09/13/16 CAPSTONE 499

Today I worked on creating the first drafts for Driffil School t-shits designs. I believe I have a lest 70% done so far and I will continue working on them to have another design completed and I can show it in class.  We as a team decide to have 2 different versions of the logo so they school can have 2 version of shirts with their colors. Later tonight and tomorrow we are going to discuss how to put all the logos together to give them a consistent look for the school. Also tonight I will keep working on these logos  so I can have them finished 100% completed for tomorrow before class. We also draft several emails to send to the different clubs that have being answering our emails, that way we still have clients all semester long. In other news, professor Perchuck, gave us green light on the poster to send to Luke for Print.

Below is a image of the t-shirts logos I’m working right now for Driffil Elementary School:
