09/08/16 CAPSTONE 499

Today I met with professor Perchuk at her office at 11:00 am. We talked about the size of the poster which is 11×17 in., the general feeling on the poster a 1500’s old world team, and the content that has to be shown to the audience.

We also talked about how we are going to be contacting here so she can provide us the logos ans future information for the new posters. Professor Perchuk also showed me past posters from other capstone classes, so my team and I can have a better idea of what she is expecting from us. The main image in this post display the posters she showed me next to her office. Of course she knows that the first poster is in a rush.

Later that day, we met as a team with professor Perchuk at the gallery reception in Napa Hall at 6:30 to clarify all the information a second time to make sure we all are in the same channel.

Later that night we met as a team to talk about what we will be doing for the weekend and put together all information from the clients in a aplication Bess created so we can organize everything together and shared and comment each other designs.