
Trip to Santa Rosa Island

This week I will be going to Santa Rosa Island with the high school students. They will be participating in National park vegetation survey and sandy beach survey. Similar to the one they did at Carpinteria State Beach back in February.  I will be staying for 3 days out there. This is a great opportunity for students to connect with nature, which I will be paying close attention to.

Going to Santa Rosa Island 

I am going out with the High school group 1 to Santa Rosa island research station. We will be it there for 4 days. It will be a lot of fun but really crazy. More pictures and information to come. 


American Association of Geographers

Over the past week the American Association of Geographers had there annual 2016 conference in San Francisco. I presented my capstone work during the “Challenges of the Anthropocene” poster section. Also during the conference I was able to network with other professional geographers who are doing very similar research as mine. The conference was an amazing experience and allowed me to share my results at Port Hueneme beach. I look forward to connecting and presenting more in future conferences.IMG_7999 (1)

Last Santa Rosa Island Trip

I was on the island from march 21-25. This will serve as my last trip out to the island for my capstone research. During this time i staked rebar at each of my survey sites. To do this we were granted permission by the national park service. This helps to make each site permanently marked to allow future researchers to find and more accurately take cross-sections at each site. I also observed a small deposition event in the upper reaches of the stream channel that i resurveyed to calculate the amount of change. Below is a graph that shows the amount of deposition that occurred.





AAG 2016

I joined a group of CI ESRM students and Professor O’Hirok at the annual Association of American Geographers conference last week. I presented a poster on my capstone research during a poster session titled “Challenges of the Anthropocene”. My poster was received well although it was focused on coastal ecology and the conference’s focus was physical geography. I was able to speak a few professors and graduate students from universities around the country to get a better idea for where I should eventually apply to graduate school.




This weekend I attended and participated in a conference in San Francisco. The poster presentation was a collection of three studies that analyzed Water Canyons Watershed. The main factors of the study were looking at the stream channel formation and the vegetation dynamics.

Research update from spring break!

As you know, I have finished all of my sampling for my thesis research and I am almost finished analyzing all of the data. During spring break, I began a spring sampling of a few of our sandy beaches to help the project ACCESO summer research institute gather data before summer research begins. I took a few small teams out to help count and classify some beach invertebrates. Sampling is completed in Ventura county but still needs to be conducted in Santa Barbara and LA counties.

camila helping at hueneme

Got my Scuba Open Water Cert!

This weekend I finished my Open Water Dive certification with a couple friends.  We are all going to get our AAUS Scientific Dive done this June to be ready for underwater research.

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This past week, I traveled to San Francisco for the AAG conference. I arrived on Tuesday night and stayed up late finalizing my poster. On Wednesday, my partners printed the poster and drove up to San Francisco. I attended the conference on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. During these days, I sat in on several talks and attended the poster presentations. On Thursday, I presented the poster with my partners, Dylan Fadich and Ryan Summers. The conference was a great learning and networking experience. I had the opportunity to learn about a wide range of topics within such a short amount of time. The conference was also an opportunity to meet other researchers and discuss our varied topics. This was nice not only to broaden our networks, but also to get other peoples idea’s about our topic.

I would like to thank Dr. Linda O’Hirok for providing us with this opportunity. Additionally, I would like to thank CSUCI for funding us to go to the conference.


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Capstone Overall Update

This past week, I have been editing and working on my capstone paper. I am going to work on my statistical data and my poster board during this week to be prepared for the SAGE conference coming up.

Common Garden Update: My few saplings that have sprouted are still growing strong!

Resin dropping a Torrey pine at TPSNR
Resin dropping from Torrey pine at TPSNR