09/12/16 CAPSTONE 499

Today I met with my teammates at 5:15 pm at the 3rd floor of the library to talk about the sketches of Driffil’s team sports shirts logos. I choose the two best one from each teammate so we all can start the first draft on illustration. I also suggested that we need to have a consistent look so all team shirts look similar in a good way, all from the same school feel. Later that day I notice that the main logo from the school was from another university, I let my teammates know about that right away and they told me that they notice it too. We decide that we need to look for a way to approach and resolve this to the school without sound rude.

Right now I’m already working on the first draft on illustration, I’m working in two versions one white with Driffil red as background and one with white background and Driffl red as the main color.  The track team will have a motion effect, and the basketball will have a rounded design just to have more variety between the two design, after all at the end we all have to adapt our final drafts to a standard mode so we all have a consistent look and feel for the school.

Bellow is a sample of what I’m working on right now:
