperkalemia, hypomagnesemia, and nephrotoxicity.

Nursing considerations would be to educate patients that some common side effects are nephrotoxicity, increased blood pressure, hand tremors, increased facial and body hair, gingival hyperplasia. Also, it is important instruct the patient to notify their healthcare provider if they experience hematuria, cloudy urine, decrease output, increased frequency, fever, sore throat, tiredness, or abnormal bruising.