
Facts and ADveRTISeMENTS

Remember when we thought everything we found on the internet was true. The challenge is to determine fact from fake while getting information on a topic. So that’s what I hope I did. I did as directed and searched engines Google, yahoo, and duck duck go.  I found my search results quite interesting….

I first searched Google for college affordability and found it came up with facts and facts mixed with analysis.  Some sites however only contained facts for certain universities while other sites compared costs based on what type of university for instance it compared public, private, and public nonprofit. But everything isn’t always as it should be.

I then searched Yahoo and found a load of crap. My first full page of results were advertisements. Advertisement after advertisement. It showed online schools, information/ ads for lowering your college costs, and how costs are extraordinarily high that you might as well go to a convenient cost effective online college. On yahoo an over exaggeration of higher education costs and opinions can be found. It makes you feel as if you’re on facebook with all the eye catching ad/posts to click on only to find out its fake and you wasted your time even going to the site. Yahoo was useless in my opinion while searching on the topic.

I finally searched duck duck go which is filled with facts and articles based on actual information. No ADS or Empty facts. When it states something it explains the fact and goes in-depth. It would put a smile on your face to see all the information.





Social Issues

This week my fellow students and I were told to find a topic and get information about said topic. I chose health care, or more particularly women’s health care. We were also told to use crap detection, which is basically making sure that our sources are valid using three outside sources to validate said source.

My first source I thought U should help my group by finding something about general health care. I Googled health care. What I found was a source saying that the United States had the least quality of health care compared to Western industrialized countries, but we so happen to spend the most. Some of the reasons the U.S is last in care is because there is not much access to primary care, more so to those with low income, and who don’t get needed care.

The rest of my sources I found on women’s health. What I found a lot of was the debate going on about Planned Parenthood. Mostly what I found was that the Republicans want to defund Planned Parenthood. Their claim is that Planned Parenthood is selling aborted fetuses. Based on what one is looking for one will find articles that are really right wing or left wing. What I found in Planned Parenthood’s defense was that abortions only count for 3% of the practices that go on in the facility and that part of the practice is not government funded. The Republicans also have video which they use as evidence to prove that Planned Parenthood is selling fetuses. From the other reports that I searched it was said that the video is slandered, parts are mixed and matched to make it look how the Republicans want it to look. If they don’t get what they want they are threatening a walk out. The Democrats and others are saying that  if the government defunds Planned Parenthood it would make easy contraception and other availability such as pelvic exams, cervical/ breast cancer testing, pregnancy testing, STD/HIV testinging, etc; for young women very hard to come by.


Search Engines

This week I looked up the topic LGBT on three different searching engines including Google Chrome, DuckDuckGo, and Yahoo. The search from Google was what I expected because that’s the search engine I usually use. When I typed in LGBT the search result also suggested lgbt center, lgbt community and the like. I just stuck with my original topic. The sites I found were not bad and went well for the assignment I was working on. The next site I went on was Yahoo and it was really refreshing too search there because there were no ads. There were however a lot less sites that had to do with the whole community and more to do with what lgbt meant. So it was a little harder to look for what I actually wanted. With that site I learned that I have to be more specific in my word choice. The last site I searched from was DuckDuckGo and I’ve heard of that search engine previously from another professor I’ve had back in my Community College. So I search from that engine and once again there are no ads what so ever just websites. There aren’t even the images that Google had which I thought was very interesting. The results did not only have what LGBT meant, the acronym I mean. There were actually some good quality sites.

I learned that Google pertains a lot of it’s searches to my liking. That should not be so because I need the diversity and the challenging ideas to my own. I need the different perspectives. They make me a better person. I want to see the different perspectives and ideas. Also the ads are a burden. I do not like them.


Cambodian Operation

On May 10, 1970 Boris Pash of Chico, California wrote a letter to the members of Congress which included Harold T. “Bizz” Johnson in response to the “Cambodian Operation”  and his opinion on the display of enemy flags and symbols. The Cambodian operation took place in the 1970’s in which the US invaded the Cambodian territory. In the article he asks the readers to direct their attention to article 3, section 3 of the constitution when dealing with pro Vietnam protestors.

Boris Pash believed that the actions of President Nixon in the Cambodian operation were correct. In May of 1970 President Nixon let the world know on national television that the US was going to be invading Cambodia in order to stop supplies from being sent into to Vietnam and also to get rid of the troops that were hiding out in Cambodia. What the president had failed to mention is that the US had been bombing the Cambodian territory since 1969 without notifying the American people and US Senators. it wasn’t until after the invasion that the public learned about what had been going on in the territory. The letter was written before the additional information was released. The additional information would not have changed the outcome of the letter, because from tactical stand point the actions of the president were justified in Boris Pash’s eyes.

In the letter Boris Pash asks congress to take action and come up with a resolution in order to deal with protestors displaying the flags and symbols of the US enemies. During president Nixon’s announcement there were protestors that displayed the Vietnam flag in order to show support to the Vietnamese Vietcong. Boris Pash asked members of congress to look at section 3, article 3 of the constitution. This part of the constitution talks about treason and states how one could be convicted of treason. Boris Pash believes that people who oppose what the president is doing and are displaying the flag of the United States enemies should be convicted of treason. He believes that there should be something put in place to prevent this, because by displaying these images it empowers the US enemies and is a sign of weakness.

As mentioned early more information was released about what happened during the operations in Cambodia which shed light on what was actually going on and how the the president was handling it. No resolution was ever made regarding treason during this time especially after the additional information was released. Boris Pash urged that members of congress support president Nixon in his efforts in Cambodia however the outcome might not have come out the way he wanted after the information was released.

Inclusive Leadership and Poverty; A Diversity Framework-Inclusive and Differentiated (POLICY VS HEART)

This week’s reading brought to mind the experience of a friend of mine several years ago. She is white, her husband is black. They have 2 children a boy, and a girl, who are a couple of grades apart in school. School policy had changed, allowing her to choose between two elementary schools equidistance from home for her children to attend. Upon registering, she was told that her son could not attend the school because the quota of caucasians to keep the school in balance was already attained. However, they might be able to allow her daughter to attend because that grade level was not out of balance. Rather than argue, she quietly left. Later she returned with her two children (whom had visibly black characteristics) and calmly, but demonstrably, asked which part of their color was going to be the deciding factor…their black or their white. I won’t expound on the various issues at play with this example, but it illustrates that policy and regulations to force diversity are not the most effective answer. Of course, policies of diversity in schools have changed since then. The level of diversity, and it’s definition have changed also.

As the readings point out, there is a large and increasing diversity in our more globally connected world. There is tremendous intersection between diverse groups makes it difficult and dangerous to group people statistically. I would argue that there is even an intersection between “privilege” and “disadvantage”. There is change power when educators (as leaders) use their awareness of diversity to find enough empathy to be willing to change their practices where necessary, access the knowledge fund of the students and community, to strive for access and excellence in education for all students regardless of the diversity. More than searching for particularly diverse teachers and leaders, I think we should instead search for ‘concerned’, ‘willing’ ‘diversity-minded’ teachers and leaders from any background. “Culture takes longer to change than climate, and it must be framed so that diversity can be facilitated rather than obstructed.”(Smith, 2015. pg. 73) I am beginning to realize that I believe in a more ‘grass roots’ change, than one from the top down using policy and regulations.

Although reading Smith was laborious I did find value in it. I think that a focus on building ‘human capital’ in institutions, in conjunction with a focus on building ‘human capacity’ and “…reframing the issue of diversity as an institutional imperative concerning education and excellence…”(Smith, 2015. pg. 88) Making decisions to change, or not change in the school culture using the seven guidelines on page 77 makes some sense to me (Smith, 2015. pg. 77).

Another quote hit home for me because of my current teaching assignment, “Poverty is not an excuse. It is a harsh reality.” (Diane Ravitch quoted in Smith, 2015. pg 40) It is hard work teaching at our school. Because of the poverty and related issues it requires heart, courage, understanding, and an ability to deal with many problems in addition to the basic classroom instruction. As the book shows, there is a lot of experiential deficit that needs addressing as well. It is a harder to staff school with more openings each year than other schools as teachers move on to easier schools. This results in a core of highly motivated teachers who remain because their ‘heart’ is in it. Even so, there is quite a bit of resistance when challenging curriculum is introduced. Some well-meaning teachers tend to shy away from challenging students and continue in low-level curriculum because they can see success more rapidly. Teaching higher levels of curriculum to students of poverty who are also EL requires excellent teaching practices, and you become VERY tired completing a day of instruction. I have found that my students DO rise to the expectations. The challenge is for the teacher in such situations to be able to maintain this level of instruction…it does require extra work with 98% of your students requiring pre-teaching and/or reteaching, and experience building.

Social Problems: The College Years

In every phase of life we encounter problems  and eventually solutions. As younger people in college there are many social issues to be aware of if you haven’t already experienced them in some form or another. A few social issues college students face are homelessness, the affordability of college, and alcoholism. These three issues are very real and very many students are affected by one or more of these.

My first social issue is homelessness. I first heard of college students facing homelessness on the news a bit ago. Unbeknownst to me I didn’t even know people in college could be homeless it never crossed my mind. While I was living in oblivion when in reality over 58,000 students in 2012 were homeless that figure doesn’t include people who didn’t report it or those who were couch surfing. Can you imagine the increase from then to the present day? Common challenges that lead to the displacement are lose of a job, tuition cost, and lack of support. Some families lost a job and money became scarce which lead to their eviction. Some college students chose higher education rather than having a bed to rest their head. But they made that decision because the degree they would receive would land them a better paying job verses just working full time at a dead end one.  While others didn’t have a stable support system to begin with. And of course this is my admittance to my ignorant views. But I figured if you attended college and could afford to go you could afford a place to stay, right? Wrong. And if you are attending a university you can afford it, how else are you going. Some people cant even afford that because tuition rates are climbing as we speak.

The next topic I would like to discuss is the affordability of college. And unfortunately for us costs are on the rise. How do you attend if you can barely afford you or your flat?  Well there are a few options to choose from if you qualify. For instance there are college scholarship’s, financial aid, grants, and loans. If you don’t qualify for scholarships, financial aid or grants  then step 2 is taking out a loan. Loans also known as borrowed money you will pay back and yes they will hold you hostage for it: our BFF debt. But being able to obtain one of these forms of financial assistance doesn’t mean you’re out of the woods just yet because they don’t cover everything. So if you don’t qualify for any of those say hello to Out of POCKET.If you don’t receive enough money you will have to pay the difference. But for those college students trying to get there foot in the door tuition is the number one problem. In 2012 the average cost to attend just a public university was $18,092 including room and board. Now the average coast to attend is $23,600. For the people who have to pay out of pocket its a great hassle to want to do better but not be able to afford to get a higher education. Recently they came up with a measure to ease some of the debt called loan forgiveness. it gives you more time to pay off your loans. Hopefully it works. All in all if you can figure out a way to get an education the time you spend in college is going to be fun. Fun but costly.

Another costly social issue is alcoholism.  It is one of the largest causes of death and violence in the college population. Based on a thirteen year study in a year college drinking  on average leads to 97,000 sexual assaults, 1,700 college students die in alcohol related incidences, and 110,000 are arrested for alcohol related violations. The numbers are huge but that isn’t including unreported cases. College students as a whole; in 2012 spent about 5.5 billion on beer that chocks up to an estimate of $50 a month per student if every student drank that much. There aren’t many restrictions on drinking besides the age limit and that doesn’t stop everyone. Alcohol is sold on campuses around the country. Its simply a free for all and colleges are saying chug chug chug right along with the students. Its resulting in liver damage and addiction  and the students aren’t even 30 yet. However some campuses have taken action by having non alcoholic events, setting rules for alcohol in dorms, and information and counseling for prevention. These are not solutions but its a start.

All of these social issues have not died out nor will they ever. But they should be acknowledged and not taken lightly. More than a hand full of people on every campuses deals with one of these issues and we as peers should show compassion and help. Because in fact it could be you.








Representation is when the voices of the people are present in the policy making process. Not only are the voices heard in the policy making process, the elected officials are also trying to better the lives of their constituents.  In order to accurately represent someone their opinions should be reflected in the policy’s that are being presented to congress and the policy’s should also better the lives of the constituents. Political representation is when the desires of the people align with the members of congress and are reflected in policy.  In order for political representation to work elected officials must be held accountable for making sure the peoples voices are heard and elected officials are actively working to better the lives of the people. Since we have a democratic system the people that are elected are supposed to be a direct representation of the people and therefor the policies that come about should show the attitude of the people. The concrete behaviors that are necessary in order to have just political representation are accountability and accessibility.

Accountability is a concrete behavior congressmen should display, because they were elected to represent the people and therefor they should be held accountable for making sure that the voices of the people are being heard. In a democratic system where officials are elected by the people it is important that they reflect the ideas of their constituents and work to make their constituents lives easier. There’s no reason why elected officials shouldn’t be held accountable for coming through on their promises after all that is the reason why they were put into office in the first place. Accountability is the basis in which constituents judge whether or not their ideas are being heard and if congress is making an effort to make life better.

The next concrete behavior that congressmen should display is accessibility. When it comes to representation how can an elected official represent someone if they aren’t able to be accessed. In order for accurate representation constituents should be able to access the elected officials. It is a system of checks and balances to make sure that every voice is being heard and being taken in to consideration when decisions are being made that are going to effect the constituents. Which goes back to the point that congress should be working to make the lives of their constituents better. Are congress members responding to the emails, letters, and videos that the people are sending them.

In order to have political representation, there should be a combination of accessibility and accountability when it comes to the congressmen. If they are being held accountable and are accessible it will lead to accurate political representation and it will better the lives of the people. Political representation is taking into account the voices of the people during the policy making process and if congressmen are being held accountable for doing so and are frequently talking to the people representation is being achieved.

Social Issues

As a University student, I know a few social issues that should be addressed and discussed, and I think that other University and  College students should address and discuss them as well.

The first social issue I am going to discuss is equality for the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender) community. As a student I have come across a great many people and some are different, some are the same, and others are really cool. One of the really cool people I have met happens to be trans-gendered. This person is awesome; they are a great student, friendly, hilarious, and always had a smile on their face. I am happy to call this person my friend. Then this friend told me that they have been attacked, more then once, and I was furious. I wanted to fight for them, defend them. How dare someone hurt my friend!

My friend is not the only one who has been treated poorly, to say the least. I have noticed that not only in my current University but also in my previous college, that there is no Gay- Straight Alliance. There is no club, there is no awareness to people who do not understand. There are only classes that I hope people take to help them understand diversity. Furthermore, out in the world, there is still prejudice and hate. Although there was the shining ray of hope #lovewins the Supreme Court ruled marriage equality legal. Then there was the Kim Davis case… It’s so frustrating. It’s like we take one step forward and two steps back.

On to my next social issue, elections. It has been recently brought to my attention that only 45% of young people ages 18-29 voted in the last election according to Forbes magazine. Guys, we are the youth of a nation, we need to vote! It’s important. How else are we to get our voices heard, it is a privilege that we as a country are even given this opportunity. Do you know what the word idiot derives from? It derives from a Greek word meaning one who does not vote. Do you get my point? If you want to see the change in the word, you must make it. Do you want people who stand on the wrong side of history to get what they want, do you want old men to decide what your children will have to face in the years to come, do you want quick solutions to large problems, do you want a bigot to run for President?

When my brother was over eighteen and Obama was barely running for President he took my sister and I -both much younger then him- to go where they vote. My brother was so proud that he could contribute to such a momentous part in history. I remember him showing us his sticker, I voted in blue and white letters.

To vote is to take part in history. To vote is to be lucky. To vote is to voice your opinion. To vote is to have the right person be President of the United States. So please, vote.

The third and final social issue I will address is women’s rights and equality. Women are still being paid less than men for the equal amount of work. Equal pay is equal work. Guys, it’s not the 1950’s. Come on, we’re better than this. I know the word Feminism or Feminist still has a bad connotation, so let’s explore what the word Feminism means. According to -because I’m that guy- Feminism is “the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men”. I copied and pasted that. 

Now let’s think for a second shall we? If you identify as male consider this: do you want anyone to grab your sister and/or mother’s buttocks when she passes by, do you want your sister and/or mother to work twice as hard as any man or equal to and still get paid less, do you want them to be belittled, do you want them to stop being scared to walk home at night? If the answer is no I think you’re headed in the right direction. Now let me ask you a few other questions. Do you want your mother and/or sister to be payed equal amount of work for equal wages, do you want them to be treated equally and fairly, do you want people to keep their hands to themselves, do you want them to stop having to carry pepper spray on them, do you want them to be in positions of power if they earned it? If you answered yes to the ladder questions, you’re looking pretty good.

Now, dear gentlemen, I think you may understand what I’m getting at. Being a feminist is not about hating men. No, that’s all wrong. It’s simply about being treated fairly and justly.

To quote Susan B. Anthony, “Men, their rights, and nothing more; women, their rights, and nothing less.”

Political Views for College Students

After some research I have come across a few items that I think the average college student should be active upon or at least be aware of. As a college student I feel that female health care, tuition/student loans, and  equality should be a concern.

Female health care is a great concern because of the abortion debate. Yes, this is a great debate, but I think there is more to women’s health care than just abortions. There are pap smears, breast exams, birth control, STD/HIV testing, pregnancy tests, etc. A woman’s body is so much more different than a man’s and requires the appropriate health care; which in this country is hard to do at times. A lady has to jump through at least three hoops just to get birth control.

Another great concern to college students and, I’m sure this is not a great surprise, is tuition/loans. I have taken out loans and I have to say that it does worry me as I pursue my career. Will I be making enough to pay them off? Will I find a job in time to do so? Will I end up like my mother and pay my student loans YEARS after I’m done with college? I am worried. We are worried.

Much of what is going on in television and on the news right now is equality. The gay rights movement just got a huge boost by having marriages approved. This is a huge movement in the right direction for equality. Although I would like to see more equality happening in this country. We as a people could have women being paid equally as men, have people of different races being treated equally, being kind to our immigrants and refugees, etc.

These are a few things that I think college students today should start making plans for.

Contemporary Issues Affecting College Students

This week in my Digital Citizenship class we are discussing social issues and why they should be considered to be of importance to college students. I personally had little interest in political issues until my senior year of high school when the 2008 Presidential candidates commanded attention in my Government class. Five issues that stand out to me in particular are racism, LGBT rights, the increasing cost of education, abortion, and rape culture.

  1. Racism – This issue has persisted for generations and shows little sign of being resolved any time soon. Here in the United States, personal prejudices against a race are merely the tip of the iceberg. Institutional racism (patterns of societal practices that favor one group over another on the basis of race) is a huge barrier for people of color that affects them as early as pre-school according to several studies, including this one reported by NPR. College students, especially those of color, should know about this because it is a sad reality that some students have unfair advantages over others and that the playing field is not even.
  2. LGBT rights – Similar to racism, discrimination and prejudice against these groups will not be eliminated in the near future by any means. College students encounter LGBT students on a daily basis. The college campus is a renowned place for exposing students to people of all walks of life. On a larger scale, the LGBT movement is a striking parallel to the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and ’60s. We are presented with groups of people that, in the simplest of terms, want to enjoy the rights granted to them by their country’s Constitution, rights that others take for granted.
  3. Increasing Cost of Education – Perhaps the most relatable issue on the list for college students, the price of an education has essentially tripled over the past 40 years. Students are having to take out more loans and are graduating with crushing debt. If these trends continue, the cost of an education will seem to outweigh the benefits. To some students, it already does. In the event that we have generations of students that are no longer considering higher education, there would be a huge detriment to our country on several levels.
  4. Abortion – The college environment has long been a place for young people to explore romantic and sexual possibilities, oftentimes with little regard to potential consequences. thus, abortion is an extremely important issue for students that will find themselves or someone that they care about, facing the reality of an unplanned pregnancy. The laws that are in place regarding abortion are challenged on a constant basis. Students should be aware of the status of proposed changes and how those changes will affect policy in the event that they find themselves in a situation where abortion is considered.
  5. Rape Culture – An issue that is garnering more and more attention, particularly in association with colleges and universities, is rape culture. As stated before, college students are inclined to engage in sexual relationships, but research has shown that many of them, male and female alike, cannot properly consent or obtain consent from their partners because they simply don’t understand the concept. Institutions are becoming more proactive about combating this lack of knowledge by providing education to their students and investigating claims under laws including, but not limited to, Title IX. I personally, now that I have been educated on EXACTLY what consent is and isn’t, correct others when I come across conversations on the topic, and hopefully others will as well.