02/02/16 CAPSTONE 499

A total of 6 logos were created today, I had some drawing before hand but the finalize design was done today. I’ve created three logos for “Biking.com” the first one a simple vector base bike with with a composition of two colors mainly. The second one from the same was a more abstract design, taking inspiration from the 50’s modern design. The last one from this category was a combination of design from the 50’s and a modem take with the inclusion of a feminine line drawing. The target audience for this design is women and modern women baby boomers.

The second three design are for “Hobbies.com” a similar website to Amazon. The first design was dynamic and eye catching with with some play with simple shapes and text. The second one is a very simple text based design with a simple texture line to make it more interesting but at the same time simple and easy to remember. The last design is more funny base, but im not too sure about this one yet. After the feedback from my teammates ill make some changes to improve mi design and have a better outcome at the end.

Bellow are the mage of the design I was talking about:
