09/11/16 CAPSTONE 499

Today I submitted to Trello (the app we are using to put everything together so we can see each other progress), my ” Poster # 1 Draft ” for team review again. Today morning received more feed back and made some more changes according to the mentioned  feed back, what was done was some improvements on the typeface and sizes on the same. Also added some more texture and details in some parts of the poster that need to bring more attention because they felt too plain and boring. Next, I added the CI gradient logos in a white box on the button of the poster to bring attention of the programs that are representing, involved on this lecture series. I believe is always good to promote the programs as much as possible, because the main idea for me is to show to the public this university programs and what are they offering to the community so more people want to come and enroll in those classes. Below is a final draft for today.


Also today I finished some quick drafts for the sports t- shirts logos for Driffil Elementary School. I choose to developed the “Track team logo” and “the basketball logo,” I tried to made the logo play together with the school name and have a movement effect. Also I use some circular housing to make it more consistent. I submitted the logos to Trello as well for feed back from my teammates. Tomorrow we are meeting again to talk in person about these logos ans try to make them all cohesive so they feel from the same school. Below is a sample of my logo sketches.
