
GI Tube Patient Education

When caring for your G-tube, it’s important to maintain the site by keeping it clean with soap and water and reporting any pain, inflammation, or drainage to your physician. It’s also important to maintain a dry dressing around the area to prevent contaminants from entering the site . Your G-tube should also be flushed before and after medication administration as well as every eight hours. If you’re on fluid restrictions, verify the exact amount and procedure with your physician.

October 5th

DeMause Poverty in the News and Frica Global Food Disparity a Photo Diary

The article on poverty was interesting in the sense that we are aware that poverty is an issue worldwide yet we don’t give it as much as attention as other issues. Just knowing about something isn’t really enough to change the outcome of it. The media believes that poverty is not a news worthy topic so it is not continually covered. The food photo diary article was interesting because visual representations at least for me have always gotten the message across much more than charts, graphs, readings and so on. To see how much food a family gets weekly from different locations is a bit of an eye opener. Not only was the amount of food different but the type of food was extremely different. (junk food vs fruits and veggies)

The Best Way to Compliment Little Girls

This article was very interesting to me because it presented an issue and a solution. So many articles and news reports now a days only show the problem and not the solution to an issue. To empower someone with more confidence by complimenting their smile not their shoes means so much to an individual, because that smile will still make someone feel good the next day. Whereas only complimenting outfits that change day by day can have a rather negative affect on how people see themselves.

Social Media Research (Challenge 3.3)

This week’s research invited us to search social media for our topics. In order to research social media, I felt it best to turn to Twitter for information. Twitter is used by many people because of its sheer convenience in spreading news, whether it is mundane or something worthwhile. I first looked for accounts that regularly updated about LGBT rights and activism, and I found the account and I was definitely pleased to find that not only did they update their Twitter constantly, but the moderator also made sure to include relevant links. This twitter led to not only popular media celebrities supporting LGBT rights, but they also provided information relevant to the community. For example, they have tweeted about LGBT importance in politics and how the stances of presidential candidates. This Twitter account obviously wishes to keep the public informed, and I feel that this is a fantastic quality to have when being informational.

I wanted to find more information about LGBT representation, and Twitter was once again a good place to search. Without a hashtag, I simply searched “LGBT representation” on Twitter to see what sorts of tweets were making it through the Internet. I found that many people speak out about representation through their Twitter. Perhaps they feel that their voice will be more easily heard through Twitter? Either way, some of these tweets were satirical and criticized the lack of representation through a ruse of humor, and others were openly speaking about the misrepresentation of LGBT people. Whether these tweets were linked to an account that focused on LGBT topics exclusively or were from a personal account, people used Twitter to express their feelings about representation and LGBT rights.

Finally, I wanted to see what sort of information other social media outlets had for my topic. I feel that many young adults are using Instagram nowadays, however I did not find the sort of information I had hoped to find. Instead of finding usable research, I found that Instagram was mostly used to make oneself known in the LGBT community. I searched “#lgbt” into Instagram, and was led to selfies of LGBT youth and their personal accounts. While these posts don’t provide for in-depth research of my topic, it helps to show that the community is out there and existing, and they are using social media as a way to connect with each other. Social media will continue to be important for LGBT people because, if one cannot find a safe place within their home to be themselves, then maybe their safe place can be cultivated through social media.

Patient Teaching Modalities

The patient teaching method I found that stood out as most unique to me does not pertain to GI modalities alone, but all aspects of patient care.

This program was developed by a former cancer patient who wanted to make improvements in the overall patient care process. It involves the use of mobile devices, TVs and PCs to deliver many aspects of patient care to all age groups and demographics. It has programs tailored pediatrics, adults, senior adults and even veterans to cater to each demographic’s specific needs. It engages patients and allows them to become more directly involved in their care in all settings (inpatient, ambulatory, etc) through an education library containing thousands of award-winning videos and content on specific health conditions, medications, tests and procedures. Patients are also prompted to relevant education and care tasks to help enhance their care. The program also enables communication with the primary care provider.

I am in no way endorsing this program having not seen it in the hospitals yet, but I think it could be a valuable asset to both patient healing and nursing care and would like to see it first hand in a hospital to see how effective it is. I also like how it was developed by a former patient, who through their own experience has a unique perspective on what might be lacking or need enhancement with regard to patient teaching and discharge planning modalities.

I just thought it sounded pretty interesting. If anyone else would like to check it out, I posted the link to the overall page above and I will post the link to the adult program, since it is relevant to our current course content. Enjoy!

The Poor Will Always Be With Us: Just Not On TV News

This week’s articles were interesting, but the one that stood out the most was The Poor Will Always Be With Us: Just Not On The TV News. Visibility was displayed through out this article, but i would say in a negative manner due newscasts covering TV stars rather than poverty and inequality not receiving any coverage nightly. Additionally, there was an instance where poverty did receive  rare coverage, but it was to display individual’s hardships of hurricane Katrina’s aftermath. Growing up, i was always interested in what the news had to say, but then i later realized, it’s a bunch of garbage. It’s visible in what the news stations intentions are as far as “news” is concerned. They tend to cover negative images of war, crime, and celebrities, instead of covering current poverty issues and what individuals can do to help, or even success stories that include heroic acts.







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October 5th

The Best Way to Compliment Little Girls:

When I read this article I realized, this is the best way to inspire little girls to care more about their inner beauty not just their appearance. Growing up I didn’t really have that problem. However, I did have friends that only cared about appearance. I always thought to myself, well only if their inner beauty was a pretty as their outfit! Now as an adult I came to the realization that indeed i was right as a little girl, the pretty outfits aren’t what truly matter. Teaching little girls that one thing can expand their thinking about their place in life. Not all girls have to wear the pretty clothes to be called beautiful.  For example, my little doesn’t pay to much attention to what she wears, which seems like a good start to her development.

The Poor Will Always Be With US:

The news on TV never fails to mention top stories on the weather, murders, fires, car accidents, and politics. WHAT ABOUT THE POOR? Why are stories about the poor never broadcast, and when they are they are usually about how a wealthy politician helped in a positive way. The not so pleasant realities about the poor are never on top news. Why? Could it be that the poor aren’t so attractive to our society? I think the more we avoid the topic the more it haunts reality,  the poor are not going anywhere especially if they continue to be the outcast  in our society.

Ronald Reagan: Just a Normal Human Being

IMG_0283   The Ronald Reagan Library opened my eyes to the world of not only the President but a normal human being as well. The exhibits were all so well put together and the one up at the top is the Presidential plane. This was such an interesting exhibit. I was able to walk through a replica of his plane. I did think the plane was going to be bigger but it really wasnt. I then begin to realize that this was many years ago when technology was not as advanced. It was interesting to see where the president spent his time. It almost seemed like it wasnt as secure as you would want it to be, for the president that is. It was interesting to hear the story of the chocolate cake. Ronald Reagan would invite reporters on to the plane and would cleverly always choose the ones who’s birthdays were on the day. He would always have a chocolate cake and would send it to the reporter and join them. He was a normal human being.

IMG_0296  This exhibit was one of my favorites. In this exhibit, walls, shelves and everything were covered in everything football.  Jerseys from every single NFL  team in the  U.S. and college teams. There were also old high school uniform teams as well as old uniforms for cheerleaders. It surprised me to see some of the NFL team rings as well as the super bowl trophies. There was so much to learn about in this exhibit. I was able to see the way uniforms advanced and came to be what they are now. There was also old fashion footballs, as well as the older head gear. It really made me think about how much things change throughout the years. Everything advances so quickly but so do we. Everything becomes more complicated or much easier for us.

IMG_0277   This exhibit made me very happy in a way. It was an exact replica of the oval office. It was interesting to learn that the president originally had a different office but he told them that he worked too hard to not have this office. One of the things that made me happy about this exhibit was the story behind how they were able to get the actual height of the oval office in the museum. Ronald Reagan himself helped to create this exhibit. When the city was told that the ceiling was too tall so due to restrictions they were not able to  create the exact height of it. Therefore Ronald Reagan himself thought outside of the box and told them that if they couldnt build any higher than they should just dig underneath. That was such a great story because it was an example of the brilliant mind of Ronald Reagan. It was wonderful to see that the portrait of George Washington  was hanging in the center of the room. He was the first president so therefore he holds a great place in the house.

IMG_0276This exhibit was a very informational and visual one. In fact they even had footage of the event itself. This exhibit was specifically about the attempted assassination of our very own President. When we first walked in there was something projected on to the side what looked to be a wall and there were two small screens on it. These two screens played the actual footage of the attempted assassination captured by a news reporter. The president himself as well as two other members of his staff were shot. This to me was such an important moment. Many times in our countries history have the Presidents been shot and killed. Amazingly this one survived. I feel maybe there were bigger reasons as to why he survived.

IMG_0272This exhibit was my absolute favorite. There was something about this that warmed my heart. This exhibit explained how when President Reagan was a child his family placed a penny underneath the tile by their fireplace. The purpose of that was so that they could say truthfully that they were never “penniless”. This warms my heart because it shows that even though he became President they were real people. We have this idea that the Presidents cant make a small mistake just because. In reality they came from the same place we come from. Whether living a middle class lifestyle or living in poverty. Later on Ronald Reagan went back to his old home and discovered that the penny was still beneath the tile. It was one of the greatest things ive heard.

My favorite exhibit had to be the one about the penny. It is such a sincere story with so much emotional background. As I explained before, we have this idea in our head that the President of the United States has to be perfect. He cant make one move without everyone deciding whether or not it was the right one. Everyone criticizes them for the things they do and the decisions they make. In reality, none of us really know what its like to be President. We dont know what its like to live a life where everyone judges the things you do whether its laugh or smile or even blink. We dont know what its like to make big decisions for a country even though we know some people will dislike it.

That brings me back to this exhibit. Something so small so simple with so much meaning. They put a penny under a tile because they were modest enough to know that maybe one day everything they had would be gone. Maybe one day, theyll have nothing left, and times were rough. I feel as if that one small penny gave them so much hope. That even when all their money is gone, they will still never be penniless. That is a real home, with real humans, with real American situations.

We have to take a step back sometimes and understand that the President, just like us, are human too. No one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. Its a basic part of human life, and culture. We have to allow a little space and privacy to be held within that area for our Presidents. That is how I feel everyone should understand this exhibit. They should see it as a symbolic action which is very relevant to anyone’s life.

This really was my favorite exhibit because we never really see too much about who the President really is. We never get to see too much about where he comes from and the most emotional parts of his childhood. I think this exhibit proves that. I think the whole museum itself proved that. We need to take  step back and learn to admire who the President was and who he truly is now. We cant judge them solely based off of their term in government. Not everyone is going to agree with their decisions and we all need to grow up and realize that.

Museums, libraries, stories, archives, anything these days can tell you a lot about a certain topic. How much of it is really true though? What we know is what the media wants to expose us to. What we know is the framing of a specific topic. The framing of either just the good or the bad. What we know is what we hear or what we want to believe. I feel this museum truly does cover some of the basic aspects of Ronald Reagan’s life but there was a lot of untold stories.

He was known as one of the greatest Presidents of all time. At least that is what I hear. For the most part, and from what I know as well he was a very great president. Many of the exhibits we saw in the library were personal. Some not as personal as others, but definitely breath taking. Do I feel like they show the whole truth about who he was, definitely not. The museum was framed to show the people the good things in his life. The human things in his life.

I personally believe, great president or not, good person or not there were still some dark sides to Ronald Reagan. Many people have biased opinions on others, whether they know much about them or not. Just like Reagan and what he called “The Evil Empire”. Much of biased opinion there but we really never got to see the facts on that side of him. Showing the people who someone really is means showing them every side of them. The good the bad, the happy, the sad, and everything in between. I dont believe we get the whole truth from museums or media. Its all framed to be what they want it to be.

Week 5 Posting 2

Hello, everyone! I wanted to make a separate post for the 2001 Gross article, 2015 Grinberg article, and 2015 Powers article. I found the Gross  article really interesting. It was funny because at the time I was indulging in a guilty pleasure, watching Glee (I know, it’s terrible). However, there were examples of what the article was talking about even in the episode I was watching. It was interesting since this article was written in 2001, and even in some of today’s television we are still having this issue of using gay and lesbian people for comedy. I also found the author’s idea that LGBT people are not stereotyped at all, they are completely invisible. I was happy that the author mentioned “queer-baiting”. That’s something I see a lot with musicians… “Well my song /might/ be about me kissing a girl, but that’s up to interpretation” (paraphrasing Demi Lovato recently hah). Not sure if girls or guys are doing it more but I guess it doesn’t matter.

I found the articles about marketing and complimenting very intriguing.  I volunteer at a children’s hospital and a big part of doing so is purchasing and distributing toys to the kids. They are definitely separated based not only on age but by gender. I know they would let a kid pick whatever they wanted (not forcing gender roles and stuff) but it’s a reminder of how much just the packaging can influence who gets to play with what toys. I thought it was interesting that it is parents and the environment that are more likely to influence a child’s ideas about gender and gender roles than what toys they are playing with. The complimenting article also made me think about the time I spend volunteering. I was reminded of how quick I am to tell a little girl that I like her hair or her shoes rather than compliment her for her choice. I do know, from doing arts and crafts with kids, that they absolutely love when you compliment them on their color choice or creativity. I hope to be able to move more in that direction when volunteering. Did these articles make you more aware of purchasing toys and how your compliments can affect girls?

Experience at the Ronald Reagan Library

If I can go back to the Ronald Reagan Library again, I would go back anytime. At first when I found out us as a class was going to this museum, I was already regretting taking this class. I do not like museum because the previous museums I have been to were the worst. They were really boring with terrible tour guides. But at this museum, I judged by a book by its cover. I have learned the significance of the museum and what amazing things Ronald Reagan did when he was in office.

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This picture is a timeline of the first 70 days Reagan was in office. The first day of his presidency he began putting his ideas about government and the economy into practice. To begin controlling the growth of government, he eliminated non-essential travel and cut the number of government consultations. Moving swiftly from January 20th the Reagan administration lifted all energy price controls, began dismantling the council on wage and price stability, and ordered federal agencies to freeze pending regulations for 60 days. If I was the president of the United States, I would also begin throwing out solutions and ideas to help this economy grow and try to lead many years of economic growth.

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This explanation of using energy in a positive way caught my attention us as Americans use energy everyday. In the quote above the picture Reagan said that is is a great opportunity to free America from depending on foreign oil that can be turned off at anytime by people who can use our nation for blackmail and coercion. So Reagan supported the constructions of nuclear and solar power plants so that Americans can depend on energy that is ours. I felt that this was a smart move because personally I cannot depend on anyone else but myself, and he wanted Americans to do the same.

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This picture is one of the things that Ronald Reagan’s wife, Nancy, did when she was the first lady. It was a project called the “Just Say  No” project. This project was a campaign across the country influencing all Americans to fight against drug abuse. The reason why this fascinated me is because she took on a big problem as the first lady and took so many actions. You know when she makes a board game against drug abuse, you know it’s serious. All the trips she took across explaining the negative affects on drug abuse I felt could have convinced anyone to stop using.

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President Reagan’s unshakable lifelong opposition to communism and staunch support of human rights helped free hundred of millions of people around the globe. His “behind-the-scenes” diplomacy was crucial in securing permission for thousands of Soviet Jews to immigrate to Israel. But he also reached out to foreign leaders to secure freedom for individuals held as political prisoners. President Reagan’s commitment echoes to this day in the voices of men and women seeking freedom around the world. This quote interests me because freedom is the best thing any country could have and if Reagan strove for freedom, even in another country, it is amazing.

I feel that the best exhibit for me was the football exhibit. It was so fascinating because I am a huge football fan, whether it is college or pro. I was so fascinated, that I forgot to take pictures of any of the old hall of fame players jerseys, or USC’s championship rings of winning the national title multiple times. Terry Bradshaw, Roger Staubach, Eric Dickerson , and Steve Mcnair were all mentioned in the football exhibit at the Reagan Museum. These players and many others were the greatest pro football players of all time. It was really mind blowing going into this exhibit and this place was the place I spent most of my time in. Also seeing the evolution of the actual football that was used in the games aging back all the was to the 1920’s till now was amazing.

The Ronald Reagan Library was overall really fascinating, and to be honest I would go again and take as many people as I can.