
Poverty in Media

I think that poverty is such a personal and touchy topic to talk about. I personally don’t like talking about it because it makes me feel uncomfortable. People who financially struggle is difficult to talk about or read about, for me. After reading Poverty’s poor show in the media, the dominant culture paradigms, came to mind. In class we listed many dominant cultures in society and one of them was wealth. If you’re wealthy people want to hear about your life or your problems, you have some type of power; as oppose to people that financially struggle who appear not to have a voice.

In 4 Problems with the Way the Media Depicts Poor People, the poor as invisible and the poor as temporarily “down on their luck” sections caught my attention. Like Jenna mentioned we rather watch one of the Real Housewives shows and not pay any attention to peoples’ financial problems. I watch the housewives of Orange County and when the recession in 2007/ 2008 hit, the families in the show struggled, and the it was shown in the show. Some of the viewers were able to see that they weren’t the only ones struggling, but that other people were going through the similar situation.


I was once a visitor in a teaching hospital. It would have been really neat if I had access to a pamphlet or some literature to help me learn about the disease while I was waiting to see my friend. Even though most people now have smart phones and tablets to learn about the disease, the accessibility to concise information would have been nice just in he or she didn’t have a smart phone. During discharge, the nurse made sure my friend had printed out a sheet about the disease and information on the medications to give to him. Not all hospitals do this and I thought that was neat.

Media and the Poor

I was not really sure how I was going to feel about the articles this week. I think that talking about wealth or the lack there of is something that is very personal fro most people and  I was worried that the articles were going to rub me the wrong way. However , I was pleasantly surprised but what I read , specifically the article 4 Problems with the Way the Media Depicts Poor People. To start off I thought that this article was very easy to read and flowed very nicely. It really made me look at how the media really does portray the poor. In  the article it stated “We need to see that there are people out there who struggle, and who deserve to have attention paid to their struggles. We need to see this and hear about it, so that we can keep our humanity intact and maintain our ability to have empathy and compassion for others.” I really liked this expert, I think that it totally encapsulates how we as a society treat people who are less fortunate. We have no problem sitting down and watching shows like the Real House Wives but as soon as someone talks about their financial hardships we lose interest. This article also spoke of how when the media discusses “the poor” it gives statistics and facts which no one is really interested about hearing. I think that this article really made me reconsider how I will treat the way I will perceive the poor through the media.

GI Patient Education: Gastritis

Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach membrane. It can be caused by many things such as: H. pylori, use of NSAIDs, and exposure to radiation therapy.

The mucosa becomes full of fluid and blood and can even go through erosion or ulceration.

You may feel abdominal discomfort, headache, nausea, vomiting, and hiccuping. Bleeding can occur so you need to tell your doctor if you are experiencing dark stools, bloody stools, or blood in vomit.

It is best for you to stay away from caffeinated beverages, alcohol, and smoking because these could exacerbate your condition. Any finds you find irritate your stomach should be eliminated from your diet.

Any medications like antibiotics or antacids prescribed to you by your doctor should be taken as recommended and finished.

Colostomy Patient Education

Below is a link with everything you need to know about colostomy application and care. This informative article includes helpful hints, a list of reasons to call your doctor and how to reduce odor.


Patient education for GI disturbances

Ulcers are very common in society. So there should be good patient education so people know how to manage ulcers and what things can make them worse or improve them. For one, NSAIDS and something as simple as stress can make ulcers worse or cause ulcers. So here is a link that has a brochure about understanding ulcers

Brochure about ulcers

Patient Education

Patient education in the medical field is very important. This article discusses pre-dialysis education and tests literacy levels of those going through pre-dialysis education. Brochures with pertinent information are given to the patients going through the education but it is important to know that the patients can understand and comprehend the contents of the brochures. The finding showed modifications needed to be made in order to ensure the brochures where comprehensible to all. I found this article very beneficial in opening the eyes of those educating patients to make sure that the written materials we give to our patients is something that is at the appropriate literacy level for the patient being educated.


Dear Students, I have just finished listening to and responding to our VT this week. Unfortunately, only 6 of you have participated. I am guessing it is because the directions this week were a little different in format. I have copied and linked to the weekly directions. It is very important for our class time on Thursday that you have read NetSMart pages 111-119 and responded to the VT prompt. Please come to class prepared to be active,

Uh Oh

image by Tom Simpson

discuss the reading and share your ideas on participatory culture. The ideas shared on the VT so far are great examples of what can be done when every day people participate and get involved in a cause. I especially love the KickStarter campaign shared by Ryland. It is fascinating to see what happens when our government starts using the concepts of participatory culture to address world wide crisis.

I can’t wait to read your blogs this week and see how many of you were able to embed images or video to enahcne your message. I also look forward to reading the comments you are leaving on your classmates blogs.

See you all on Thursday.


Sorry for the double posting, but wanted to make sure you all see this.

Patient Education

Patient education is a vital role of nurses in any healthcare setting. Patients need to know various things about the medications they are prescribed, as well as other forms of treatment and follow up appointments. There are numerous ways to educate a patient, from paper to electronics to visual demonstration. A survey that I researched compared written instructions and iPads as forms of patient education. Paper instructions and pamphlets can be boring to read and may contain multiple pages, so the study showed that iPads were more effective. This is also due to the fact that the iPads directly engage the patient, therefore allowing the patient to retain more information and becoming more involved in their care.

Patient education about nutritional needs post Billroth 2

This article talks about the post operative diet that needs to be followed by all people who have undergone a billroth 2 procedure, which is done to treat severe PUD.
