
Blog #5: How Place Matters

I believe that place matters greatly, for your environment shapes you into the person you are. The place that you grew up in molds you into who you are, with factors like: race, average income, living arrangements, and local stores. These examples have helped me think about the importance of “place” because they have made me realize all the different parts that makeup a specific place and how each place influences a person in a unique way. I think growing up in my neighborhood taught me how to get along and respect other cultures, for my neighborhood was mostly Hispanic. My neighborhood defiantly impacted me in a positive way, it gave me a deeper understanding of other cultures/races and other economical classes. I think there are definite differences from my neighborhood than my peers in both the community SURF and CI students. My community/ neighborhood was very small and tight-knit, where as other people grew up in really big/ well-known cities. The difference between my city and theirs is that you would go to a high school football game and everyone knew each other, the grandparents and parents and students. Our city was inhabited by generations and everyone stayed there or came back after they grew up. So I feel that “place” influences people in the way that they look at others, where they want to live in the future, and aspires them to obtain certain goals.

In both of my articles, they explain that things like socioeconomic and demographic factors go into creating each “place”. Each place is very significant and also labeled by people who conduct GIS. They found that lower-income communities had poorer quality in healthcare, which is very unfair, for everyone should have the same quality healthcare no matter their economic status. The articles use both Geographical Information Systems and Spatial data. For they look at things such as: age, sex, ethnicity, income, social class, education, and language ability to determine the geographical factors that go into healthcare. They use Spatial data of socioeconomic disadvantages, sociocultural barriers, and high healthcare needs to identify the areas that do not have accessibility to high-quality healthcare.

Due to GIS I am able to grasp a better understanding of how “place” affects issues that are very important and heavily studied in my field. Using GIS, you are able to identify the issue of cities in more poverty than other receive a lower-grade of healthcare. It is important that you are able to see this while using the system because economic status should not have influence on such things as the quality of healthcare. “Place” allows you to pinpoint problems within a geographical sense so that it is easier to recognize them and categorize them into places that have similar issues.

I saw many links between the Geographical Information Systems used in my articles and the material we have already covered in class. In class we went over that communities that have an average lower income tend to have more fast-food restaurants, smoke shops, and liquor stores. I see the link that most lower-income families cannot afford to go to the grocery store and cook healthy meals, so they take the cheap alternative of fast-food. GIS could be used to prove that more healthcare is needed in communities of poverty, for they have more health issues due to the food they eat and their environment.

Blog #3: A Letter to the “Mother” I Once Knew


To the mother I once knew,

Thank-you for teaching me everything I know and then teaching me how to live without you. Mother-daughter relationships are meant to last a lifetime you said, but you have shown me that is a lie. It has been almost a year since you abandoned and disowned me, and I am proud to say that I have grown more this past year than in my entire life.

As a child you picked me up when I fell and cleaned my cuts, but now as I have grown older, you are the one who makes those cuts. You always told me that you would love me forever and that God would too. Mom you told me to love everyone and to accept everyone as they are, so then why can you not love your daughter as she is? You told me that every person is God’s creation and that he loves them all, so why do you tell me I am going to burn in Hell?

Mother, we both worked so hard through my high school years to get me to college and now you do not want any part of my accomplishments. You missed my high school graduation, my college orientation, move-in day, and every college experience I have had because of vengeance. Will it take you until my college graduation or medical school graduation to let go?

I am tired mother; I am so tired of having this continuous fight with you. I thought we had an understanding between us after all of those countless talks and bonding dates. I am so tired of getting rejected by you and having to beg you for love and attention, I am emotionally drained. Did you not get enough payback when you dropped all of my belongings in front of the school for everyone to see? You have deprived me of a family and then you wonder why I do not continue to reach out to you.

You have taught me to guard myself so much and to never depend on another person like I depended on you because they can leave you in an instant. At times it is even hard to be with the person I love because you have instilled the doubt of people abandoning me on a dime.

It is sad to think that I am not as positive and carefree as I used to be, for all the turmoil you have dragged me through mother. You made it so I had no one but you, I was forever locked in a cage, imprisoned by the mistrust you bestowed upon me. And when you shut me out and left me, I had no one to turn to, I looked for ways out of my situation like going to place not of here. You made me want to take my life because in that moment I felt that no one wanted me and that no one would miss me. Mother you were wrong for doing that to me, but I know you cannot help your selfish personality.

I am sorry that I could not be the person you wanted me to be mother, but I love who I love and I cannot help it.



Your daughter Kayla Ann

Blog post #3 -A letter to?-

February 25, 2016

Ryan Lee

Pathways in Education
320 N Halstead St #210, Pasadena, CA 91107
Phone: 626-316-2217
Subject: Summer Internship (Pathways of Education)

Dear Mr. Lee
This letter is in regards to summer internship offered through Pathways of Education. I would be more than happy to be apart of the amazing opportunities  Pathways offers. As a former student of Options for Youth I was lucky enough to be apart of the numerous activities offered by Pathways. Being among my peers as we helped the community had such an impact on my view of what team work means. Not only was I able to build stronger relationships with friends and faculty, I was able to connect with the mentors on the trips. With this being said I want to be able to help students the way I was helped. I think it is important for students to be able to connect with others who were  in similar situations and know it is possible to move forward. I believe I will be able to fulfill the requirments necessary based on my experience in leadership and management. I have always been a strong leader among my peers; and can connect and understand the struggles many high school students face.

I would like to thank you for taking my application into consideration and am more than ready to be apart of the Pathways of Education Team.

Thank you,

Ilyanna Camacho-luna

Type of Genre

  1. Letter explaining why you think you will be a good option for the intern position
  2. Audience is the leader of  Pathways programs
  3. I have a good relationship with Ryan so a personal but formal freedom
  4. Purpose of the intership is to work with high school students in the community and to prep for college

Works Cited

Dirk, Kerry. “Navigating Genres.” Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing. Ed. Charles Lowe and Pavel Zemliansky. Vol. 1. West Lafayette, IN: Parlor P, 2010. 249-262. Writing Spaces. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.

Blog Entry #5 Eng 107

How Place Matters in my Discipline

               I am a Business major and this discipline matters on different locations throughout the world. A variety of geographical information systems are available such as Google, Yahoo!, Bing, etc. These systems offer new perspectives on strategic decision of business location, by taking the advantage of the power of GIS technology and systems. There is a huge amount of open GIS data and open-source GIS software available to be turned into valuable business information. Another sort of system commonly used is DSS (Decision Support System), this aiming to assist entrepreneurs and managers in the process of location decision making. The DSS developed upon several relevant concepts such as land use, attractiveness, accessibility, cost of space, and agglomerations and enterprises. It was modelled into the GIS software tool, designed to assist entrepreneurs and managers in the location decision making. Minimizing a cost is the key concept of the location theory. The totally cost involves various components such as labor, transport, and cost of business and dealing with areas with big cities we think that mobility is looked at carefully when it comes to employees and materials, rather than the cost of an area. If a person were to open up a business selling a high priced item or items, that would ideally open up that business in high income areas and with selling a product where the cost is cheap, would most likely be located in a low income area and that is where GIS software and the DSS comes in. Using this technology to research areas average incomes of the people who live in certain areas.

The quality control of geographic data, especially from a topological and semantic way of looking at it, is a must for good management and use. While updating this data, there are some sorts of problems when updating data due to non-respect of business or the rules they have to follow back then. In the present and for the most part in the future we are able to use the GIS functionalities and tools to give the possibility of defining the false data. This GIS software is amazing for business owners and future business owners for possibilities on a location.

GIS Business picture for blog #5

Ten ways to think about writing

As a student In high school I always struggled with my writing, my teachers tried helping me develop my skills as a writer. However, I seemingly never found a way to really execute or exert the rules they wanted me to memories. the navel “Ten Ways to think about writing”, expresses many examples about different writing methods and provides information to college writers so that they can progress and develop as writer. For example, one of the many examples stressed in the novel expresses the idea that writers shouldn’t hold themselves back by listening to rules that make creativity harder to devolve. in the novel the author uses common rules often taught to use in grade school like always have a thesis, use concrete nouns, don’t use “I”. Theses rules became problematic for me because as a writer when you focus on a particular thing I tend to lose my creative momentum.

concepts illustrated in this novel point out the realistic problems college students indore. one of the examples given in the text that related to on a personal level, was the expression of understanding your target audience, when the audience change ,your message has to change. to make this example come to life the author gives an illustration of a college student in need for money. “ Imagine that you’ve ran out of money this semester and I told you that all you had to do was write a paper and your problems would be relieved. You still  might struggle a bit, and come up with some vague points about your situation. How ever, If I said Write to your best friend and stress your points to them, then you should suddenly have a clear idea of what you can say or should say.”(Shelley Reid 9) this example shows the importance of knowing your target audience, so that you can be direct.

Once you’ve identified a target audience, the writer then needs to put down all the detail you think of to appeal to those readers. the author states that when you have your reader don’t lose them somewhere along the way. Writers can do this by giving advice. This advice, however, does not need to be formulated in the  thesis statement or a topic sentence but needs to happen regularly so that the reader does need to happen regularly so that readers don’t miss something crucial.

Place Does Matter

Sergio Cordon

University 298

Professor Sanchez


Place Does Matter

Place can be said to be where we come from or where we are headed. There are also various places that you can head to base on the direction you’re going and the choices you make. It can also influence your personality, the way you think, those you interact with and whether it was a positive or negative aspect. Where you are can be said to determine what your future will be because of many different variables that could lead you to have a successful life or having reached a bad ending because you got involved with the wrong crowd. If you choose a place based on your own decision that you think is good for you then it will end up subconsciously influencing you to do good things or becoming a Good Samaritan. That’s why when people say “place matters” it could be the most important factor in an individual’s mind.


Most people go about their lives knowing sometimes knowing and other times that the place they live can have a big impact on his/herself. For instance, in the movie “Crashed” many people from all walks of life in L.A. were affected in their lives because of the places they live in and were all connected despite being in different areas. Whether it’s the same they suffered problems to some degree because of the places they were in and got sometimes because of the situation. Places can affect people both good and bad regardless of who they talk or belong to. This movie helped me link the importance of place not because of only problems and worries but also success and happiness. Some groups were able to prosper because the place they live motivated them to make a change in themselves and vice-versa. Where you’re from can affect the outcome of your life and with those around you regardless of where you come from or where you’re going too.


The articles that I chose for this assignment are “An Introduction to GIS” by Silas Reed and “The Use of Geospatial Technologies in Geographical Information Systems”. For both articles they go over the fundamentals of how place can affect people in either one area or several at once and how they also work in tandem. They both use GIS because they focus on a certain area and compare everything from statistics of the number of people there to the streets, landscape and even the space as well is included. For instance, they say “was formed with the help of aerial photography, photogrammetry, land surveying, remote sensing, mathematics, and geography” (Reed Paragraph 1). This shows that GIS is a one- stop shop for all information and data related to “place”. Place can also aid in my discipline mainly for the geographical data and for the estimated numbers in certain groups. Another example is “GIS solutions are reflected on everyone’s desk, smart phone and the like” (Use of Geospatial Technologies Paragraph 4). It’s used in my Biology major as part of the population count and geographical data of not only people but also other animals like birds, insects, and fish. By using the mapping and geography maps in an area like the amazon we can outline different species habitats, territories and also which areas can be designated for wildlife preservation. Not only with current ones but also new species as well and in doing so securing new records and designating restricted areas for people to enter with these only being a few of their uses and advantages.


With “place” being what most may or may not be concerned about it still a good part of who we currently are and will inevitably come. People can come from anywhere and yet can still turn out differently from what one might expect. Sometimes these changes are miniscule and others major to how it will affect varies from person to person. Some people may also not be able to understand it all before they realize it. Place is where we are and with those around us and can change how people will view others in a great way but so long as you don’t forget where you come from you won’t lose sight of your goals.


Works Cited

Crash. Pathe! 2005

Reed, Silas. “An Introduction to GIS.” Jobs RSS. N.p., 19 Aug. 2009. Web.

Stelvan, Armando. “The Use of Geospatial Technologies in Geographical Information Systems.” Jobs RSS. N.p., 10 Apr. 2012. Web.

Week#3 Post

Sergio Cordon

One University Dr.

Camarillo, California 93012

Santa Cruz Village Rm D211A


Dr. Stacey Anderson

CSU Channel Islands

Camarillo, California 93012


After reading the article “Navigating Articles” by Kerry Dirk, I learned many interesting facts about how genre can be so important to how we write our articles, papers and letters. Genre is used to incorporate both mood and subject to the text which for most readers would seem very difficult to comprehend had they not already understood at first. Which can vary from the type that you are writing from simply letters, papers, articles, etc. They say “is not to trivialize the study of genres; it is to take seriously the rhetoric in which we are immersed and the situations in which we find ourselves.” (Dirk 254). This quote explains that you must focus on not making such a light matter out of the genre and to maintain absolute focus so as to not be misunderstood by others.


They also want to ask what kind of purpose would I have for this and it is mainly concerning how genre can be effective in putting these different genres to use in different subjects and how they are affecting the subject at hand. Genre is mainly used to describe one theme or group on the subject in order to make use of the writer’s expression and individualism. For example, “new happens that requires a response, someone must create that first response.” (Dirk 252). This quote means that in order to express our individualism and create a genre we must create the first response in order to give genre its meaning. Genre can mean a variety of terms but one of the most common would definitely be a type of group or other such group specifically for their field.




Works Cited

Dirk, Kerry. “Navigating Genres.” Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing. Ed. Charles Lowe and Pavel Zemliansky. Vol. 1. West Lafayette, IN: Parlor P, 2010. 249-262. Writing Spaces. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.

GIS Remake

After a frustrating 3 hours on ArcGIS I noticed everything was broken. The original map was projected in NAD 1927 Zone 10 as a attempted to fix it items disappeared and got worse than the original projection from “unknown.” This was not fun and was a blow to moral. The only fix was to restart my entire ArcGIS project. This is the effort from this week.


I just finished writing my draft results section of my research project. I compiled the raw data into graphs to begin statistical analysis. Overall the project is going well. My next scheduled island trip is March 21-25 where i plan to lay rebar at all my site locations.


Last week was extremely exciting!  I finally planted all the seeds I collected in the greenhouse.  Evie, who is doing the same experiment with the Torrey pines, and i stayed at the greenhouse until midnight to plant 800 seeds each.  It was quite a long and painful experience but it should lead to some great results.  I also had to burn all the pine needles I collected from my sites which took even more of my time.  With smoke in my face and tears in my eyes i worked into the night for the good of science.
