
Why is writing so difficult?

As humans there is a series of things that comes to us as instinctively as breathing. Just as we all have the capability of forming thoughts due to our complexed minds. We often have the need or even obligation to write these thoughts down. Whether it is in a journal recapping the events in a day or for an essay in an English class. Writing and composing a paper is unavoidable and each time we write something we face different obstacles and learn to overcome them and in doing so we become a better writer.

English itself is known to be the hardest and most intricate language to learn and with writing already difficult as it is, it adds an additional thousand rules and barriers to the mix (Reid p.3). That is not to say just because there are rules there aren’t expectations; the English language is filled contradictions. We actually make English and writing itself more difficult when we try to write to the rules as opposed to connecting our thoughts and ideas (Reid p.4). Following these rules is actually the cause of writers block, but luckily for us Reid provides us with three easy steps to avoid scrolling through Instagram aimlessly with hopes that a picture would provide us with inspiration. Reid poses the idea that we simply write about what we know so we can show not just tell in order to adapt to our audiences needs and accomplish our goal (p.4). Take for example as I am writing this simple paragraph I have stopped and stumbled on my own words, simply because I was too focused on the structure of this sentence and not on the content of it. The funny thing about this specific metaphor is the example it demonstrates for us. It tells us to never repeat oneself, but in the book They Say I Say it had actually told us to repeat ourselves. These are the sort of contradictions that makes it difficult as a writer to compose a paper. We are constantly fed these ways in which we should and should not right and I just personally feel it’s a bunch of bologna. I feel as writer we should take into account these techniques but formulate our own and leave these in the back of our head.

Needless to say that since we are the writers and composers of these papers, and have these thoughts. We need to formulate these thoughts in the correct way not so much for us but for our readers. We as writers often get caught up in the subjects we are writing about and lose focus on what we are trying to achieve. With something as simple as trying to explain and describe a “little green ball” those necessary details to visualize the ball gets lost in translation from our brain to our papers. We all may be able to conceptualize what a green ball is but people’s definition of “little” may be severely different (Reid p.6). That would only be the half the battle because there are about a million different shades of green and an even more variety of balls that an author can chose from. Using this example it demonstrates just how difficult it is to get a point across using little too no details. Often enough if we are trying to convey a specific detail or example we need to spell it out for our readers if it is essential to the story. If we don’t the meaning behind the story may get lost due to assumptions that are being made. However if the details are not what is important and just the subject, it is perfectly fine to be vague (Reid P.7). Reid attempts to drive us off the path of “you know what I mean” a path which is often hard to strife away from simply because we house so much information in our heads that we can’t always project it out (p.8). I for one is a huge offender of this tragic mistake. Although I don’t use those exact words of “you know what I mean” I might as well. I often get caught up and excited about a subject, that I think I am spelling it for my readers but I am often vague and condescending. Just from this simple post I personally think I am making sense, but I know when I reread this I might confuse myself due to my mind moving faster than my hands.


As I said before English and writing alone are filled with these multi step complexed rules and regulations that we need to follow to “write correctly” and become “good writers.” Most of these rules are not even followed by some of the most famous of writers. So why should we or how could we follow them when writing can be compared to those overemotional teenage girls who at every second say “I hate you, no I love you” due to their inability to make up their mind. Well here we are again with yet another contradiction about repeating oneself. Reid herself even addresses the indecisiveness of writing instructors and their inability to decide if repeating oneself is good to the cause or not. Well as it turns out Reid is in fact one of those who do agree that repeating oneself is essential to keeping the message and the readers engaged (p.11). Now when one refers to repeating themselves they don’t mean reusing the same examples and sentences they refer to reemphasizing ones point and or conclusion. It has to be one of the worst feeling in the world when you spent hours on end on a paper for a reader to just ask themselves “what did I just read?” That is why it is always good to repeat a statement you want to get across in your writing so when it is fished being read, there are no questions being asked. I know firsthand how this feels when a professor or teacher looks at you quizzically as they finished reading your paper. That is why this metaphor about pink house is a very accurate rule that should be regarded highly, because it might actually save us some time from rewriting a paper (p.12).

At a point if it hasn’t already, writing becomes a real choir and as you further your knowledge in the subject it seems like writing instructors just beginning to make up rules because they had ran out of things to say. The length of your text is one of those rules where it just seems like it is an extra barrier that could have been prevented. Well according to Reid there is no such thing as a limitation to the length of a text she emphasizes that it all depends on one’s audience (p.15). She states it is perfectly okay to break up a paragraph as long as it is to shorten up the content and present the information in a clearer form. For the longest of time my teachers had also told me I had needed at least five sentences to complete a paragraph. Until one teacher of mine had said that as long there is one sentence that could be considered a paragraph. Well ever since that one teacher had told me that, I have just decided that I will just start and end a paragraph whenever I feel like it because I feel this is a pointless rule.

The last and the most annoying contradictions in the writing world I feel was the fact that when we were younger we were all told that we had to write in a standard format. Then all of a sudden professors and teachers would get upset when we write in a standard five paragraph format. Which as we all know is not acceptable in the level we are at now. Nevertheless there is never easy answers writing is and will always be difficult (P.22). Luckily for us using the rules that we learn and gain throughout our years of life writing can be less of a nuscience. In the end the only way that we can get better at writing is by simply writing more and just trying out new things to see what works. As we speak I am already trying a new writing style, and on the next assignment I will try another up until I can find the correct style for me.

Works Cited

Reid, E. Shelley. “Ten Ways To Think About Writing: Metaphoric Musings for College Writing Students.” Ed. Charles Lowe and Pavel Zemliansky. Vol. 2. West Lafayette, IN: Parlor P, 2011. 3-23. Writing Spaces. Web. 17 Feb. 2016.

Internship Letter

February 17, 2016

Stuart Mann, OD
1131 W. Sixth Street
Suite 150 Ontario CA 91762

Dear Stuart Mann, OD

I’m Elizabeth Hernandez and I would like to attend your summer internship. I am currently a student at California State University Channel Islands in Camarillo. Currently I am undeclared first year student although I am looking into Biology to be my major. More specifically I am very interested in attending medical school to become an Optometrist. Although I am ready to declare my major and step onto the road to become an eye doctor I would like to learn more of what it is to be an optometrist.

My family and I have attended your practice for years now and very much like the attention given to us patients and the products you offer. I have seen the practice improve over the years from the new technology to new and more helpful glasses. Very lately I have seen everyone use new technology to store information taking place of papers and shelves. With this being said I am very interested in what brought these changes. Also every time the doctor takes a look into my eye I want to see what their seeing. I want to learn what the tools you use are called as well as what they are used for. I don’t recall before having to put eye drops in order for the doctor to see the back of my eye.What I am trying to say with this letter is that your office is a very interesting place for me. Everything catches my attention from the test letters that very from small to large to all the instrument the doctors use.

With this being said I’m an eager student ready to learn everything that occurs in your office as well as all the other problems related to the eye. I would really take advantage in a opportunity to be your student this summer and be an intern. I have attached my resume for your use.


Elizabeth Hernandez

Work Cite
Dirk, Kerry. “Navigating Genres.” Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing. Ed. Charles Lowe and Pavel Zemliansky. Vol. 1. West Lafayette, IN: Parlor P, 2010. 249-262. Writing Spaces. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.

How to Read Like a Writer

As I struggled to read in this environment, I began to realize that the way I was reading—one word at a time—was exactly the same way that the author had written the text. I realized writing is a word-by-word, sentence-by-sentence process.(Mike Bunn 72). For at times this quote emulated my experiences as a writer, trying to get a message across some times is the hardest part.  The way I present my ideas forward, is by emulating different styles and techniques. For example, when you put a quote in the first part the paragraph, it give credibility to the starting of the righter per suave redric


Advice for My Future

Dear future me,

If you are reading this, that means you feel like the universe has pulled the floor from underneath you, leaving you to pick up the broken pieces of your life. You came to this letter, hoping to seek some guidance with dealing with this types of situations (hopefully without pushing the people who can help you away).

The first advice I have for you is just to stop and breath. These sort of scenarios normally happen to you because one of three major things has happened:

  • you’ve spread yourself too thin and are stressed to get everything done at once
  • you’ve just received certain news that may or may not turn your whole world around
  • you’ve been stabbed in the back (or heart, depending on the person) and trust has been broken once again

Because we tend to assume things that may or may not be true, we evaluate most situations by how they appear. So just breath and if you need some time to yourself, do that. Just don’t always be in isolation.

The next advice I can give is don’t push people away, especially those that are only trying to help. You’ve made great friends along this hard road called life and they’ve been there despite everything the world has thrown at you. The reason they are still there after all this time is because they truly care about you. Don’t ever think otherwise. Go to them. Talk to them. They’ll listen and help you.

The last bit of advice I have for you now is let things play out. I know we’ve been hurt on more than one occasion for a variety of reasons and try to avoid any repeats. We tend to shut everything down and everyone out to avoid being hurt again. However, that’s not the way to do things. Don’t assume the worst. That’s how mistakes are made, friendships lost, and pain is caused. Believe me, I know.

I hope this advice was somewhat helpful. Just don’t let the past define the present or the future. Not everyone is going to stab you in the back or leave you.

See you in the mirror!


Wellness Cover Letter

February 16th, 2016

DaoCloud Headquarters
387 Technology Drive
College Park, MD 20740


I would like to apply for a summer position as a Wellness Ambassador with your company’s San Diego branch. I discovered this position through an internet search with

I am currently studying at California State University: Channel Islands in Camarillo, California, though my permanent residence is Carlsbad. I am working toward a degree in Health Science with an emphasis in Gerontology. I feel that the company holistic perspectives on health and wellness correspond well with my area of study and that an internship with your company would allow me to explore facets of my discipline that can not be learned in a classroom environment.

Once I receive my degree I plan to work with retirement homes and elder communities in order to benefit the quality of life of those in their later years. I believe that having exposure to a variety of health outlooks is one of the greatest ways that I will be able to assist the elderly. Obtaining a wide variety of viewpoints on how to approach health and wellness will not only benefit me professionally, but also benefit those who I will work with in the future.

I am currently a member of the Student Undergraduate Research Fellows (SURF) at Channel Islands, which allows students from a variety of disciplines to conduct research and learn as part of a living-learning community which nurtures teamwork and open communication. I have also participated in a variety of charity events with the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, promoting a sense of community and allowing for those afflicted with Multiple Sclerosis as well as their friends and families to have an open forum to access information about their condition and how to stay healthy in spite of it. Both of these experiences have introduced me to methods of effective communication and have given me experience in the health discipline.

I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to be part of your company. I have attached my resume for review. Thank you again for your consideration.


Jaimee Horn

Works Cited

Dirk, Kerry. “Navigating Genres.” Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing. Ed. Charles Lowe and Pavel Zemliansky. Vol. 1. West Lafayette, IN: Parlor P, 2010. 249-262. Writing Spaces. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.

How Deep Do Lyrics Go?

How long does the musical process really take? How much time would it take to have an artist make a #1 hit. The true answer is that it could take a matter of hours, days, months, or even years. The music that we listen to is set to have some type of emotion directed towards ones self, whether it be a lyric that relates to any given period of time in your life or a beat that just goes perfectly with how your day is going. These songs are created to have a reaction to ones emotions at any given period of time. However- not every song is written directly for an audience to relate, it could be a personal song that just barely made it to made an album. Often times these songs create a vulnerability Web_Rez_G-Eazy_When_Its_Dark_Out_Album_Cover_for_Press_Release_V3-1024x1024(another side) that the artist shows their fans or listeners. For example, G-EAZY, his most recent album takes us on a rollercoaster ride with him as he climbs his way up to fame. He shares his most personal issues and gives us vivid images that he believes brought him to where he is today. In the album, When Its Dark Out, he starts off with an intro to set the tone to not only show his vulnerability but to also make his listeners vulnerable. He draws a beat that gets suspenseful and that brings almost a sense of fear as he brings small quotes and saying that could happen if he loses his fame in a matter of seconds.
Moving onto his album he sings a song called Everything Will Be Ok featuring Kehlani. Gerald ( G- EAZY) speakes about picking up and leaving everything behind for a whole new life.

Make Living More Enjoyable

I have composed a mock complaint letter, concerning our residence in Santa Cruz. Living in Santa Cruz wasn’t a bad experience there was just small things that can be easily fixed that would’ve made living in Santa Cruz more accommodating. California State University Channel Islands is an eco-friendly university and believes in helping the environment but there are so many ways it can remain eco-friendly but at the same time make living on campus more enjoyable.

February 15, 2016

Tara Ashton, HRE Facility & Administration Assistant

California State University Channel Islands

Santa Cruz Village, E-150

Camarillo, California 93012


I am writing to express a formal complaint concerning our housing in Santa Cruz Village. Overall, my first year in college has been a good learning experience not only academically put personally as well. Being away from home has really helped me grow as a person and become more mature and independent. Having the opportunity to have roommates and learning to live with someone you don’t know anything about was hard in the beginning but it’s something you eventually get used to.

The rooms in general were accommodating except for the fact that most of the time the rooms were too hot because there was no air conditioner in the dorms. I understand the reason why our rooms weren’t air conditioned that reason being that our school is eco-friendly and believes that by using air conditioners in the room it can harm our environment but the dorms get really hot especially upon moving in it was hotter in our rooms than it was inside. Because of the humidity inside our rooms another problem was the mosquitos that were attracted to the temperature inside. It wasn’t until winter came that the rooms were at a normal temperature. What I don’t really understand is how we can have a heater but not an air conditioner. It’s ironic because personally in our dorm we never used the heater our room was at a perfect temperature.

Of course I’m not asking for the use of air conditioners since there is no way a sudden change can take place. The only thing I ask for is to think of other alternatives, there is so many ways of controlling heat without a need for air conditioners and still being an eco-friendly school. Keeping the sun’s heat out of our dorms by, for example, insulating our roof, is controlling conducted heat. Putting up awnings so that direct sunlight doesn’t shine in our windows is an example of controlling radiated heat. Installing attic vents and fans so that heat rises and leaves our dorms through the roof is a way of controlling heat. Good ventilation creates convection currents: the faster this air moves, the more refreshing it is. There are so many alternatives that can be used for a better living experience.

I really hope you take the time to read this letter and consider all the different possibilities in making living in Santa Cruz more accommodating and enjoyable.

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Jailene Rodriguez


Works Cited

Dirk, Kerry. “Navigating Genres.” Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing. Ed. Charles Lowe and Pavel Zemliansky. Vol. 1. West Lafayette, IN: Parlor P, 2010. 249-262. Writing Spaces. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.


Appropriate Genre: Application Letter

Travel around the world, and one will come to terms with the idea that you must address specific people in different ways. Walking up to your boss and addressing him/her in the same manner you address your closest friends is simply unacceptable. To approach your parents in the same style you approach your siblings would probably end in a scolding. The same concept is applied to a piece of writing. This is what Kerry Dirk expresses in her article “Navigating Genres”. An author would not address his readers as adults if the intended audience was a group of toddlers. There is a specific manner in which one writes according to the intended audience and the genre of the piece(Dirk p.250). For the sake of the article “Navigating Genres” I will compose a mock application letter for a masters degree in psychology at the University of Southern California.

Esther Osorio

9176 Dartmouth Court

Palermo, Maine 93784



March 28, 2028


Steve Herbert

Graduate Admission Coordinator

3453 Franz Hall



Subject: Application for Master’s Degree in Psychology


Dear Mr. Herbert,

I am writing this letter so as to seek admission for the Master’s Degree Program in Psychology hosted at the University of Southern California. I am currently pursuing a degree in Psychology with an emphasis in Psychopathology and Psychodiagnosis. My tenacity and intense desire in the awareness of the human mind and behavioral issues have framed the my decision in pursuing a career in this field and therefore resulting in my intent to apply for admission to the graduate school for the Master’s Program.

I feel that the program offered at the University of Southern California is best suited to attain my many goals. These goals consist of furthering the awareness in psychodiagnosis and treatment available for those who have been or will be diagnosed as well as to further the development in research for the scientific study in mental disorders. Admission to the Master’s Program will help me further develop relevant skills needed in the Psychology field. I will not only be more credible for the work force, I will gain the experience needed for the specialization in psychopathology and psychodiagnosis. This program provides the groundwork needed to develop my ranking in this field.  My hard work and dedication will enable me to prosper in the field of research for psychopathology.

Although I may not be a trained scholar I welcome the opportunity for me to inform you on how my abilities and virtuosity would be an asset to your program. I will continue to explore my various interests in psychodiagnosis and psychopathology. I intend to continue my education and research in this field of Psychology shall you award me with admission in to the Master’s program.

I look forward to an opening to meet with you to further discuss my qualifications and skills. Thank you for considering my application.



Esther Osorio







Dirk, Kerry. “Navigating Genres.” Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing. Ed. Charles Lowe and Pavel Zemliansky. Vol. 1. West Lafayette, IN: Parlor P, 2010. 249-262. Writing Spaces. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.

Test Post


Posted from Camarillo, California, United States.

This is a test. I repeat this is a test.

Test post

Posted from Camarillo, California, United States.

This is my test post