
Preparing for Tomorrow’s Class


Hi everyone. Jill and I are currently updating the gradebook for your Week 6 blog posts, which were due on Tuesday. It’s exciting to see your progress! Tomorrow, we’ll be stressing the value of incorporating visuals (images and videos) into your posts, as well as your Google Doc.

See you tomorrow!

Michelle & Jill

crisis refugee articles

The assignment was to use google scholar and the library database from our school. When I typed my topic Refugee Crisis on Google Scholar it gave me a lot of articles about it. It also gave me various pages from books about my topic. I chose an article where it talked about a Earthquake that happened in South Asia and how it left many deaths and many homeless after the natural disaster.  It also talked about the estimate of the damage and how the United States came upon and helped them out. Also how the damage still affected six months late because of how poor the place where it happen is it was difficult for people to find homes, food and other stuff they need.  The other article I chose from google scholar talked about some lessons from foreign refugee crisis on what to do after a natural disaster comes and hits wherever you are. Also talked about how many countries help each other after a disaster happens.  It talked about mainly on how it affected hurricane Katrina and how people deeply suffered without water, food and shelter. The other article I found was about Syrians in the U.S and how they came here because of whats going on in their countries. it talked about the camps they had and how U.S is helping them live over here.  The U.S spends a lot of money helping these refugees but its for a good cause. Many countries don’t help that much due to lack of money.

Challenge 3: Collect. Healthcare Group

Hey! For this week’s challenge we were prompted to search the internet and databases for peer-reviewed articles. Peer-reviewed articles are published works that have been critiqued and edited by experts in that field. Since these articles have gone through a vigorous publishing period they are more than likely credible. Being a psychology major I have gone through various classes teaching me the proper research methods for psychology. One of the major aspects of these courses was finding legitimate peer-reviewed sources to cite for our research. Using this previous knowledge I was able to quickly find suitable articles for my topic of Mental Healthcare.

The first search engine I used was this database called “Proquest”. I used Proquest because they have a useful filter that allows you to narrow your results to only those that have been peer-reviewed. Using this filter and narrowing my search to only articles that contain the phrase “Mental Healthcare”, I was able to reduce my results to a few articles about mental healthcare that had been peer-reviewed. The article I selected was a literature review on how mental practitioners are trained in hospitals in the U.S.

The second search engine that I used was google scholar. Google scholar is a great free database to use when you are looking for scholarly journals. One negative thing about google scholar however is that sometimes you do not have access to the full article that popped up in your results. When I searched for mental healthcare in google scholar I got thousands of results but after some digging I was able to gain access to an article published about how in Europe the demand for mental healthcare surpasses the supply of mental practitioners.

Overall, when looking for my articles I find that databases that you have to use through your library or school are usually more suitable in finding legitimate sources.

Civil Rights Letter

When it comes to civil rights you would think people would want what is best for everyone. Although according to Mr. & Mrs. Del Halone from Chico California wrote a letter to congressman Johnson in August 28, 1963. Stating that they believe everyone deserves to be free yet not everyone is equal. Their letter seems contradicting because they start of by saying everyone is equal and god seems everyone the same. Then they go of explain how they African American people need to gain respect from everyone. While I was reading this I thought to myself what is it that makes non-colored people respectable as soon as they are born but does not make an African baby respectable? Mr. & Mrs. Del Halone speak of African Americans as people who have committed a crime and now has to work their way up to being respected by the public again. They also add in heir letter they do not want to be voted in the trap when the “civil rights” legislation is proposed, this clearly states they do not agree in civil rights although they say they do. To me it’s just surprising to think people were actually against in everyone being treated equal.
Mr. & Mrs. Del Halone letter on Civil Rights

Week 6 Assignments Due Today

Hi everyone. How are your peer review searches going for Challenge #3? Your blog post and Google Doc contributions are due today at 4:15. Click here to review the Week 6 assignments.

Please be sure to visit several of your peers’ blogs through the links on the Student Blogs page and leave comments for your classmates. These interactions will deepen your understanding of the knowledge collection process, as you will gain insight about what your peers are doing and learning.

In class on Thursday, you will be spending time with your group sharing and discussing your findings thus far and preparing for the Social Media Search (Component 3) of Challenge #3.

See you Thursday!
Michelle & Jill

Blog 5. Challenge #3 Collect. Refugee Crisis

Howdy y’all! Alright, so Challenge #3 collect was a pretty interesting process for me. Since I am an English major, research is secondhand nature since I have to do so many research papers. I’ve developed pretty useful skills in finding great sources for my papers. Anyways, I prefer databases like Academic Search Premier and JSTOR over Google Scholar. I feel that Google Scholar gives me too many random articles, possibly based on my filter bubbles, no matter how I change or edit my searches. Academic Search Premier and JSTOR often give me anything and everything that I need. Also sorry, for some reason it does not let me correctly paste my citations from Microsoft Word. They are definitely not in the correct format.

So I first searched Google Scholar. I found multiple different articles on refugees from Mexico and Central America, which was very interesting because I feel these nations get less publicity about their refugees even though they are closer to home. People in these nations have to endure so many trials from the drug war, which can be as dangerous as a civil war. One article from the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies titled, “The Discursive Production of a Mexican Refugee Crisis in Canadian Media and Policy,” illustrates how Canada is having troubles separating illegal immigrants from the refugees and how the media will attack both sides. This is also common in American media and policies. Some people will flee Mexico for their own safety and will come into America as illegal immigrants and will face problems similar to the stories in the article from Canada.

Gilbert, Liette. “The Discursive Production of a Mexican Refugee Crisis in Canadian Media and Policy.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 39.5 (2013): 827-43. Web.

Next I searched Academic Search Premier (EBSCO). I found a multitude of useful sources here. One of these talks directly about the economic hardships that not only the refugees face, but the countries and people who help house the refugees. Author Omar Dahi proposes that “The entry of Syrian refugees into Lebanon and Jordan has resulted in unprecedented social and economic challenges to both countries. These are felt on a day-to-day basis by all Lebanese and Jordanian citizens whether through higher rents and declining public service availability, or through health and education infrastructure that is stretched beyond its limits” (Dahi 11). There are many issues that arise when countries house refugees like problems with healthcare and public service. Another challenge is housing. Countries have to raise enough money and create infrastructure to help the refugees. It is incredibly challenging to house and help these people who are only trying to survive, but it shows how valiant and amazing countries and people are when they help.

Dahi, Omar. “The Refugee Crisis in Lebanon and Jordan: The Need for Economic Development   Spending.” Revista Migraciones Forzadas 47 (2014): 11-13. Academic Search Premier.            Web. 29 Sept. 2015.

Finally I found another useful article on EBSCO. Authors Roger Zetter and Héloïse Ruaudel explain the other economic and social hardships that countries encounter when they help the refugees. For instance, the authors talk about protecting the people. With the additions of so many people, police organizations are stretched thin. Also, multiple cultures are combing and clashing suddenly which can cause more violence. It is terrible that these events happen, but it is also natural. It is something countries have to prepare for.

Zetter, Roger, and Héloïse Ruaudel. “Development And Protection Challenges Of The Syrian      Refugee Crisis.” Revista Migraciones Forzadas 47 (2014): 6-10. Academic Search    Premier. Web. 29 Sept. 2015.

Overall, this was again a great learning experience to learn about all the trials and tribulations that people and countries face when they are only trying to help. Multiple deeds need to be avidly worked on to successfully house the refugees.

Thanks for reading.

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Reading Log 2


“To borrow a term from the kind of association readers of this book are likely to belong to, an archetypal discourse community tends to be a specific interest group,” (2).

I like the definition of specific interest group because it gave me an idea of what Swales would be describing right of the bat. When one thinks of a specific interest group, groups such as leaders and ones high in power come to mind, or very important comes to mind.

On page 32 Swales questions academic courses and their place in discourse communities. Academic classes are sort of the training wheels into a discourse community, but are not a discourse community all by themselves. In more advanced coursework students tend to fit more into the definition of a discourse community, because students have tended to see a lot of the same information over and over again by this time.

Swales defines genre as a very rock sliding element of a definition. The reason being so is that there are so many genres, it gives the definition too much flexibility. Discourse community in fact does contain genre, but which genres are acceptable and unacceptable are often dictated even though genre includes practically all types of topics.

In defining discourse communities, it is not a loose set of criterion but yet a strict formation which yet contains subgroups and is very hard to achieve. This would be a summary definition that I could come up with after reading what Swales and others, have to say about the definition.

A Stranger in Strange Lands

I find the research aspect very interesting and the content of the research interesting. It turns out analyzing context (being familiar with it) results in much better grades than does “Summary.” Context and analyzing what is needed for the class is also important. This is something that essentially students learn through time and some students are better at this than others. Ultimately this recognition is what creates a better grade over another.

Dave, a participant in the study finds poetry the most difficult because in biology and writing one can simply look up a definition. Perhaps Dave needed to develop a closer relationship with his Poetry Professor so that way when had needed help with analyzing the content he would had been comfortable asking for help. For example, I read the book “Everyone In Silico,” semesters ago and I totally did not understand the book at the time. In retrospect, it turns out that I was looking at too many of the smaller details instead of seeing the big picture. My comprehension of the book went towards what I was interested in rather than achieving the point, what the author was trying to tell me. This is a personal form in which I can relate to Dave’s struggles. Essentially, I spoke with the Professor who in return, gave me tips in which I could be more successful in the course.

We have all heard of the expression that practice makes perfect. It is definitely related to the text as the more experience one gains, the easier the task becomes. With that being said, when a student is in the learning process, the best way is to reach out for help from colleagues, Professors, and tutors to help build in reaching that point.

Project 1 Reflection

As for revision there were quite a bit of changes that I need to make. To name just a few I need to add my sources (Which I have changed, just add em’ in as you go), images, and references. As far as the writing goes it was suggested that I needed to implement a personal sponsor. I had said that my parents and I are mostly my personal sponsors.

I also tend to be too conversational and need to make some adjustments. It was also noted that I need to reference back to the sponsors that we learned in class and make connections through those. I also need to take out some sentences or two that are not relevant and delete my tangents (or make them stronger). I also need to make better transitions in between paragraphs and ideas.

I also noticed that my paragraphs are too large and chunked together so I need to go back and separate where it is appropriate. I feel that I received a lot of criticism about my paper, but I feel that the criticism will help make my project stronger. That is once I take the ideas into consideration and implement the necessary changes.

  1. A Stranger in Strange Lands: A College Student Writing across the Curriculum.Lucille Parkinson McCarthy.Research in the Teaching of English.Vol. 21, No. 3 (Oct., 1987).    , pp. 233-265.Published by: National Council of Teachers of English.Stable URL:
  2. Swales, John. “The Concept of Discourse Community.” Genre Analysis: English in Academic and Research Settings.  Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990.

Social Issues Part Three

This week we dive even deeper into the social issues of the LGBT community. As a Health Science major and one that is very concerned with the well-being of my fellow student body,(and everyone else for that matter). I wanted to know what type of health issues were common and uncommon in LGBT, and if treatment is consistent and available. Many websites are biased and misleading, and many times just fake and unreliable.  Wanting reliable sources for this topic, I turned my search to the database we have here on campus, as I was not disappointed. With countless journals at my disposal, I dove right in.

It came to no surprise that victimization has no boundaries and that everyone needs to be careful of when it comes to the “people” you meet on the internet.
“The main points of interest are online and in-person peer victimization (including generalized and bullying forms) and online and in-person sexual victimization (including generalized and sexual harassment forms).”(Ybarra, M.) LGBT youth were more likely to have online friends and to be more open with and console with then their in-person friends at providing emotional support. What is shocking is that peer victimization and unwanted sexual experiences were more common within the LGBT community than non-LGBT youth.
When researching health risks and differences in the different communities, the information was staggering.  LGBT youth is more likely to become homeless. They also have a much higher risk to attempt suicide at a rate of three to one. LGBT populations have high levels of abusing tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use, and are less likely to get preventive services. Lesbians and bisexual women are more liable to be overweight or obese which can lead to heart disease or diabetes. Gay men are at a higher risk of contracting HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, especially among ethnic communities. Specific to transgender individuals, a significantly higher prevalence of HIV and sexually transmitted diseases, victimization, mental health issues, and suicide.

It was clear in many articles that the health care that is available to many of the people in the LGBT community comes through free clinics or public health services. It is not necessarily bad health care, just most of the time it is poorly funded, under staffed, and most of the time over crowded. Sometimes people wait for hours just to be told to come back tomorrow. The quality of the care itself might be not as thorough as a more expensive private practice or hospital.   Not to mention that most of the clinics mentioned do not have a Psychologist or Psychiatrist on staff for those with thoughts of suicide. Here at CSUCI we have a fantastic facility with excellent care and someone on staff if one needs someone to talk to about issues.(Sage Hall)

The grim information was repeated over and over in journal after journal. The more I read about LGBT health risks and suicide rates the more emotional I became.  When I decided to become a health-care practitioner I had a desire to help everyone that I can, no matter what. I can tell you that fire has a new fuel on it, and it will never stop burning.


Carabez, R. , Pellegrini, M. , Mankovitz, A. , Eliason, M. , Ciano, M. , et al. (2015). “never in all my years…”: Nurses’ education about LGBT health. Journal of Professional Nursing : Official Journal of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 31(4), 323-329.

Ybarra, M. , Mitchell, K. , Palmer, N. , & Reisner, S. (2015). Online social support as a buffer against online and offline peer and sexual victimization among u.s. lgbt and non-lgbt youth. Child Abuse & Neglect, 39, 123-136.

Representation vs. Misrepresentation (Challenge 3.2)

The challenges for our class are growing to be more in depth of our topics. We are no longer simply scraping the surface of our research, but in the second component of this challenge, we are tackling scholarly articles for information towards our topic.

In the subject of LGBT rights, I am most interested in the importance of proper queer representation in a heteronormative society. Heteronormativity is the concept that at first glance, characters in media, and furthermore, every day people, are automatically assumed to be straight. This impulse driven judgment of sexuality is the result of television shows, movies, and any portrayal of two characters in love to consistently be a man and a woman. In order to be a more accepting society, media needs to represent more variety in not only its people and characters but also its When I started my research, most of the media that I had in mind were television and movies that did not represent the LGBT people properly. I found an article through the Google Scholar search engine that made me realize that there is another industry that creates characters: gaming. I forget that game producers can also be at fault for not creating LGBT characters and instead only perpetuating the heteronormativity of society. This industry, along with novels and stories, are another facet of media that need to have more variety for LGBT representation.

The other article I found dealt with the fact that for a large portion of the limited LGBT representation that exists in media, the characters are often given a common trope of a gay man and his straight female friend and their antics together. Part of this trope comes off as stereotypical, and the article calls for a change in this current misinformed representation.

I believe that working on the representation that the LGBT community receives will help nurture society into a more accepting and informed one. The company that creates Barbie dolls has begun to make dolls that are more representative of little girls everywhere. Just as it is important for children to feel they are represented in the way that dolls and toys look, generations should be able to watch, read, and witness media that presents all forms of sexuality in a positive light so that they do not feel ostracized or discriminated against.