

Disconnecting from electronics has always been hard for me but once it happens, I find it calming. Over the weekend I was able to disconnect for about 4 hours. I couldn’t do the 24 hours. I spent those four hours eating with a friend and just walking around talking. While eating, I noticed a lot of people would have their phones out–something I would do. My friend has his phone out too and he would check it from time to time.

In the past for my birthday I rented a cabin in Topanga Canyon for myself. I wanted to get away from everything and just relax. There was no service up in the mountains but there was wifi. I spent the two days up there reading the newspaper sitting outside. I used to read the newspaper a lot but now I rarely have time. I drank wine looking at how beautiful the sky was. I showered outdoors. I did a lot that I wouldn’t have normally done surrounded by people and electronics. It did get creepy at night though being alone in the mountains. I probably wouldn’t do it again because of that.

Tech Disconnect

Personally, not having a home phone line, i couldn’t disconnect via my cell phone due to work responsibilities. My technology disconnect was via my work shift which was approx. 8 and a half hours. On countless occasions, customers had phones out in their hands or laying on their table. As i brought food, it seemed like they were so attached to being connected to social media that they would only acknowledge my presence if I spoke up that their food was here. Television wise, many people in the bar area were very into their football games. At a home setting, I have a very hard time disconnecting from technology. The interweb and social media is a big distraction in which i find myself attached too. Personally, I dont have a hard time disconnecting when i’m outside of the house because I enjoy and thrive for memorable experiences. Your cellphone can capture moments, but it is forever ingrained in your mind.

CI Computer Girls inspiring youth at annual Science Carnival at Thurgood-Marshall Elementary in Oxnard on October 24th!

“We all had a great time encouraging young students to pursue an education in STEM! “





Week 9 Readings

Yay! We’re about half-way through the semester! Congrats! 

Celebration post-midterms aside, I’m obviously posting about the Sternheimer reading we had this week as well as the Fight the New Drug website we had to look at.

First, Sternheimer. This has probably been my favorite chapter so far because it was on a topic I find really interesting. I’m really into music and a big part of our pop culture now is the performing of music. However, it seems like those performances are constantly pushing some sort of sexual envelope (I’m looking at you Miley at the 2013 VMA’s). I was happy that Sternheimer pointed out that the sexualization of our culture reinforces a narrow version of feminity (p.162) which, I think, leads to a power struggle between the media and women. Men, I also think are sexualized, especially on television. Shows like “Teen Wolf” and “The Vampire Diaries” come to mind, where every guy has a ridiculously toned and fit body. Moving on, I really agreed with Sternheimer’s statement that we should find out what children think about sex rather than focusing on what we don’t want them to know (p. 157). We should focus on enriching rather than restricting youth knowledge about sex. It was interesting to see that trend of adults being fearful, once again, of something they don’t understand. Similarly, the trend of poverty as a risk factor has followed from violence and on to sexuality. Overall, I really enjoyed this chapter and found myself agreeing with a lot of what Sternheimer had to say (for once!).

However, I cannot say the same about the website we had to look at. At first, I thought it was a good and informative website, but the more time I spent reading, the more uncomfortable I got. First off, they make people pay for their “helpful” services. I feel as though this is profiting off of people’s insecurities about using porn and their possible serious addictions (I am not sure if whoever developed these programs has a medical license or degree). Secondly, their arguments were extremely one-sided. They did have interviews with people who had left porn, but even then, their examples of what porn actors experience (gun to the head? really?) I felt were a little extreme. I think instead of talking about the why porn is bad, maybe we need to ask why do people feel the need to look at/use porn and why do people go into the industry? There are women who have found much success not only acting but independently producing porn. This, to me, is an example of porn being more of a business than a “drug”.

I am going to link to a couple videos I found that I felt were kind of anti-Fight the New Drug ( and they are written by/explained by an actual doctor!). This is a channel that I really like and I feel is relevant to this discussion. Very informative.

Effects of Porn: Effects of porn are due to the people watching, not the porn itself

Removing the shame from pornography

I’m not saying there are not issues with porn, I do think it can be addictive and perhaps the ethics are not always the best. However, I don’t think the Fight the New Drug website shared the whole story, so this is me playing devil’s advocate.

Also, one more video! Relating to last week’s topic of media and violence, I foud a great video by The New York Times that revisited Columbine and had interviews with people who were students at the time. There is an argument about whether or not the shooters really were out for revenge or if they had an extreme god-complex and were suicidal. Once again, taking in multiple factors that may have contributed to the shooting. This video also compares our modern views on shootings compared to our past views. I spent about an hour watching the videos from this Retro Report series because it’s a lot of news that affects us today but that happened right before some of us were born. Hope you guys find it as interesting as I did!

“The entire country was confident that these two killers were loner outcasts from the trench coat mafia that were targeting who were targeting jocks in a revenge fantasy. None of that was true.”

Sorry for the long post this week but I couldn’t help but go a little further into the discussion. I’m interested to see what you have you to say about the readings and videos that I’ve shared.

Open Reduction Internal Fixation

Open Reduction Internal Fixation (ORIF) is a correction and alignment of fracture after surgical dissection and exposure of the fracture. It does so by usage of metal screws, plates, wires, nails and pins to stabilize the fracture. Diagnosis of a fracture usually occurs in the ER. Diagnostics include X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs.

Here is a good short informative video that explains what an ORIF is.

Baylor Health Patient Information on ORIF


In my attempt to disconnect, I did not achieve the full 24 hours. I made it about 9 hours, then found myself succumbing to the comfort of wandering various social media on my phone while on break at work. I remembered my goal, looked up, and saw two of my colleagues also starting into their phones. I smiled because it is interesting how so many interactions silently occur between two people on different ends of a screen. The need to make plans in person has been replaced by the convenience of social media. Most people in America rely heavily on technology for daily tasks and interactions. Office communication occurs almost solely through e-mail, assignments are submitted electronically, and information is shared through media in countless forms.

During the time that I was disconnected, I had longer conversations than usual and smiled at more people. Conversations were longer because I was focused on the conversation and not awkwardly looking at my phone every few minutes. Looking around different locations at times it was hard to find someone without a phone or laptop in hand. If someone is alone in a shop, restaurant, the library, etc., it is socially acceptable to hide behind a phone or laptop to avoid social interaction. Most people would almost find it odd if someone he/she didn’t know tried to strike up a conversation while waiting in line.

I think that if the entirety of one’s interactions occur through e-mail, texting, or social media, it is perhaps a social issue. However, when technology is used as an adjunct to IRL communication, it enhances communication. As a side-note, being available 24/7 to everyone you know via texting or social media can be exhausting. I think it is important to have a set time everyday when communication is solely in-person, and the phone is put away for a few hours. Along with this, there should be certain places where being on a cell-phone is prohibited or at least frowned upon, including any dinner table, restaurants, social gatherings, and walking on the sidewalk (which I am guilty of). This way people would be more mentally present, because I noticed that 50-75% of people are on their phones in these places, including me. It is something that I am trying to get better at, because at the moment I’m not sure I would survive without my phone.

Disconnecting from Technology

I am the first to admit that I use my phone and social media more than I should. I was excited about this assignment to take a day (or as much of the day as possible) to disconnect from technology and social media. I unfortunately could not go an entire day without technology, because I have things to check for school and work that require the use of a computer.  However, I was able to disconnect while spending time with others throughout the day, like at meal times. It was really nice to just enjoy the presence of the people around me that I love and have meaningful conversations instead of checking Facebook and Instagram all day. It really showed me how much time is wasted on social media and how much time I have that I could be spending more wisely.

Marissa Cuomo

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Session 9

I found it interesting in chapter 6 when it states “dont let TV be your teenager’s main source of sex education”. I feel that this is interesting because many parents out there do not sit down with their children and talk to them about sex; they rely on the TV shows and the movies the children watch to teach them what they need to know.  Many parents also expect for their kids to learn about sex in schools.  Me personally i feel that certain shows can help educate teens what consequences can happen, however i still feel it is important for parents to have a talk to their children and make sure they are fully aware of  what can happen and way to prevent diseases.

I found it interesting that when surveyed about sending nude or racy pictures, there were more adults who said they have done it, than teens.   Sternheimer states, that teens “…age group is actually less likely to be sexually active than teens were twenty years ago”.  Also that “the rate of high school students who have ever had sexual intercourse declined from 54% in 1991 to 47% in 2011”.  i found this interesting because i would have thought that the rate had increased instead of decreasing.